WM2003 ·è½º¿ë ¸¶Áö¸·Á¤º¸? (¿µ¹®)  

, Hit : 728

Windows Mobile 2003 Upgrades - The Latest Information...
Originally it was expected that people would get their Windows Mobile 2003 upgrades in September 2003. These have been delayed.

The latest information follows:

The delay is due to the implementation of changes (following feedback during a beta test phase with selected customers) - plus 'increased certification procedures'

The first shipments of the upgrade can now be expected by the end of October 2003

Customers who are expecting an upgrade via the Technology Upgrade Programme - deliveries will continue up until 22 December 2003

If you have more than one Pocket Loox 600 bought during the 23 May - 23 September 2003 timeframe you ARE able to order multiple licences - provided you put the number required on the form and supply the necessary proofs of purchase. You will only need to pay the handling fee for one CD as the licences themselves are free.

Standard upgrades will be orderable online at http://www.fujitsu-siemens.com/pocketloox or by using the relevant order code for your language:

S22452-P639-L101 Royalty Upgrade CD Pocket LOOX 600 D

S22452-P639-L102 Royalty Upgrade CD Pocket LOOX 600 GB

S22452-P639-L103 Royalty Upgrade CD Pocket LOOX 600 F

S22452-P639-L104 Royalty Upgrade CD Pocket LOOX 600 I

S22452-P639-L105 Royalty Upgrade CD Pocket LOOX 600 E

Shipments of the standard Royalty Upgrade will begin with the GB (English) version in week 44 (final week in October). D, E, F and I versions will follow on a weekly basis in that order - meaning shipments of the final (Italian) version should begin during the last week in November.

-Ãâó  - FIRSTLOOX.org
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10-03 20:53
¹º¼Ò¸°°Ü!! --;
deja vu
10-03 21:27
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10-04 09:53
If you have more than one Pocket Loox 600 bought during the 23 May - 23 September 2003 timeframe you ARE able to order multiple licences - provided you put the number required on the form and supply the necessary proofs of purchase. You will only need to pay the handling fee for one CD as the licences themselves are free

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