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Á¦¸ñ:PocketBreeze 4.3.18 beta 1 released :)

What's new in PocketBreeze 4.3.18 beta 1

* Problem changing a category color back to default color after assigning an initial category color to a certain category fixed.
* Problem opening items in Edit mode on certain devices fixed.
* Problem with custom tab tabs bar icon not loading from the selected skin fixed.
* Problem with custom tab top-left tab icon not painting correctly fixed.
* Problem with multi day recurring appointments that end and also start on the same day not showing properly fixed.
* Problem with week numbers when appended to day titles showing one week number ahead of the correct week, while displayed correctly on the popup monthly calendar fixed.
* Problem with monthly popup calendar not loading some months timelines information fixed.
* Rare freezing issue with popup monthly calendar fixed.
* Major changes in the connection to POOM 1+2
* New redesigned color picker dialog, designed to work in landscape/portrait mode and square screen devices.
* New color picker dialog offers HTML colors codes input.
* Clicking the top bar OK button will now exit the dialog picker similar to clicking the green 'V' check mark.

* New option added on PocketBreeze installation allowing the user to choose if you wish to install PocketBreeze search tool or not.

* Problem with log file output on WM5 devices fixed, PocketBreeze will work faster on WM5 devices.
* Changes with resources on installer DLL, PocketBreeze installation is about 70kb smaller.

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(2005-08-30 03:06:28
