PPC2003 in his hands NOW!!  

, Hit : 494

¿Í.. Á» ÀÖÀ¸¸é MM 2k3 ±¸ÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖÀ»±î¿ä?

¸µÅ© : http://www.aximsite.com/boards/showthread.php?s=c3545fe86c25dffe725535f59cedf440&threadid=15714

¸µÅ©ÀÇ ³»¿ë :
Hey all,
I got my first pocket pc, witch was a Dell Axim Advance. It also came with pocket pc 2003, the new OS.
I got it wednesday, july 3, on my way out the door to my aunts cabin, so i had to charge it there for the 4 hours. I played with it late last night, and alot today. I just wanted to let anyone know, if you want me to tell you anything about the new os, ill be glad too, and if you want me to check some things out, let me know!
I cant connect to the internet, since im not at my home computer, but i can post here, while im on v-cation. ill be back at my house sunday, so i can check more stuff when im there.
So if you want me to check anything out for you, let me know.
P.S-ill try get back to you ASAP. You can also e-mail me atCenterice19@aol.com but i wont be able to respond til sunday, since i wont be able to check my mail here.

ȸ¿ø´ÔÀÇ ¼Ò°³±ÛÀÌ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.



07-05 12:58
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07-05 13:22
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