Phast 1G SD & ¸®´õ±â ¼º´É TEST ^^;  
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, Hit : 1230

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100MBÀÇ ´ÜÀÏÈ­ÀÏ Àü¼Û °á°úÀÔ´Ï´Ù.

I-Rocks - Write : 15ÃÊ

               Read : 8ÃÊ

ELLA      - Write : 27ÃÊ

                Read : 10ÃÊ

950MBÀÇ Â«»ÍÈ­ÀÏ Àü¼Û °á°úÀÔ´Ï´Ù.

I-Rocks - Write : 4ºÐ07ÃÊ

               Read : 2ºÐ18ÃÊ

               Delete : 56ÃÊ

ELLA      - Write : 5ºÐ54ÃÊ

                Read : 3ºÐ24ÃÊ

                Delete : 56ÃÊ

I-Rocks ¸ÖƼ¸®´õ±â´Â ±âÁ¸¿¡ °¡Áö°í ÀÖ´ø°ÍÀÌ°í

ELLA´Â À̹ø¿¡ °ø±¸ÇÑ Á¦Ç°À̶ø´Ï´Ù.

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enchmark Results
Combined Index : 3724 operation(s)/min
Endurance Factor : 6.3
512B Files Test : 7115 operation(s)/min
32kB Files Test : 1817 operation(s)/min
256kB Files Test : 598 operation(s)/min
2MB Files Test : 95 operation(s)/min
64MB Files Test : 3 operation(s)/min

Performance Test Status
Device Type : PDA/SmartPhone (Windows)
Run ID : Pocket_PC on 2004³â 11¿ù 5ÀÏ ±Ý¿äÀÏ at ¿ÀÈÄ 4:33:27
SMP Test : No
Total Test Threads : 1
SMT Test : No
Dynamic MP/MT Load Balance : No
Processor Affinity : No

512B Files Test
Read Performance : 13745 operation(s)/min (115 kB/sec, 0x)
Write Performance : 3506 operation(s)/min (29 kB/sec, 0x)
Delete Performance : 8820 operation(s)/min
Combined Index : 7115 operation(s)/min

32kB Files Test
Read Performance : 4806 operation(s)/min (2563 kB/sec, 14x)
Write Performance : 778 operation(s)/min (415 kB/sec, 2x)
Delete Performance : 2509 operation(s)/min
Combined Index : 1817 operation(s)/min

256kB Files Test
Read Performance : 720 operation(s)/min (3072 kB/sec, 17x)
Write Performance : 376 operation(s)/min (1604 kB/sec, 9x)
Delete Performance : 2526 operation(s)/min
Combined Index : 598 operation(s)/min

2MB Files Test
Read Performance : 92 operation(s)/min (3140 kB/sec, 17x)
Write Performance : 75 operation(s)/min (2560 kB/sec, 14x)
Delete Performance : 2451 operation(s)/min
Combined Index : 95 operation(s)/min

64MB Files Test
Read Performance : 3 operation(s)/min (3277 kB/sec, 18x)
Write Performance : 3 operation(s)/min (3277 kB/sec, 18x)
Delete Performance : 1178 operation(s)/min
Combined Index : 3 operation(s)/min

Endurance Test Status
Operating System Disk Cache Used : No
Use Overlapped I/O : No
Test File Size : 32MB
Block Size : 512bytes

Endurance Benchmark Breakdown
Repeated Sector ReWrite : 23 kB/s
Sequential Sector Write : 371 kB/s
Random Sector Write : 22 kB/s

Total Size : 976MB
Free Space : 976MB, 100%

Performance Tips
Notice 5901 : 1x=176kB/s; As some device makers use 1x=150kB/s exercise caution when comparing measured vs. published ratings.
Notice 5008 : To change benchmarks, click Options.
Notice 5004 : Synthetic benchmark. May not tally with 'real-life' performance.
Notice 5006 : Only compare the results with ones obtained using the same version!
Notice 5207 : Consider using the File System Benchmark for non-Flash devices.
Notice 5900 : Endurance factor can only be used on the same type of device (SLC or MLC).
Tip 11 : Use the 'Switch Chart Type' button to switch between Detailed and Combined charts.
Tip 2 : Double-click tip or press Enter while a tip is selected for more information about the tip.

ȸ¿ø´ÔÀÇ ¼Ò°³±ÛÀÌ ¾ø½À´Ï´Ù.

11-07 00:33
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11-07 09:55
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11-07 16:03
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11-07 16:07
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SiSoftware Sandra

Benchmark Results
Combined Index : 6926 operation(s)/min
Endurance Factor : 14.7
512B Files Test : 10376 operation(s)/min
32kB Files Test : 6549 operation(s)/min
256kB Files Test : 1570 operation(s)/min
2MB Files Test : 217 operation(s)/min
64MB Files Test : 7 operation(s)/min

Performance Test Status
Device Type : Desktop/Notebook
Run ID : TWO on 2004³â 11¿ù 5ÀÏ ±Ý¿äÀÏ at ¿ÀÈÄ 4:50:00
SMP Test : No
Total Test Threads : 1
SMT Test : No
Dynamic MP/MT Load Balance : No
Processor Affinity : No

512B Files Test
Read Performance : 26754 operation(s)/min (223 kB/sec, 1x)
Write Performance : 4833 operation(s)/min (40 kB/sec, 0x)
Delete Performance : 8421 operation(s)/min
File Fragments : 1.0
Combined Index : 10376 operation(s)/min

32kB Files Test
Read Performance : 9236 operation(s)/min (4926 kB/sec, 27x)
Write Performance : 3944 operation(s)/min (2103 kB/sec, 11x)
Delete Performance : 8580 operation(s)/min
File Fragments : 1.0
Combined Index : 6549 operation(s)/min

256kB Files Test
Read Performance : 1567 operation(s)/min (6686 kB/sec, 37x)
Write Performance : 1237 operation(s)/min (5278 kB/sec, 29x)
Delete Performance : 8505 operation(s)/min
File Fragments : 1.0
Combined Index : 1570 operation(s)/min

2MB Files Test
Read Performance : 203 operation(s)/min (6929 kB/sec, 39x)
Write Performance : 182 operation(s)/min (6212 kB/sec, 35x)
Delete Performance : 9066 operation(s)/min
File Fragments : 1.0
Combined Index : 217 operation(s)/min

64MB Files Test
Read Performance : 6 operation(s)/min (6554 kB/sec, 37x)
Write Performance : 6 operation(s)/min (6554 kB/sec, 37x)
Delete Performance : 5114 operation(s)/min
File Fragments : 1.0
Combined Index : 7 operation(s)/min

Endurance Test Status
Operating System Disk Cache Used : No
Use Overlapped I/O : No
Test File Size : 32MB
Block Size : 512bytes
File Fragments : 1

Endurance Benchmark Breakdown
Repeated Sector ReWrite : 507 kB/s
Sequential Sector Write : 528 kB/s
Random Sector Write : 24 kB/s

Total Size : 976MB
Free Space : 976MB, 100%
Cluster Size : 16kB

Performance Tips
Notice 5901 : 1x=176kB/s; As some device makers use 1x=150kB/s exercise caution when comparing measured vs. published ratings.
Notice 5008 : To change benchmarks, click Options.
Notice 5004 : Synthetic benchmark. May not tally with 'real-life' performance.
Notice 5006 : Only compare the results with ones obtained using the same version!
Notice 5207 : Consider using the File System Benchmark for non-Flash devices.
Notice 5900 : Endurance factor can only be used on the same type of device (SLC or MLC).
Tip 11 : Use the 'Switch Chart Type' button to switch between Detailed and Combined charts.
Tip 10 : To benchmark/test your PDA / SmartPhone, use the 'Switch Test System' button.
Tip 2 : Double-click tip or press Enter while a tip is selected for more information about the tip.


11-18 23:25

What do you think about this? When it happens?

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