Á¦¸ñ: .NET Compact Framework 1.0 SP2 Redistributable (Re-release) (1/2)


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Date Published: 12/16/2003

The Microsoft¢ç .NET Compact Framework 1.0 SP2 Redistributable includes everything you need to run .NET Compact Framework applications, including the Common Language Runtime and the .NET Compact Framework class library.

Important: Visual Studio .NET 2003 is required to create .NET Compact Framework-based applications. Follow the Visual Studio .NET 2003 link in the Related Resources section on the right for more information.

This package uses ActiveSync to update the device. Make sure to dock your device before running NETCFSetup.msi. You can run the ActiveSync setup later by going to your install folder and running NCFSetup.exe once the device is docked. Those not using ActiveSync can run the CAB files which match the device found in the install folder directly on the device.
