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Á¦¸ñ:Pocket War Version 1.6

Pocket War is a simple yet engaging strategic turn based war game with vast expansion possibilities, and endless hours of game-play. You start with a city that can produce a variety of war machines. By choosing what to manufacture, and sending orders to your troops, you give your troops the guidance they need to vanquish the other players. Game play is easy to learn, thanks to the in-game help hints, but the strategy behind the game can be very complex.

With endless game play, and a strange ability to make the hours just fly by, Pocket War is the perfect war game for at home or on the go, but don't take our word for it. Take a look a the screen shots, or download it and try it out. You can also check out the help files online or have a look at our forums. You can also check out the Pocket War review and PDArcade.

More than 30 army types to choose from and you can easily make your own
Massive numbers of armies are supported on a single map
Custom scripting to remove repetitive tasks
Synching between Pocket PC and Desktop allows you to play on one device then continue the war on another
Customize everything including adding new units, land type, even AIs
Play up to four friends either head-to-head, or via internet
Free upgrades to future versions when they become available
Free MODS in the downloads section that add even more units and other enhancements to Pocket War  


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