Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for data/pds/pocketpicture.gif in /home/todaysppc/html/app/zpda/include/list_check.php on line 112
Á¦¸ñ:[FREEWARE] PocketPicture v2.2

[FREEWARE] PocketPicture v2.2

PocketPicture v2.2 is a new version of the popular free graphic editor for PocketPC. PocketPicture allows you to turn your pocket PC into canvas and easel and be creative everywhere. It is useful to draw small icons as well as painting or editing rather big images (scrolling and zooming is supported).

  * Pencil & brushes of different width,
  * Air brush
  * Gas brush (with blurred edges)
  * Blur brush (watering)

  * Semitransparent brush (to add tint to existing pixels)
  * Selection copying, moving, resizing, cropping, rotating and flipping
  * Lines, ellipsis, rectangles
  * Flood fill with customizable tolerance
  * Undo / redo
  * Zoom in / zoom out

  * Select color from palette, from picture (with pipette), by RGB numbers or with Hue-Saturation-Value control (HSV seems to work only on WM 5.0)

