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, Hit : 494

Adding photos to your contacts

A very useful tip for those that remember people by images is to add an image to a contact this can be very useful if you have a camera for your pocket pc but can also be useful even if you do not.  

It is very easy all you need to do is to have an image and then resize it in your photo editing software.  If you are using Windows XP there is a free add-in that will allow you to resize images you can download it from here.  The images need to be small otherwise they will not show up on your pocket pc.  If you use the resolution of 120 by 160 it will work.  Here is what you do:

Open your resized image into a photo program like Paint.  Using the capture tool copy the exact image that you wish.  

Capture tool

You will want to capture the portion of the image that you want, if you want all of the image simply capture all of the image.  After you have done this hit control C, this is a shortcut for copy.  

You will then need to open Microsoft Outlook and navigate to the contacts, and open the desired contact.  

Notes Field

Then click in the Notes Field and press Control V, this is a paste command.  

Your image should then be placed into the Field.  

Notice this Smart Tag - click on it to give you a menu.

You must click on Picture - other wise they will not work.

If you click the save and close button your pocket pc will be updated on your next sync, and you images will be in the notes section of your contacts.  

Your Contacts image will displayed under the notes section on your pocket pc.  Image quality depends on the image you use.  

If you are using the Hp Jornada and are using the Pocket Camera you can use the Hp camera software to capture the images.  Then you need to copy the image to the clipboard under Edit at less then 50%.  This makes a great use of your pocket camera.  

Screen capture of Hp camera software.  

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