The Swing of Things  

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You say the world's an eventful place

You give me news

I don't want to know

You say that I should care

That I should speak my mind

Oh, but how can I speak of the world

Rushing by

With a lump in my throat

And tears in my eyes

Oh, have we come to the point of no turning back

Or is it still time to get into

The swing of things

Let us walk through this windless city

I'll go on till the winter gets me

Oh, "sleep..." you wrote "sleep, my dear"

In a letter somewhere

Oh, but how can I sleep with your

voice in my head

With an ocean between us

And room in my bed

Oh, have I come to the point where I'm losing the grip

Or is it still time to get into

The swing of things

Oh, when she glows in the dark

And I'm weak by the sight

Of this breathtaking beauty

In which I can hide

Oh, there's a worldful out there

Of people I fear

But given time I'll get into

The swing of things

Yes, when she glows in the dark and

I'm struck by the sight

I know that I'll need this for the rest of my life

What have I done

What lies I have told

I've played games with the ones that

rescued my soul

Oh, have I come to the point where I'm losing the grip

Or is it still time to get into

The swing of things

痕蝕 岨...... せせせせせせせせせせ


硝郊亜 乞戚檎 紫戚闘亜 督雨 鞠壱..
紫戚搾亜 乞戚檎 亜舛戚 督雨 鞠壱..
鋼肯膳戚 乞戚檎 蟹虞亜 督雨 吉陥..


01-01 06:06
雁重級精 室雌戚 被耕遭遭馬陥 源馬走
鎧惟 社縦級聖 硝形爽走幻
貝 硝壱 粛走省焼
雁重級精 鎧亜 社宿馬陥壱 馬走幻
貝 原製聖 源拝 屍戚醤

嬢胸惟 厭痕馬澗 室雌聖 戚醤奄 拝 呪 赤走
鎧 姶舛税 栽閤徴引 鎧 勧拭 勧弘戚 碑君
酔軒澗 戦繊拭 陥陥串壱, 鞠宜焼神走 公馬走
室雌拭 旋誓馬悟 詞焼亜醤掬

郊寓蒸澗 亀獣研 杏嬢
貝 移随稽 級嬢姶聖 硝 呪蒸嬢
獲 鎧惟 畷備 節級虞 梅走
嬢拠亜税 畷走拭辞

馬走幻, 嬢胸惟 鎧 袴鹸紗拭辞 級形神澗 格税 製失拭 節級 呪 赤走
鎧 号 徴企人 酔軒 紫戚殖 郊陥亜 赤壱
蟹澗 厳陥献 員拭 陥陥屈壱 搭薦径聖 籍醸嬢
室雌拭 旋誓馬悟 詞焼亜醤走

益橿亜 嬢客紗拭 鋼側析 凶
貝 毘蒸戚 郊虞幻 坐
益 需厳備澗 焼硯陥崇拭
巷情亜研 紗拭 姶蓄走

益掘 益橿亜 嬢客紗拭 鋼側析 凶
貝 益 乞柔拭 古箸鞠走
需厳備澗 焼硯陥崇拭
貝 害精 汝持疑照 益杏 据馬軒空 杏 硝焼

貝 巷譲聖 梅揮亜
貝 嬢恐 暗憎源聖 梅揮 杏猿

鎧 慎肇聖 姥馬奄 是背 嬢恐 尻駅聖 馬走
蟹澗 厳陥献 員拭 陥陥屈壱 搭薦径聖 籍醸嬢
戚賎 乞窮 依拭 旋誓背醤掬
01-01 07:14
壱舷~ 社~~~