Á¦¸ñ:NavTetris v0.4 - Further contribution by aruppenthal

Hi all,

I'm new to this and own a Touch Pro recently.

I started to write some games on it and NavTetris is my first window mobile game project. I would like to share it with all of you as a christmas gift.

NavTetris is a Tetris game for touch pro (It may work on Diamond as well but I don't have a Diamond to try it on). Tetrominoes can be moved and rotated based on the readings from accelerometer and scrollwheel sensors. It should work on both Portrait and Landscape modes.

[How to play]
From v0.3 onwards
Tetrominoes can be moved by tilting your device to the left or right, or by using the "left" or "right" key.

Tetrominoes can be rotated by using the scrollwheel (both directions), or by using the "up" key (only clockwise direction).

Tetrominoes can be dropped instantly to the bottom by using the "Enter" key. The dropping can be accelerated by press and hold of the "Down" Key.

For v0.1 - 0.2
Tetrominoes can be moved by tilting your device to the left or right, or by using the "left" or "right" key.

Tetrominoes can be rotated by using the scrollwheel (both directions), or by using the "up"/"enter" key (only clockwise direction).

Tetrominoes can be dropped to the bottom by using the "down" key.

[How to install]
*** Please uninstall previous version first before installing any new version ***
Download the attached cab and install.
[Version History]
v0.4 - Touch pro background contributed by aruppenthal
v0.3 - Changes Include:
A small reduction in program size
The 'Enter' key is now mapped to drop Tetrominoes instantly, while 'Down' key is now only used to accelerate the dropping
Autosave and Autoload features. Game will be saved automatically when you exit or kill the program.
v0.2 - Fixed bug in resume mode (Discovered by rareness4)
v0.1 - First beta release
I don't know whether I will have enough time to maintain it, but comments are always welcome. I hope you'll like this game.


(2009-12-14 03:11:37
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(2010-05-28 16:08:22
