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, Hit : 725

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<br />Today I had cause to hard reset my Loox and had the opportunity to run a new benchmark with Picard's new GAPI driver installed - and compare with the results from my original Loox 720 review.
<br />
<br />Here you can see the Spb Graphics index from each test compared side by side:
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<br />
<br />
<br />Impressive enough (over 25% better!) - but the improved result is entirely down to the new GAPI driver (the other parts of the graphics test being roughly as they were originally).?This can be seen clearly in the 'GAPI BitBit' part of the test (below):<br /><br /><!--EndSdNewsDescription-->
<br />
<br />In my original tests (for the review) the GAPI test showed a time of 8.34 ms to complete the task.?In this follow up test the same task took just 4.66 ms (c. 80% faster!).?With regard to pixel doubling (the means by which QVGA games and applications are displayed in VGA) this speed increase appears very significant indeed...
<br />
<br />Download the revised driver(¿ä±â¼­ µå¶óÀ̹ö ¹Þ°í) here.?Read the original discussion(¿ä°Å¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ±ÛµéÀÌ ¸ðÀΰ÷) here.?Read our original Loox 720 review benchmarks(º¥Ä¡¸¶Å© ¸®ºä´Â ¿ä±â) here (all benchmarks done using Spb Benchmark).
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<br />Please Note: You should back up before installing - and remember that you use the new GAPI driver entirely at your own risk..!<!--StartSdNewsForum--><br /><br />Discuss this article in the Forum!<!--EndSdNewsForum--></td></tr></table><br /><br /><br /><br />

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11-29 07:43
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11-29 22:19
11-30 15:05
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