拷穣戚 逢切奄 鞠霜 省焼推!!  

, Hit : 428

1.奄曽 :

2.O/S :

3.拭君 :

拷穣戚 鞠霜 省柔艦陥ばば

覗稽益轡 琶推廃依級聖 薗壱 拷穣聖 馬澗汽推..(奄沙生稽 薗形赤澗 ipaq backup聖 紫遂梅柔艦陥)
拷穣戚 遭楳鞠陥亜 原走厳拭
'覗稽益轡 神嫌亜 降持馬食 稽益 督析 <My DeviceTempBackuplog.txt>亜 幻級嬢然柔艦陥. 戚 稽益 督析聖 陥製 戚五析稽 左鎧淑獣神.
煽舌朝球研 照穿馬惟 左淫馬獣壱 差姥 拙穣聖 刃戟馬奄 是背, Pocket PC税 制亀酔亜 陥獣 獣拙鞠嬢醤 杯艦陥.'

戚訓 神嫌五室走亜 襟壱澗 社覗闘軒実鞠壱, 域紗 拷穣精 照鞠澗浦推..五析 左鎧形壱亀 背挫澗汽-_- 紫戚闘亜 須厩 紫戚闘昔汽陥,,慎嬢研 公馬澗 淫域稽..ばば 刊亜 岨 亀人爽写生檎 杯艦陥..戚君陥 馬球軒実戚虞亀 鞠檎..OTL

箸獣 乞牽艦猿 稽益督析 鎧遂亀 臣験艦陥..♂

==== Log Start ====
Wednesday 2005/8/3  13:36:26
iPAQ Backup HP iPAQ C ROM Version
Version Info:
Sprite Backup.exe : 3.0.0, Build 1671
SpriteBackup.dll : 3.0.0, Build 857
BatteryMonitor.exe : 3.0.0, Build 108
SpriteStart.exe : 3.0.0, Build 191
PostBootPopup.exe : 3.0.0, Build 89
DBMirror.exe : 3.0.0, Build 103
ViewReportFile.exe : 3.0.0, Build 5
Run Path:WindowsiPAQ Backup.exe
L CSpriteApp 731 : About to test exe for END_OF_IMAGE
E AImageFileHeader 102 : Error - invalid header marker - ComponentType = Unknown value = 7340149 2
L CSpriteApp 735 : Exe does not contain a backup
L CSpriteApp 961 : Checking for valid config signature
L CSpriteApp 952 : Config valid
L ABackupLicense 74 : Product Authorized - Sprite Backup No licensing version
L CSpriteApp 241 : DLL File in standard directory
L CSpriteApp 254 : Resources loaded
L CSpriteApp 358 : Cleaning up old registry file
L CSpriteApp 360 : Cleaning done
L CBackupPage 65 : m_bTreePopulated set to false on CBackupPage creation
L CImagingPropertySheet 358 : Just removed register menu item
L CImagingPropertySheet 493 : InitTabIcons hiding Tabs
L CBasicPage 119 : Basic Mode Backup
L AIndex 981 : Adding File System to index
L File My DocumentsSkateboarder Video.wmv added to ROM file exclude CRC: 0x99a120e2
L File My DocumentspreludetoKatie.wma added to ROM file exclude CRC: 0x5e1aa885
L File My DocumentsCanoe.jpg added to ROM file exclude CRC: 0x5bfa8b97
L File My DocumentsCouple.jpg added to ROM file exclude CRC: 0xa631ae2e
L File My DocumentsMy Pictures2Princes.jpg added to ROM file exclude CRC: 0xb885203e
L File My DocumentsMy PicturesLady.jpg added to ROM file exclude CRC: 0x4d9bc78e
L File My DocumentsMy PicturesLittleGirl.jpg added to ROM file exclude CRC: 0xf8f46cac
L File My DocumentsMy PicturesPuppy.jpg added to ROM file exclude CRC: 0xfb70e9f5
L File My DocumentsMy PicturesSiblings.jpg added to ROM file exclude CRC: 0xd0d87e7e
L Loaded rom exclusion list with 9 entries
L Ignoring file ConnMgrCMMapP
L Ignoring file ConnMgrCMMapG
L Ignoring file TempBackupLog.txt
L Ignoring file TempDBMirror.txt
L Ignoring file WindowsActivesyncGCounterFile.mmf
L Ignoring file WindowsProfilesguestCookiesindex.dat
L Ignoring file WindowsProfilesguestHistoryHistory.IE5index.dat
L Ignoring file WindowsProfilesguestTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5index.dat
L Ignoring file WindowsSprite Backup HistoryBackupReport.txt
L AIndex 984 : Added File System to index
L Yes : fldr1001d1d
L Yes : fldr1001d1f
L Yes : fldr1001d1e
L Yes : fldr1eb2
L Yes : fldr1001d21
L Yes : fldr1001d20
L Yes : fldr1eae
L Yes : fldr1eb0
L Yes : fldr2001d1c
L AIndex 996 : Adding Databases to index
L AIndex 1011 : Including registry
L Yes : fldr1001d1d
L Yes : fldr1001d1f
L Yes : fldr1001d1e
L Yes : fldr1eb2
L Yes : fldr1001d21
L Yes : fldr1001d20
L Yes : fldr1eae
L Yes : fldr1eb0
L Yes : fldr2001d1c
L AIndex 1021 : Adding mail to index
L AIndex 135 : pre-prune count=647
L AIndex 148 : post-prune count=647
L AImagingTask 132 : Task Details - Operation : Backup; Mode : Local; Including : Registry FileSystem Databases EMail; Backup Filename : SD CardBackup_2005-08-03.pbf
L CTaskProgressDlg 240 : Performing Autostart, countdown set to 1
L AImagingTaskClient 147 : Starting backup
L AImagingTaskClient 200 : Estimating file system size
L AImagingTaskClient 207 : File System size : 23366 KB
L AImagingTaskClient 225 : Estimating registry size
E ARegistry 77 : RegCopyFile failed 87
L AImagingTaskClient 231 : Registry size    :     0 KB
L AImagingTaskClient 240 : Estimating database size
L AImagingTaskClient 254 : Databases size   :    17 KB
L AImagingTaskClient 265 : Estimating mail size
L Yes : fldr1001d1d
L Yes : fldr1001d1f
L Yes : fldr1001d1e
L Yes : fldr1eb2
L Yes : fldr1001d21
L Yes : fldr1001d20
L Yes : fldr1eae
L Yes : fldr1eb0
L Yes : fldr2001d1c
L BuildFileLists();
L cleared OID/name lists
L build msg include list
L sizing database :fldr1001d1d
L build msg include list
L sizing database :fldr1001d1f
L build msg include list
L sizing database :fldr1001d1e
L build msg include list
L sizing database :fldr1001d21
L build msg include list
L sizing database :fldr1001d20
L build msg include list
L sizing database :fldr1eae
L build msg include list
L sizing database :fldr1eb2
L build msg include list
L sizing database :fldr1eb0
L building message file include list
L building attach file include list
L sizing files :-
L building other database include list
L sizing other databases
L sizing database :pmailOldTables
L sizing database :pmailMsgClasses
L sizing database :pmailNamedProps
L sizing database :pmailServices
L sizing database :pmailFolders
L sizing database :MailActiveSync
L Sizing pmailMsgs
L Building attachment list
L Sizing pmailAttachs
L Sizing Registry keys
L Finished Sizing
L AImagingTaskClient 277 : Mail size        :    51 KB
L AImagingTaskClient 287 : Backup estimate  : 23507 KB
L AImagingTaskClient 308 : Checking available space
L AImagingTaskClient 341 : Free             : 39869 KB
L AImagingTaskClient 357 : Backup file size : 14906 KB
L AImagingTaskClient 403 : Performing Credant Check
L AImagingTaskClient 425 : Credant Mobile Guardian Shield not installed
L AImagingTaskClient 430 : Stopping Processes
L Killing processes
L Reading user process exclude list
L Reading OEM process exclude list
L Exclude list populated
L Delaying killing of processes 10 secs
L Killing process CWTimeOut.exe
L CWTimeOut.exe ignored WM_CLOSE
L Wait timed out!
L Killing process iPAQWireless.exe
L iPAQWireless.exe died with WM_CLOSE
L Killing process hpmpctmn.exe
L hpmpctmn.exe died with WM_CLOSE
L Killing process mstli.exe
L mstli.exe ignored WM_CLOSE
L Wait timed out!
L AFile 116 : File no longer there: WindowsProfilesguestTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE55EQHE861mohoo[1].IE55EQHE861mohoo[1] 3
L AFile 116 : File no longer there: WindowsProfilesguestTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE55EQHE861pda[2].IE55EQHE861pda[2] 3
L AFile 116 : File no longer there: WindowsProfilesguestTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5UV89C9AVroadcast[1].IE5UV89C9AVroadcast[1] 3
L AFile 116 : File no longer there: WindowsProfilesguestTemporary Internet FilesContent.IE5UV89C9AV odaysppc[1].IE5UV89C9AV odaysppc[1] 3
L AFile 116 : File no longer there: WindowsHanjahun. 3
L AFile 116 : File no longer there: WindowsHanjaWord2. 3
L AFile 116 : File no longer there: WindowsHanjaWord3. 3
L AFile 116 : File no longer there: WindowsHanjaWord4. 3
L AFile 116 : File no longer there: Windowslsk. 3
L AFile 116 : File no longer there: Windowssws. 3
L AFile 116 : File no longer there: SystemHeap. 3
L AImagingTaskClient 555 : File System size : 22817 KB
L AImagingTaskClient 590 : Databases size   :    17 KB
L Yes : fldr1001d1d
L Yes : fldr1001d1f
L Yes : fldr1001d1e
L Yes : fldr1eb2
L Yes : fldr1001d21
L Yes : fldr1001d20
L Yes : fldr1eae
L Yes : fldr1eb0
L Yes : fldr2001d1c
L AImagingTaskClient 620 : Mail size        :    53 KB
L AFile 118 : CreateFileW failed on emp
egistry.img 32
E ARegistry 137 : Open on Registry file failed 32
E AImagingTaskClient 643 : Registry.Backup() failed  32
L AImagingTaskClient 856 : Credant was not stopped by Sprite Backup
L CTaskProgressDlg 1054 : Error occurred, backup unsuccessful
===== Log End =====

噺据還税 社鯵越戚 蒸柔艦陥.

08-03 15:30
箸獣乞牽艦 獣拙覗稽益轡聖 乞砧 掻走獣徹重 板 社覗闘軒実聖 呪楳馬重 陥製 郊稽 拷穣聖 獣亀背 左室推....
幻鉦 益掘亀 域紗 神嫌亜 降持廃陥檎.... 馬球裾嬢庚薦析 亜管失戚 株生艦 AS拭 鎧号馬獣掩...
08-04 13:14
拭姥..社覗闘軒実背亀 神嫌亜蟹神革推..ばば 衝舛凹閃辞 15幻 角惟 級嬢辞 壱団辞 紳走 析爽析亀 照菊澗汽..ばば生生...益掘亀 岩痕背爽偲辞 舛源 姶紫杯艦陥^-^ぞぞぞ
奇越床奄     拙失切   鳶什趨球