Á¦¸ñ:Diamond Cube – Dice Simulator for the HTC Touch Diamond

While not as slick as its iPhone counterpart, cgeboers¡¯s dice simulator for the HTC Touch Diamond and Pro does the job just as well.

Diamond Cube functions using the accelerometer in the HTC Touch Diamond or Pro, it responds to your shaking rather naturally. I do notice however a penchant for snake eyes and other doubles.

Here is a small OpenGL based program that allows you to use your Diamond as a "Dice Shaker". It is a simple program and it was written to learn how to use OpenGL together with C# on my Diamond.

There are still some bugs in the collision detection code, but I think it is a good example of what can be done with this lovely PDA/Phone.

I apologize for the bad interface, there is not much else you can do then shake it and exit from the program.
The dices are 3D objects and tumble across your screen. I still think there should some better "randomness" and there is an annoying bug, which I short-fused in a very ugly way

Anyway have fun and if I find the time, I will certainly try to improve it.

- Add sound effects/ buzzer triggering - thanks to gerDiamond to fix the "bugs" in the collision detection and surur for the sound and background file. Also thanks to simplifight to clean up some of the code.
- Better graphics - I think I finally understand OpenGL lighting
- Menu choice for the number of dices - You can choose 1 till 7 dices
- Ticking on the screen is the same as shaking the device.

Still todo
- Different faces for different types of games (for example the dice colors needed for "Cities3D" ?) - Basic setup for this is done, just need to find the time to create the images
- Nicer graphics for the playboard. Again I have the graphics understood and made some code changes with regard to the rendering of the dices.
- 3D tilting. Have a look at my "Paper Plane" app, which shows a 3D F16, which you can look at from all sides.

Lower priority todo
- Zoom in or out ??
- Change size of play-field ???

Any suggestions are welcome.

I will post the latest sources again, but it could take a few days, since they sort of are a mess for the moment.

Dice can be parked by clicking on them. Clicking on them when parked, they will go back to the "field".

Help needed
I could still use some help in the dice rotation algorithm. Currently there is a tendency to favor some numbers, but I need to randomize it better. One solution is perhaps to randomly choose between turning around the x or y-axis ?
Graphics are welcome.
I also could use some help or guidance in using a "3DS" loader or something similar, so that people can design their own dice textures.

If you have nice pictures of dices, preferable JPG or PNG with square sides, I will try to use them. Usable sizes are 64x64, 128x128 or 512x512


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(2009-11-22 08:48:21

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(2009-11-30 06:25:41
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(2009-12-21 10:29:48
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(2009-12-21 18:11:55

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(2010-02-02 20:06:56

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(2010-02-02 20:08:32

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(2010-05-02 21:49:57

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Jan 13, 2013, 10:06 AM EST Getty Images Flyers fans can dig out their jerseys one more time. the Flyers have acquired Boucher and prospect Mark Alt from Carolina in exchange for minor league forward Luke Pither.Boucher saw his season ended last y <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> ear with a brutal groin injury which required surgery.ôéThere he played in just 10 games as s backup before being injur <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> ed. He struggled putting up just a .881 save percentage and a 3.41 goals against average.Now he s headed back to Philadelphia for the third time in his career to compete for the backup job behind with . Oddly enough, those two were the goalies for the Flyers <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> during their run to the Stanley Cup finals in 2010.Meanwhile in Carolina, this clears up the backup picture immensely as it appears the job belongs to Dan Ellis as he and Ward are now .

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(2013-01-16 04:01:49

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(2013-01-17 02:47:04

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Rosario Marin: Time for Real Immigration Reform
It seems to me that everyone is talking: Democrats, Republicans, congressmen, senators, the president, immigration advocates, chambers of commerce; people of different races, religions and colors. Mostly the talk is positive, the line is the same ?immigration reform is needed and it is needed now.

So, the ever-optimist in me says this time it will happen; it has to happen. Although we have gone down this path so many times before, and somehow it has never worked out, I am truly hoping for the sake of America that an agreement is reached that is embraced by the majority of the constituencies.

It will serve us all very well to ensure that all that are willing are able to become Americans by choice, even if the process is long and hard as it surely will be.- Rosario Marin, Former U.S. Treasurer

In the ugly process of law-making, there is no perfect law <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> , no perfect outcome; but an agreement can be fashioned so that the majority gets a little of what they had hoped. While I want to remain positive, experience has shown me that reaching that <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> kind of agreement will not be easy. Not everyone will get everything they want and some will get nothing they want. But just because we will never reach Utopia, it does <a href={url}>{keyword}</a>n mean we shouldn love earth.

We have more than two decades of trying to get this right and we haven. Both Democrats and Republicans have utilized this issue to benefit themselves. We don have to go far to see that when the last real attempt at immigration reform during President George W. Bush was moving forward and came ever so close to become law, it was then Senator Barack Obama and Senator Harry Reid that stopped it.

Needless to say, for the last four years there has not even been a single piece of legislation on immigration reform offered by the president of Senator Reid and yet in the most ironic of ways, it has been the Republicans that got branded as being against immigration reform. Go figure. I am not blind to the awful rhetoric that was being used by the Republicans, but it was a trick they walked ever so willingly into, for there was not even a piece of true immigration reform.

The executive order the president advanced at the last minute before his reelection to secure the Hispanic vote only delayed the deportation of young people who came here through no fault of their own. That order is hardly the answer to all the prayers of the 12 million people who desperately need to have their stay regularized. But the president succeeded in making a band aid look like major surgery.

Immigration reform is on the minds of many people and many good-hearted Americans understand that the greatest country in the world must continue to live up to its remarkable legacy of equality of opportunity. In this great country there are no first-class and second-class citizens, only American citizens. It will serve us all very well to ensure that all that are willing are able to become Americans by choice, even if the process is long and hard as it surely will be.
Rosario Marin served as the 41st US Treasurer under President George W. Bush. She is the author of "Leading Between Two Worlds Lessons" from the first Mexican-born Treasurer of the United States.

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(2013-01-23 06:11:38

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New DNC Finance Chair Henry Munoz III Calls Appointment a 'Milestone'
The Democratic National Committee new finance chair called being the first Latino to hold the position a ilestone?for American politics.

Henry MuÙ¶oz III, a San Antonio, Texas, native and Obama's bundler during last year presidential campaign, said in an exclusive interview with Fox News Latino that his appointment to the DNC post is part of a great effort among his party to diversify its ranks.

ר was really struck <Tuesday> by the diversity on the slate of recent Democratic Party appointments,?said Muٶoz, who is CEO of Kell Muٶoz Architects, Inc., the largest minority-owned architectural firm in Texas. ר think it symbolic of the United States in the 21st century.?
his is just the beginning,?he added, saying now that the election season is over it is time for the government to get down to the issues promised in the campaign.

In his new position, MuÙ¶oz will steer the financial decision-making at the committee and handle all the fundraising efforts for the party nationwide.

Known for <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> his over-the-top style e once wore a crown of real diamonds and amethysts after raising more than $250,000 in scholarship funds?MuÙ¶oz has held high positions in Texas state government, including the Texas High Speed Rail Authority and the Texas Department of Transportation.

He is also a national chairman of the Futuro <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> Fund, a group of Hispanic leaders who raised money for the president reelection.

During the run-up to the 2012 presidential campaign, MuÙ¶oz organized events for the president election campaign as well as the Latino inauguration event with fellow Texan Eva Longoria.

Speaking of the Republican Party, MuÙ¶oz said that many people in his rival party have taken note of their losses among Latinos in the last election and there will be a change in the GOP stance toward Hispanics in the upcoming election season.

here are a number of people in the GOP who feel that the Latino community deserves respect,?MuÙ¶oz said. hese people are fighting for more inclusion among Latinos <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> than they have today.?
MuÙ¶oz added, however, that he sees the rise of Latino Democrats in his home state as a sign of change in the historically Republican stronghold.

רf Texas continues to produce stars like the Castro brothers,?he said, referring to Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro and his twin brother, San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, both rising stars in the Democratic Party, ר expect Texas to become a battleground state and lose its one party status.?Follow Andrew O'Reilly on :

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(2013-01-25 02:19:00

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Rosario Marin: You Are No Abraham Lincoln, Mr. President
I was in Mexico last week and a reporter asked me what could be expected of another four years of an Obama administration. My simple answer was: ore of the same.?By all indications from his inaugural speech, I hate to say it but I wasn wrong.

His speech virtually guarantees more of the same partisan gridlock. Sadly, there was no mention of bipartisanship as there was in his first inaugural speech. I take it he decided that was not something he wants to invest his time in. Instead of unity we will have an even more divided Washington, even more so than four years ago. Simply put, that is <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> an indictmen <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> t of his lack of leadership.

His speech made it clear that we will have to brace ourselves for more years of failed Democrat policies that have crippled our economic growth- Rosario Marin, Former U.S. Treasurer

His speech made it clear that we will have to brace ourselves for more years of failed Democrat policies that have crippled our economic growth, four more years of an ever expanding governme <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> nt that cannot be paid for, and four more years of increasing national debt.

Four years ago there was the excitement of a new, young and charismatic president. Almost 2 million people gathered around Washington to be part of history. This weekend official figures put it at 700,000 people. Not quite an exciting rendez vous. Quite frankly those figures only reflect the sad reality of the excitement long gone. Let recall that President Obama got five million fewer votes in his reelection than on his first election. Disappointment and fatigue permeate this country.

Astonishingly, the president didn even mention the economy as the most pressing issue facing our country and just glossed over the issue with the mere words that he economy is recovering.?Really? Please say that with a straight face to the 23 million people still out of work, and please acknowledge that you have no real plan to deal with it.

In Washington, our hardworking Congress and Senate made a big deal about the movie Lincoln. I understand the timing of the release curiously coinciding with the reelection and inauguration of our current president. Great efforts have been made to liken President Obama to the Republican President Abraham Lincoln. To be sure, President Obama even went as far as using the former president bible during his swearing-in this weekend.

Except for his loony media supporters who love to compare him to our beloved Republican President Abraham Lincoln, the American people cannot and will not be fooled. And in the words of a famous Democrat senator, all I can say is: Mr. President, we know Abraham Lincoln, we have seen his works, his legacy is one we are very proud of, and you, Mr. President, you are no Abraham Lincoln.
Rosario Marin served as the 41st US Treasurer under President George W. Bush. She is the author of "Leading Between Two Worlds Lessons" from the first Mexican-born Treasurer of the United States.

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(2013-01-26 04:59:06

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Sometimes, an insurance policy can cover the costs of these mishaps. If, for example, you accidentally hit a sign wh <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> ile backing out of your driveway, your auto insurance would cover; and the same is true for your renters and their car insurance. Or, if the renters damaged association property by accidental misuse (of a meeting room, for instance), their renters insurance would cover (assuming they had the "liability" part). Even a guest's accidental damage of association property, in a non-auto situation, might be covered by that guest's own homeowners or renters policy.But before you get your hopes up, consider the circumstances of this damage: It was inflicted in the course of an attempted crime. That's the kiss of death as far as any help from an insurance company goes they will not cover. That's because insurance is meant to cover accidental damage; policies specifically exclude damage or loss from illegal activities.This leaves you with one source of recompense, after you pay the association: your renters, who you may argue should be responsible for the acts of their guests (hopefully, your lease advises them of this common obligation). You may b <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> e able to look to their security deposit, because deposits may be used to cover unpaid rent and damage to the premises. You may even, once you have depleted the deposit, demand that it be topped off, so that you can dip into it again to satisfy the balance. If the renters refuse, that's grounds for termination.In the future, if you continue to rent out this town house, be sur <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> e to require renters to have renters insurance, and insist on a coverage called "damage to property of others." This is good neighbor coverage that pays up to $1,000 (not much but better than nothing) for damage an insured causes other people's property, including damage to real property. This will provide a deep pocket (the insurance company) for damage caused by your renters at least, but it won't cover their guests' acts, nor would it ever cover damage that resulted from an illegalact.janet@inman.com

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(2013-01-26 21:44:20

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Costa Rica gana en su debut en la Copa Centroamericana
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica Costa Rica venci 1-0 a Belice mientras que los juegos entre Guatemala y Nicaragua, y Honduras frente al Salvador se saldaron con empates 1-1 en la primera jornada de la Copa Centroamericana.
En el juego de fondo, Costa Rica apenas derrot por la mnima a un ordenado y entusiasta Belice, que aguan <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> t la ofensiva local hasta que Jairo Arrieta anot a los 55 minutos con un derechazo, tras pase de Alvaro Saboro.
Aunque el claro dominador del encuentro fue el anfitrin, Belice ofreci orden frente a su tradicional inferioridad futbolstica y complic ms de la cuenta a una limitada Costa Rica, que para este torneo present una seleccin alternativa.
En el juego previo Honduras y El Salvador empataron 1-1. El primer tiempo fue tosco y sin goles y la pizarra se abri hasta los 77 con tanto del hondureÙ¶o Jerry Bengston de remate cruzado. La alegra dur poco pues dos minutos despuÙÆs empat Rafael Bur <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> gos.
En el partido de apertura de la jornada, Guatemala y Nicaragua tambiÙÆn igualaron. Los nicaragÚ¶enses se vieron mejor todo el juego y abrieron el marcador por medio de JosÙÆ Quijano, a los 42, pero los chapines empataron a los 67 con autogol de Marlon Mejas.
La segunda fe <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> cha se realizar el domingo con los juegos Belice-Guatemala, El Salvador-Panam y Costa Rica-Nicaragua.

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(2013-01-27 13:04:25

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Botero: Artists Must Strive for Originality
Medellin, Colombia Colombian painter and sculptor Fernando Botero said at the conclusion of a months-long series of events to mark his 80th birthday that he spent 15 years of his career striving to achieve a "radical, distinct and original" style.

"One's style must be unmistakable ... (an artist) without a style doesn't exist," Botero said. "One must have a radical, affirmative and even sectarian viewpoint, but always distinct. That's where the recognition comes from."

One must have a radical, affirmative and even sectarian viewpoint, but always distinct. That's where the recognition comes from- Colombian painter and sculptor Fernando Botero

The artist, who turned 80 last April 19, made his remarks during a presentation of books written about him by historian Santiago LondoÙ¶o and artist Christian Padilla.

He acknowledged his personal quest to find himself and the unique style that established him as one of Latin America's greatest 20th-century artists.

"I began painting in 1946 and it wasn't until 1964 that I painted a pi <a href={url}>{keyword}</a>cture I felt was mature and coherent. Many years went b <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> y before I had a clear vision of what I wanted to do," Botero said.

Art is the result of a process of reflection in which the artist allows himself be guided by his points of reference, Botero said, though he added that only by swimming "against the current" did he achieve "an originality and a personality recognizable by all."

Botero said his preference for exaggerated and disproportionate volume (he dislikes the use <a href={url}>{keyword}</a> of the word "fat" to describe his subjects) in his sculptures and paintings is a product of his self-study of classic Greek and Renaissance works and even of pre-Columbian art.

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(2013-01-28 04:39:35

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Aloha! uki

(2013-02-08 01:49:48

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Great Quiz. I always forget about the purple shades on green eyes. Thanks. ,

(2013-02-20 17:06:30

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ST. THOMAS - A former acting supervisor within the V.I. Lottery System was advised of her rights Wednesday on charges that she stole more than $60,000 from the system and tried to burn her office down.Loriel Weeks, 47, of Altona and Welgunst, was arrested early Tuesday on a warrant charging her with arson, burglary, embezzlement and grand larceny.The affidavit for the warrant, written by V.I. Justice Department investigator James McCall, states that Weeks committed the crimes in early 2010.The events began in February 2010, when a private audit of the Lottery System showed between 700 and 1,000 lottery sheets, valued between $23 and $30 each, were missing from the Spenceley sales office, according to McCall's affidavit.After the audit findings, Lottery System Director Conrad Francois met with Weeks on March 10, 2010, and told her that he was re-assigning her effective March 15 to a different office that did not handle ticket sales, the affidavit states.Francois described Weeks' reaction as "very upset," and he said that she offered to take a demotion and a $17,000 pay cut to remain at the Spenceley office, according to the affidavit.The next day, Weeks, complaining of a foul odor, dismissed all of the employees from the Spenceley office without permission, McCall wrote. The day after that, Friday, March 12 - Weeks' last day as acting supervisor - Weeks submitted cash balance paperwork and money bags totalling $64,305.93.Weeks was allowed to keep the keys to the office over the weekend, and on March 13, a Saturday, surveillance video shows a man entering the office at 4:36 a.m., according to the affidavit. The intruder is shown attempting to open the vault several times while he talks on a cell phone.About an hour later, the man can be seen returning with a woman who "matches the overall physical description" of Weeks, McCall wrote. The man unlocked the front door of the Spenceley building and gained access to the sales office with a key, according to McCall.At 5:42 a.m. the man disabled the surveillance camera by hitting it with what appeared to be a book or stack of papers, McCall wrote. Eight minutes later, a smoke alarm triggered a 911 call.At 5:51 a.m. surveillance cameras in the hallway of the building show a fire coming from inside a vault in the cashiers' station, and the man and woman can be seen leaving the building by running through the front door, the affidavit states. The woman briefly returns to close the main exterior shutters to the building.Only two individuals, one of whom was Weeks, had keys to the building and the vault's access code; the other individual did not match the physical appearance of the woman in the video, according to the affidavit.Firefighters responding to the 911 call had to cut the lock on the main exterior shutters to enter the building, McCall wrote. Inside, they found the vault was open and the fire was contained to the top two shelves of the vault. Weeks' office appeared to be "ransacked," according to firefighters.When the Lottery System's chief financial officer assessed the damage, he determined that $62,760.43 in lottery funds were missing from the office, according to the affidavit.McCall also reviewed call logs from three cell phones issued to Weeks and found that all three were in use between 4:30 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. on the morning in question, the affidavit states.At Weeks' advice-of-rights hearing, V.I. Magistrate Judge Alan Smith released her on an unsecured $25,000 bond.McCall declined to comment for this story, deferring questions to a Government House press release.Lottery System officials did not respond to repeated requests for comment.- Contact Lou Mattei at 714-9124 or emaillmattei@dailynews.vi.

(2013-03-22 23:13:26

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Cooper Wesley 2004. ¡®Information Technology and Internet Culture¡¯, Skype, Msn, Yahoo

(2013-04-01 08:06:40

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(2013-08-10 10:09:46
