Opera 8.60 ij½Ã¼³Á¤ ¿ÜºÎ¸Þ¸ð¸®·Î Çϱâ Áú¹®  

, Hit : 583

1.±âÁ¾ :¾×½É X50v

2.O/S : WM2003SE

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02-25 12:15
WM2003 - how to relocate Opera from Main memory to storage cards!
Hi all,
as a WM2003se device owner, i can't let Opera waste even a single MB of my precious memory. Especially because, connecting through GPRS and thus paying on a byte-transferred basis, i need a large cache but large cache means less memory...

Is there a solution? Yes it is. And it's very simple too!

0) Install Opera's CAB file to storage card (use the free program cabinstl for this)

1) This is the most important step!!! On your PC or using a text editor in your PDA, edit the file \Application data\Opera\opera.ini and replace every occurrence of the path \Application data\Opera\*something* with \Memory card\Opera\*something* (supposing \memory card\ is your SD/MMC/CF card's path).

2) copy the whole Opera directory from \Application data\ to \Memory card\. Now you should have two identical folders: \Application data\Opera in main memory and \Memory card\Opera on the SD/MMC/CF card.

3) The most logical step now would be removing the former directory (the one in main memory) but DON'T do this. Opera executable, in fact, still looks for the opera.ini files located in \Application data\Opera.

4) In \Application data\Opera remove every file and folder BUT KEEP the three files: english.lng, opera.ini (of couse!), opera6.adr AND the folder 'Skins'. I repeat: u can REMOVE all the files and folders but u must LEAVE the 3 files and the folder i listed. Don't worry, they don't require much space while the cache folder is now on \Memory card\Opera

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