[Á¤º¸] E-740 Å©·¡µé °³Á¶  

, Hit : 683

How to modify the e740 cradle to power the e740
via USB.
[E740ÀÇ Å©·¡µéÀÇ USB¸¦ ÅëÇÑ Àü¿ø°ø±Þ¹ý]


Well, I'm just including here just part of what you can do to your Toshiba
e740 cradle. If you like to add a relay to this design so you can use your power
supply and your USB as a power supply at anytime you like or you just want to
add an USB Multiport to your Cradle, then
you should visit this
wonderful page where all these projects are very well explained
.  Thanks to

for this collaboration. 

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All you have to do is open
your cradle and  run two single jumper wires between those points marked in the
picture with the red and black lines (each line means a single wire between
those points).

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Just remember that with this modification you don't want to connect the
external power supply to the cradle. It's strongly suggested 'blocking' off the
cradle's adapter with tape or other means to keep from using it after being

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You can find more information about this topic, including some interesting
ideas about to use relays that will allow users to keep the cradle with both
power inputs at this


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Warning: This page is not responsible for any
damage, mis-configuration or lose of data  in your PDA due to the use of the
information, tips and/or tricks provided here. 

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  [Á¤º¸] E-740 Å©·¡µé °³Á¶ pday       [´ä±Û] Å©·¡µé °³Á¶ - ¿©·¯°¡Áö ¸ð½Àµé pday