AXIMÀÇ ¹æÇâÅ°¸¦ ¶§·ÁÀâÀÚ...  

, Hit : 1994

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I was right in that something was blocking the up direction .
There is a small piece of foam afixed to the mainboard .
It is too thick ( 1/8" ) and partially blocks contact with the 5-way switch .
The only reason I can think of as to why it is there is that perhaps the up direction droops and the foam makes it look even on the outside .
Or it protects the mainboard from shorting out or getting bumped due to the metal attachments under the pad .
I just removed the foam and covered the board with electrical tape .
So after looking at the insides , I kind of understand why this has been a problem .
I'm sure Dell can fix this issue in future builds .
It seems that was what I should have gotten this week already .
I don't think I want to post instructions on how to open this thing up .
It's somewhat secured in a not so obvious way--but I was curious and so I went for broke .
Also there's alot to mess up if you don't know how to handle electronics .
Just get a replacement from Dell and make em pay for it .

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