Á¦¸ñ:MortScript 4.11b7 ÀÔ´Ï´Ù.

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- New attributes 'romfile' (WM) and 'compressed' (desktop) for FileAttribute
- New command SetTime
- Some bugfixes

- DirContents( Verzeichnis, Typ ) - Files/sub directories of a directory
- ReadLine( Datei [, Kodierung] ) - read a single line from a text file
- some bugfixes

- New assignment operators +=, -=, /=, *=, &=, and = (like in C, x+=1 is the same as x=x+1)
- (condition) ? (true value) : (false value) in expressions (like in C)
- Status window is created only after it's about to be displayed (some PNAs seem to have troubles with invisible windows...)
- StatusMessageAppend( text ) - appends text to last status message
- StatusRemoveLastMessage() - removes last status message
- CharAt( string, position ) - returns single character of string
- UcChar( code ) - character for given unicode value
- UcValue( zeichen ) - unicode value for given character
- Min( wert, wert {,wert} ), Max( wert, wert {,wert} ) - returns smallest resp. biggest value of parameter list (numerical comparison)

- Strings can be given in single quotes (not in commands in old syntax style, for compatibilty)
- Comments with '#' after commands and assignments (not for lines continued with backslash and not all control structures)
- Removes old scripts with same process ID from registry at startup
- Format( number, decimals [, leading] ) - added optional parameter for min. digits before decimal point
- RepeatString( string, count ) - returns string repeated count times
- TimeStampUTC() - current time as UTC (universal time)
- TimeZoneName(), TimeZoneBias(), TimeZoneDST() - some informations about current time zone, bias is offset to UTC in minutes
- Bugfix: Status list font update should work
- Bugfix: Clear works with references ([...])
- Bugfix: File dates in local time (instead of UTC)

- SendKeys should be more reliable than b2
- ScriptProcExists should work on more devices
- StatusInfo( title [, info ] ) - sets title and list info text for status window
- StatusType( ST_HIDDEN|ST_LIST|ST_MESSAGE [, keepOpen] [, allowCancel ]] ) - sets style of status window: ST_HIDDEN = not visible (default), ST_LIST = list of last entries, ST_MESSAGE = only last message visible; keepOpen = user has to tap OK button after script finished; allowCancel = show cancel button (works similar to KillScript)
- StatusHistorySize( count ) - number of entries in list
- StatusMessage( message [style [, keepOpen] [, allowCancel ]]] ) - add/show a new message, optionally change style, too
- StatusClear() - removes all previous messages
- StatusShow() - bring status window to foreground, by default this happens only when StatusType makes the window visible, adding new messages keeps it in background if another window was activated
- StatusListEntryFormat( item height [, font size, font name ] ) - style for list entries, parameters like SetChoiceEntryFormat
- WriteStatusList( file name [, append [, code page ]] ) - saves the list entries to a file (e.g. for debugging)
- Include( <file> ) to include the Sub functions of other files (included file must not include main routine!)
- Error message if a Sub is declared multiple times
- Error messages with line number and file name
- SendKeys should work faster and more reliable
- CurrentCursor( [<window>] ) returns the cursor type of the given or active window. It will not work for applications without window or application starts!
- Some internal preparations for future status window and multithreading

- Unit parameter for disk/memory queries (BYTES, KB, MB, or GB, which are global variables - so no quotes are required!)
- Global variables for the registry keys (so RegRead( HKCU, 'SoftwareDunno', 'Anything' ) will work, too).
- new function ScreenToChars(...) to convert a screen part to an array of strings
- SetVolume updates registry on PPCs
- new function GetVolume()


¸ð¹ÙÀÏ Mode-
Hi webmaster! rig

(2008-11-30 15:10:41

¸ð¹ÙÀÏ Mode-

(2008-12-31 17:50:38
Á¦ ºí·Î±×¿¡ ½ºÅ©·¦ÇÏ¿´½À´Ï´Ù. °¨»çÇÕ´Ï´Ù.  
(2009-02-06 13:22:42
