[´ä±Û] Dear Assistant Administrator  

, Hit : 197

Dear Mr. Edward,

Hello, I'm Hansoll Kim, Assistant Administrator of Todaysppc.com,
If your school has hot spot(access point) in your school, as you
know, you can use wireless lan, of cource, However, You should
ask first to your school administration and check whether it is free or not, and  how to make the settings.

As you know, If your school operate the wireless network, you can
use it free, However If it is served by wireless internet carrier such
as Korea Telecom, you should subscribe the wireless service as I told you.

And about the settings values, please ask SSID, Channel, and If necessary,
WEP key to your school administration or computing administrator.

I'm sorry to tell you I don't use iPAQ H5450,
so I can't tell you specific setup procedures. I guess wireless setting maybe founded in [Start]-[Settings]-[System] or [Connections] tab.

and For your information, In my case I use Intersil compatible wireless lan card on iPAQ 3600 series, can enter wireless settings by tapping the icon located right-bottom corner of the today screen, and at entered settings menu, it automatically detects wireless access point and trying to connect.

Well, If you can wait few hour(you know, it is early morning), I could ask another people who has iPAQ H5450. I'm very sorry to can't tell you specific procedures again.


Hansoll Kim
Assistant Administrator and Writter

>I am using Compaq H5450, as I ask before,
>There's wireless lan (assess point) in my school.
>I am using Windows CE OS, how do I need to set so that I can use the internet? Thanks

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    Dear Assistant Administrator Edward     [´ä±Û] Dear Assistant Administra.. Ǫ¸¥°õ