¾ÆÀÌÆùÅõµ¥ÀÌ 1.4.8·Î ¾÷±×·¹ÀÌµå µÆ½À´Ï´Ù.  

, Hit : 3364

- File #1 : iPhoneToday.jpg(23.2 KB), Download : 176



iPhoneToday v1.4.8 (Mar 14, 2010)

Using LPNG library (an extremely light-weight library - it just adds 6KB) if imaging API fails (mostly helpful for PNDs where imaging API is often missing). This allows now all devices to load and display transparent PNG icons.

Huge memory savings compared to v1.3 when AlphaBlend is disabled (32bit icons are now converted to whatever the screen supports, usually 16bit).

Fixed text labels being 1-2 pixels left of the center of the icons.

Fixed background color of options dialog to be the windows default color for menu backgrounds.

Added --keyboard command to show/hide the keyboard.

Only for PNDs: added a help button (question mark) on the title bar of the options and icon settings dialogs (next to the OK button) that toggles the appearance of the keyboard.

The 3-letter abbreviation of the day of the week is now by default displayed in the language of the user locale.

Converted the included pressed icons from gray scale to true color since LPNG only supports loading true color PNG images.

Resized the bubble icons.

Added a warning that scrolling will be slow when AlphaBlend is enabled on devices that do not natively support it.

iPhoneToday v1.4.7 (Mar 09, 2010)

Changed the icon set

Added pressed icon effect

Currently incuded icons: CrackedGlass.png, Fingerprint.png, RoundedPressed.png (default), Spotlight.png, StopwordPressed.png (Thanks to Osprey for the images)

Added text shadow

Added some new options for the background image: fit width, fit height, center

Added refresh time setting in the movement tab

Added new command: --volume:++<step> and --volume:--<step>

Fixed a bug with animation rectangular staying sometimes on screen

Fixed some minor bugs

iPhoneToday v1.4.6 (Mar 06, 2010)

Added some new icon types:


Memory Load

Memory Free

Memory Used

GPRS State

Signal Strength

Operator Name

Signal Strength & Operator Name

Added some new commands:

--rotate to rotate the screen 90 degrees

--rotate:<angle> (e.g. --rotate:270) to rotate the screen by the given angle

--volume:<number> to set the system volume to <number> (0-100)

--volume:+<step> or --volume:-<step> to increase or decrease the system volume by <step>

--reset or --restart to soft reset the device

--off or --standby or --suspend to suspend the device

--minimize to minimize the iPhoneToday's window (only for exe version)

--taskbar to show/hide the taskbar (only for exe version)

Alpha blend transparent icons with the background

Option dialog to configure the transparency of icons

Fixed transparency of png icons with black pixels

Today item's height is configurable again

The color of the expanding rectangular - animation on launch - can now be configured

A default sound on launch can be set

Added a play button in the icon settings dialog to preview the selected sound

Fixed the ignore screen rotation option

Fixed focus of the choose color dialog

If the bubble png icons are not found nicer bubbles are programmatically drawn

Added a reset settings to defaults button in the about dialog

Configurable margins for the text inside the special icons such as day of month, day of week, clock, battery, etc.

You can set which applications to run when the icons are out of screen instead of cycling through the pages

Reorganized the options dialog

AppToDate support

Installer will ask to create a startup shortcut to the exe if you answer no to the question whether you want to enable the today item plugin

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03-15 11:25
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03-15 15:09
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03-15 16:56
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03-15 20:26
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03-23 01:25
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