Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for data/pds/desktopinstaller.b5.armv4.cab in /home/todaysppc/html/app/zpda/include/list_check.php on line 102
Á¦¸ñ:Wisbar advance Desktop º£Å¸5


Added support for the following text object variables:
%Day% - The current day of the month
%Page% - The name of the active page
%Week% - The current week of the year (using ISO calculations)
%Free:<path>% - The current free space on the specified card
%Total:<path>% - The total space on the specified card
%Perc:<path>% - The percentage of free space on the specified card
On the above variables, <path> should be replaced with the path to your storage card (i.e. or SD Card).

Added support for 32-bit .ico files (only 32-bit). To specify a size add a pipe ('|') after the filename and the specific size to us. For example: icon.ico|64

Reorganized the dialogs to support landscape and square screen modes.

Added support for a different wallpaper per virtual page.

Added the ability to customize the font for the SPB Pocket Plus meters.

Added an option to reload the current skin.

Added an option to align the items to a grid.

Added the ability to change an item's z-order via 'Bring to Front' and 'Send to Back'.

Added the ability to select folders when creating/modifying a shortcut.

Added the ability to launch programs or switch virtual pages via text objects.

Added an option to customize the explorer used to view folders.

Added an option to display the New Menu contents using a button.

The installer now adds shortcuts to switch between virtual pages so that the user can assign them to hardware buttons.

Bugs Fixed

Fixed a bug with the %Appt% variable in the custom text object.

Corrected the text that displays on the iconic battery meter.

Fixed a bug where transparent items that were pinned were drawn more than once, causing them to be darker than they should have been.

Fixed a bug where some TGA files were loaded kind of scewed.

Fixed a bug in the alpha-blending routines.

Fixed several rendering bugs with the Spb PocketPlus meters.

Fixed a bug where glowing fonts left a trail across the screen when being dragged.

Reworked how the themes are saved in order to prevent lost items.
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(2005-09-01 07:11:43

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(2005-09-01 22:38:16
