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Just like its little brother, Range & Bearing Plus calculates the distance and direction between any two points but has an added feature not available even on most GPS's. Enter the coordinates for the first station (or select it from your station database), and use Range & Bearing Plus to find the coordinates of a second station at any distance and direction from the first.

Additional features include:
ability to create a personal database of user defined stations
ability to specify default preferences including which Geophysical Survey is used in the calculations.
The Range & Bearing Calculator has been designed to work with the Aviator's Navigation Calculator - NavCalc also from Real Time Tools. Users can export their calculations with the touch of a single button.

When combined with NavCalc, the user has all of the computing power required to perform any of the navigational calculations involved in preparing and flying a complete and accurate flight plan.

Note: the demo download file contains versions for ARM, MIPS, and SH3 processor types.
