[Áú¹®] ½ºÅäÁöÄ«µå¿¡ ignore_my_docs ÀÚµ¿À¸·Î»ý¼º....?  

, Hit : 403


¾ðÁ¦ ºÎÅÍÀΰ¡ ½ºÅäÁöÄ«µå(cf,sd,ipaq file storage)¿¡ ignore_my_docs ÆÄÀÏ

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Âü°í·Î  »ç¾çÀÌ IPAQ 3850, Æ÷ÄÏÇǽÃ2002, cf-256mb, sd-32mb  

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02-17 17:14
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¿ø·¡ Storage CardÀÇ My Documents ¾ÈÀÇ ÆÄÀϸ¸ °Ë»öÇÏ´Â °ÍÀ» Storage Card¸¦ °Ë»öÇϵµ·Ï ¸¸µé¾îÁÖ´Â ±â´ÉÀ» ÇÏ´Â °Í °°½À´Ï´Ù.


02-17 19:14
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As described by Michael Lynch in some newsgroups posts, an 'ignore_my_docs' file sometimes seems to appear on Storage Cards when inserted in PPC2002 devices.

The ignore_my_docs file is created by PPC2002 on a Storage Card
that does NOT has a folder called '\My Documents', in the following cases:

1) Using an MS application (e.g. Word), you save a file on the storage card. You can check this using Word "Save as..." command.

or (most likely to happen):

2) you open Settings>Today (theme selection) then tap 'ok', even if you have NOT selected a different Today theme.

there may be other cases where this file is created, but it is probably never created if the storage card already has a '\My Documents\' folder.

From what I've heard, if there are several storage cards in the device, the ignore_my_docs is then created on all the cards that do not have a folder called '\My Documents'.

This ignore_my_docs file is zero-size and invisible (cannot be seen from a Pocket PC with File Explorer), but you can see it if you read the CF card from a desktop PC. But while this file is invisible, it has a major influence on what PPC2002 does with regard to accessing files on Storage Cards.

This ignore_my_docs file is used by all the MS applications (e.g. Word) to determine where to look for files and where to create files on Storage Cards.

If the file 'ignore_my_docs' is present on the Storage Card, only files located in the top-level folder of the Storage Card are shown, and if a new file is created on the CF card (e.g. by Word), it will be placed in the top-level folder of the Storage Card.

If the file 'ignore_my_docs' is NOT present on the Storage Card, only files located in the "\My Documents\" folder (and its immediate sub-folders) of the Storage Card are shown, and if a new file is created on the CF card (e.g. by Word), it will be placed in the "\My Documents\" folder in the Storage Card.

Deleting the 'ignore_my_docs' file may cause problems: unless you move all your documents from the top-level folder to the "\My Documents\" folder of the Storage Card, they will not be listed by most MS applications (e.g. Word, Notes, Excel).

The ignore_my_docs fiasco seems to be a VERY clumpsy attempt by MS to fix the old "Storage Card / My Document folder" problem (* see footnote).

The correct way to fix the problem would have been to simply allow applications to list the files located in the \My Documents folder as well as the files located in the top-level folder. When saving a file, in the absence of a \My Documents folder, the application could either create it or save the file at the top-level. This would have been a much better fix, but MS just did not think about that!

Now the situation is even more confusing that before. Thank-you, MS!

(*) The old "Storage Card / My Document folder" problem:

There has been many posting about the fact that on the old Pocket PC, applications in general (not just WMP, but also Word, Notes, Excel, and most applications that use the ChooseOpenFile MS library routine) not able to open files on a Storage Card unless they are in the '\My Documents\' folder.

So the story was: you *must* create a folder called '\My Documents\" on your Storage Cards and put your document files in this folder if you want applications to see them.


02-17 19:46
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02-17 22:26
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