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, Hit : 446

- File #1 : SD_Speed_v427.png(17.1 KB), Download : 55
- File #2 : SD_Speed_test.png(17.2 KB), Download : 47
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. Sequential sectors - the read/write tests will be performed using sequential sectors (starting from the first sector and going to the last sector of the card). This mode is good for determining the synthetic read/write speed of the card.
. Random sectors - the read/write tests will be performed using randomly chosen sector number. This mode simulates a real-life scenario and is used for determining the actual read/write speed of the card.
. Sectors/block - the numbers of sectors to be processed at once by the test module. The default value is 64 but the number can vary between 4 and 128. Changing this number will affect the overall benchmark results and it is recommended to keep the default value.
. Variable - if this option is enabled, the program will use random sectors/block values for the tests. The random number will be in the range from 4 to the value in Sectors/block. Enabling this option will simulate a readlife scenario and is used for determining the actual reallife performance of the card. This option is enabled by default.
. Repeat tests - Used for stress testing, this number shows how many times all tests will be run. The default value is 1.
Notes: Enabling both Sequential sectors and Random sectors modes will make the module execute two tests - one using sequential and one using random sectors. This is the recommended mode for testing the speed of most cards.

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