19760424;dBasiceTravelfFoodgLodgingh Businessi SightseeingjSocialkShopping and Servicesl Emergencym Questionsd Greetingsd LanguagedWeatherdSignsdDate and timedNumbersdKey words and phraseseArrivaleLoss and Damagee DirectionsePlaneeSignse Train/Buse Car RentaleGas and Parkinge ProblemseTaxi-fFinding Restaurant.fAt Restaurant/fPersonal Needs0f Complaints1f Menu Reader_g Reservation`g At Hotelag Check inbg About HotelcgPersonal Needsdg Problemseg Check OuthBasichExchange informationi Questionsi Useful WordsiLeisurej Conversationj Get TogetherjExchange Information'kFinding places(k Purchase)kReturn*kBankingYlMedicalZlLost and missing[lHelpmWheremWhenmHow much/manymWhym Who/WhichXHello. @:  How are you?Fine, thank you. \Good morning.]Good afternoon.^Good evening.  Goodbye.Do you speak English?Does anyone speak English?I don't speak Chinese.Could you speak more slowly?Could you repeat that?Sorry, I didn't get that.What did you say?Could you write it down?Can you translate it for me?FWhat is this called?What does this mean?How do you pronounce that? I understand. I don't understand. Do you understand?WeatherSunnyWindyRainyCloudySnowHow is the weather today?Is it going to be $W1 today?W1!sunny|rainy|snowy|windy|hot|coldsunnyrainysnowywindyhotcoldW1sunnysunnyW1rainyrainyW1snowysnowyW1windywindyW1hothotW1coldcold Is it going to be $W1 tomorrow?W1sunny|rainy|snowy|hot|coldsunnyrainysnowyhotcoldW1sunnysunnyW1rainyrainyW1snowysnowyW1hothotW1coldcold Today Yesterday Tomorrow Day after tomorrow Day before yesterday~SecondMinuteHourDayWeekMonthYear What is the time now? What is the date today?MondayTuesday Wednesday ThursdayFriday SaturdaySundayJanuary FebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust SeptemberOctober November Decemberzeroonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineten  EntranceExit RestroomLadies'Men'sDanger HospitalBank Post officeYesNo Thank you.Please.>Wait a moment. Excuse me.Sorry.Don't mention it. Never mind.Please come in."Excuse me, where is the restroom?Can you tell me...?Can you help me?!Can you direct me to this place? I can't. I'd like ... We'd like... Give me...I'm looking for...I need to ...4good5bad6better7worse8big9small:cheap; expensiveBearlyClateDeasyE difficult2 beautiful3ugly<clean=dirty>dark?light@ deliciousFemptyGfullHhotIwarmJcoldKcoolXquietYnoisy fortunately of courseperhapsalsoandbutorgreatnot bad not good terrible  Where is it? Where are you going?herethereinsideoutside on the left on the rightWhen does $W1 open?W1 the store|the museum|this place the store the museum this placeW1 the store the storeW1 the museum the museumW1 this place this placeWhen does the $W1 arrive?W1train|bus|flighttrainbusflightW1traintrainW1busbusW1flightflightalwaysnever now!soon" sometimes& weekdays' weekends/ every $W1/W1hour|day|week|month|yearhourdayweekmonthyear/W1hourhour/W1dayday/W1weekweek/W1monthmonth/W1yearyeardHow much is this?eHow many are there? lmanykfewgnoneh a littleia lotjenoughmmore than thisnless than thiso much moreq too muchr Why is that?ts Why not?t because ...wI don't know why.x Who's there?yWho is it for?{Whose is this?Which one do you want?{herhim|me}you~someoneno one this one that onemineyourshisherstheirsmyouryourhishertheir_Can you recommend a hotel?_How much is it per night?_Is there anything cheaper?_'Can you reserve a room for me, please?_How do I get there?`Do you have a room?`Is there another hotel nearby?`I'd like a $W1 room.W1"single|double|smoking|non smokingsingledoublesmoking non smokingW1singlesingleW1doubledoubleW1smokingsmokingW1 non smoking non smoking `I'd like a room with $W1. W1/a double bed|twin beds|shower|private bathroom a double bed twin bedsshowerprivate bathroom W1 a double bed a double bed W1 twin beds twin beds W1showershower W1private bathroomprivate bathroom`Can I have an extra key? ! aI have a reservation. aMy name is ... aIs there $W1 in the room? W16an air conditioner|a TV|a telephone|shower|a bathrooman air conditionera TV a telephoneshower a bathroom W1an air conditioneran air conditioner W1a TVa TV W1 a telephone a telephone  W1showershower  W1 a bathroom a bathroom aIs there $W1 in the hotel? W14a conference room|a laundry service|a swimming poola conference rooma laundry servicea swimming pool  W1a conference rooma conference room  W1a laundry servicea laundry service  W1a swimming poola swimming poola%Can you put an extra bed in my room?aHow much is it per $W1?W1 night|weeknightweekW1nightnightW1weekweekaDoes the price include $W1?W1breakfast|tax breakfasttaxW1 breakfast breakfastW1taxtaxaMay I see the room?aI'll take the room.aNo I won't take the room.aThe room is too $W1.W1dark|small|noisydarksmallnoisyW1darkdarkW1smallsmallW1noisynoisyaDo you have a $W1 room?W1bigger|cheaper|quieterbiggercheaperquieterW1biggerbiggerW1cheapercheaperW1quieterquieterbWhere is the $W1?W12restaurant|elevator|bar|swimming pool|parking lot restaurant elevatorbarswimming pool parking lotW1 restaurant restaurantW1 elevator elevatorW1barbarW1swimming poolswimming poolW1 parking lot parking lot cI've lost my key.!cI'm locked out of my room."cCan I have $W1?"W1+a blanket|a soap|a towel|some toilet paper a blanketa soapa towelsome toilet paper"W1 a blanket a blanket"W1a soapa soap"W1a towela towel" W1some toilet papersome toilet papercPlease call a taxi for me.c Please have this washed for me. cIs my laundry ready? }cMy room needs to be cleaned.~cMy bed needs to be made.dThe $W1 doesn't work.W1"air conditioner|TV|telephone|heatair conditionerTV telephoneheat!W1air conditionerair conditioner"W1TVTV#W1 telephone telephone$W1heatheatd There is a problem in the room.dThere is no hot water.dThe faucet is leaking.dThe drain is clogged.d"The air conditioner is too noisy.dCan I move to another room?%e"By when should I vacate the room?&eI'd like to check out.+'eI'll check out on this date.(e%Could you please call a taxi for me?)eMay I see the bill, please?eHow much is the total bill?+eCan I have an itemized bill?*e)I think there is a mistake on this bill.-Where can I find $W1?(W1 fast-food restaurant|restaurantfast-food restaurant restaurant&W1fast-food restaurantfast-food restaurant'W1 restaurant restaurant-#Please recommend a $W1 restaurant.(W1good|inexpensive|vegetariangood inexpensive vegetarian(W1goodgood)W1 inexpensive inexpensive*W1 vegetarian vegetarian-!Where is the nearest restaurant?(-,Please recommend a restaurant for $W1 food.(W1spicy|non spicyspicy non spicy+W1spicyspicy,W1 non spicy non spicy.-I'd like to reserve a table. /-We have a reservation. .Could we sit $W1?W1Aoutside|in the smoking area|in the nonsmoking area|by the windowoutsidein the smoking areain the nonsmoking areaby the window-W1outsideoutside.W1in the smoking areain the smoking area/W1in the nonsmoking areain the nonsmoking area0W1by the windowby the window0.Do you have an English menu?4.Can I see the menu?4.Can I see the wine list?45.What dish do you recommend?231.-Can you recommend some typical local dishes?232.What's in it?3`S3.Is this spicy hot?2.Please bring me the bill.78p37.We'll pay separately.8."Is gratuity included in the bill?9.Please get this wrapped up./May I have some $W1?W1`bread|butter|lemon|mustard|pepper|salt|seasoning|sugar|artificial sweetener|hot sauce|soy sauce breadbutterlemonmustardpeppersalt seasoningsugarartificial sweetener hot sauce soy sauce 1W1breadbread2W1butterbutter3W1lemonlemon4W1mustardmustard5W1pepperpepper6W1saltsalt7W1 seasoning seasoning8W1sugarsugar9W1artificial sweetenerartificial sweetener:W1 hot sauce hot sauce;W1 soy sauce soy sauce/Could I have $W1 please?W1*ashtray|cup|fork|knife|napkin|plate|spoonashtraycupforkknifenapkinplatespoonBW1ashtrayashtrayCW1cupcupDW1forkforkEW1knifeknifeFW1napkinnapkinGW1plateplateHW1spoonspoon/!I can't eat food containing $W1.W1-beef|dairy products|egg|meat|pork|salt|sugarbeefdairy productseggmeatporksaltsugarIW1beefbeefJW1dairy productsdairy productsKW1eggeggLW1meatmeatMW1porkporkNW1saltsaltOW1sugarsugar/I am a vegetarian./Do you have vegetarian meals?/Do you have vegetarian items?/I'd like $W1 for my breakfast.W1?cheese|eggs|boiled egg|fried egg|honey|milk|orange juice|toastcheeseeggs boiled egg fried egghoneymilk orange juicetoastQW1cheesecheeseSW1eggseggsTW1 boiled egg boiled eggUW1 fried egg fried eggWW1honeyhoneyYW1milkmilkZW1 orange juice orange juice[W1toasttoast/I'd like to drink some $W1.W18beer|coffee|ice water|milk|mineral water|tea|water|winebeercoffee ice watermilkmineral waterteawaterwine\W1beerbeer]W1coffeecoffee^W1 ice water ice water_W1milkmilk`W1mineral watermineral wateraW1teateabW1waterwatercW1winewineh/Can I have $W1?hW16a spoon|fork and knife|chopsticks|some napkin|a glassa spoonfork and knife chopsticks some napkina glasshdW1a spoona spoonheW1fork and knifefork and knifehfW1 chopsticks chopstickshgW1 some napkin some napkinhhW1a glassa glass/I don't eat dairy products./$Does this dish have dairy products?3/I have no $W1.3W1knife|fork|spoon|napkin|glassknifeforkspoonnapkinglass3iW1knifeknife3jW1forkfork3kW1spoonspoon3lW1napkinnapkin3mW1glassglass0This is too cold.0This is too spicy.0This is not what I ordered.40This is not fresh.0This is not clean.0"Can we move to a different table?0(I think there is a mistake in the bill.,1 Restaurant-1Bar1 Breakfast1Lunch1Dinner1Menu1Rice1Noodle1Soup1Dessert1Bread71Butter81Cheese1Water<1 Ice water1Tea1Coke1Ice1Wine1Beer1Milk1Coffee1Juice1Pork1Beef1ChickenD1Lamb1Duck1Fish61Egg1 Sea food1 Vegetable1Fruit1Apple1Banana1Orange:1Pear;1 Strawberry<1GrapesC1 Watermelon=1Beans>1 Bean sproutsK1Tofu?1Spinach@1TomatoA1 Cucumber=1 Eggplant>1OnionB1Garlic?1 Mushroom@1PotatoA1CarrotB1 Green pepperC1 Hot pepperD1BakedE1FriedF1BoiledG1GrilledH1SmokedI1SteamedJ1StewedEThis is my passport. FI am here for $W1.FW1business|vacation|study business vacationstudyFnW1 business businessFoW1 vacation vacationFpW1studystudyGI don't have items to declare.H It's a gift.IIIt's for my personal use.HWMy baggage has been $W1.WW1lost|stolen|damagedloststolendamagedWqW1lostlostWrW1stolenstolenWsW1damageddamagedXMy baggage has not arrived.AirportPlease take me to the airport.(How do I go to the airport?(JI'd like $W1 $W2 $W3 ticket.JW1(one|two|three|four|five|six|seven|eightonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightW2one-way|round-tripone-way round-tripW3'coach class|business class|first class coach classbusiness class first class0JW1oneoneW2one-wayone-wayW3 coach class coach classJW1oneoneW2one-wayone-wayW3business classbusiness classJW1oneoneW2one-wayone-wayW3 first class first classJW1oneoneW2 round-trip round-tripW3 coach class coach classJW1oneoneW2 round-trip round-tripW3business classbusiness classJW1oneoneW2 round-trip round-tripW3 first class first classJW1twotwoW2one-wayone-wayW3 coach class coach classJW1twotwoW2one-wayone-wayW3business classbusiness classJW1twotwoW2one-wayone-wayW3 first class first classJW1twotwoW2 round-trip round-tripW3 coach class coach classJW1twotwoW2 round-trip round-tripW3business classbusiness classJW1twotwoW2 round-trip round-tripW3 first class first classJW1threethreeW2one-wayone-wayW3 coach class coach classJW1threethreeW2one-wayone-wayW3business classbusiness classJW1threethreeW2one-wayone-wayW3 first class first classJW1threethreeW2 round-trip round-tripW3 coach class coach classJW1threethreeW2 round-trip round-tripW3business classbusiness classJW1threethreeW2 round-trip round-tripW3 first class first classJW1fourfourW2one-wayone-wayW3 coach class coach classJW1fourfourW2one-wayone-wayW3business classbusiness classJW1fourfourW2one-wayone-wayW3 first class first classJW1fourfourW2 round-trip round-tripW3 coach class coach classJW1fourfourW2 round-trip round-tripW3business classbusiness classJW1fourfourW2 round-trip round-tripW3 first class first classJW1fivefiveW2one-wayone-wayW3 coach class coach classJW1fivefiveW2one-wayone-wayW3business classbusiness classJW1fivefiveW2one-wayone-wayW3 first class first classJW1fivefiveW2 round-trip round-tripW3 coach class coach classJW1fivefiveW2 round-trip round-tripW3business classbusiness classJW1fivefiveW2 round-trip round-tripW3 first class first classJW1sixsixW2one-wayone-wayW3 coach class coach classJW1sixsixW2one-wayone-wayW3business classbusiness classJW1sixsixW2one-wayone-wayW3 first class first classJW1sixsixW2 round-trip round-tripW3 coach class coach classJW1sixsixW2 round-trip round-tripW3business classbusiness classJW1sixsixW2 round-trip round-tripW3 first class first classJW1sevensevenW2one-wayone-wayW3 coach class coach classJW1sevensevenW2one-wayone-wayW3business classbusiness classJW1sevensevenW2one-wayone-wayW3 first class first classJW1sevensevenW2 round-trip round-tripW3 coach class coach classJW1sevensevenW2 round-trip round-tripW3business classbusiness classJW1sevensevenW2 round-trip round-tripW3 first class first classJW1eighteightW2one-wayone-wayW3 coach class coach classJW1eighteightW2one-wayone-wayW3business classbusiness classJW1eighteightW2one-wayone-wayW3 first class first classJW1eighteightW2 round-trip round-tripW3 coach class coach classJW1eighteightW2 round-trip round-tripW3business classbusiness classJW1eighteightW2 round-trip round-tripW3 first class first classK I'd like to $W1 my reservation.KW1confirm|cancel|changeconfirmcancelchangeKW1confirmconfirmKW1cancelcancelKW1changechangeLMy flight number is ...One-way coach classOne-way business classOne-way first classRound-trip coach classRound-trip business classRound-trip first classHow much is the air fare?When does the flight leave?QOWhen does the flight arrive?MQWhen do I have to check in?M#Is there any delay on this flight?NNHow late will this flight be?Is a window seat available?Is an aisle seat available?PCan I have $W1?PW1-a drink|some thing to eat|a blanket|a pillowa drinksome thing to eat a blanket a pillowPW1a drinka drinkPW1some thing to eatsome thing to eatPW1 a blanket a blanketPW1 a pillow a pillowR DomesticSInternationalT ArrivalsU DeparturesVSecurity checkY"How do I get to this $W1 station?YW1train|subway|bustrainsubwaybusYW1traintrainYW1subwaysubwayYW1busbusZHow far is it from here?[Is there a sleeping car?\Can I buy a ticket on board?]Is it a direct train?^Do I have to change trains?_How long is the ticket valid?`In which car is my seat?a$Is there a dining car on the train?b Can I have a timetable, please?c*Which platform does the train leave from?d)How long will I wait for the connection?~P%Where is the nearest subway station?R"Where is the nearest bus station?QWhere is the railway station?S"What is the name of this station?T&What is the name of the next station?UZU1Can you let me know when we get to this station?V"Does this $W1 go to this station?VW1train|subway|bustrainsubwaybusVW1traintrainVW1subwaysubwayVW1busbusY,How much is the fare to go to this station?Z-How long does it take to go to this station?eI'd like to rent $W1.eW1)an automatic|a car with air conditioning an automatica car with air conditioningeW1 an automatic an automaticeW1a car with air conditioninga car with air conditioningfHow much does it cost per $W1?fW1 day|weekdayweekfW1daydayfW1weekweekgIs mileage included?hIs insurance included?iI'd like to rent for $W1 $W2.iW1one|two|three|four|five|sixonetwothreefourfivesixW2 day|weekdayweek iW1oneoneW2daydayiW1oneoneW2weekweekiW1twotwoW2daydayiW1twotwoW2weekweekiW1threethreeW2daydayiW1threethreeW2weekweekiW1fourfourW2daydayiW1fourfourW2weekweekiW1fivefiveW2daydayiW1fivefiveW2weekweekiW1sixsixW2daydayiW1sixsixW2weekweekjPlease fill it up.m"Where is the nearest parking lot?nWhat is the charge per $W1?nW1 hour|dayhourdaynW1hourhournW1daydayoMy car won't start.pI have a flat tire.q!I've locked the keys in the car.rDo you repair cars?sHow much is it?tCan I have a receipt, please?Please call a taxi for me.Please take me to this $W1.W1this place|airport|hotel this placeairporthotelW1 this place this placeW1airportairportW1hotelhotel",How much does it cost to get to this place?#How much is the fare?Can I have a receipt, please?$Can you wait here for me?%I'll be back shortly.#Can you direct me to this address?!Can you show me this on the map?Where are we on the map?How far is it from here?Is it near here?)How long does it take to walk from here?*How long does it take to drive from here?u'What are the main points of interests?When does it open?When does it close?What are the hours? How much is the admission fee?Is there a discount for $W1?W1"children|senior citizens|students childrensenior citizens studentsW1 children childrenW1senior citizenssenior citizensW1 students studentsI'd like tickets for $W1.W1one|two|three|four|five|sixonetwothreefourfivesixW1oneoneW1twotwoW1threethreeW1fourfourW1fivefiveW1sixsix "Do you have an English guidebook?Can I take a photo?#Can you please take a photo of us?vHow much does the tour cost?wWhere do we leave from?xWhen does the tour start?yWhen do we return?z$Is there an English-speaking guide?{What is that building?,|When was it built?{}palace~bridgetemplepark mountainlakeCan you recommend a $W1?W1*concert|opera|movie theater|bar|nightclubconcertoperamovie theaterbar nightclubW1concertconcertW1operaoperaW1movie theatermovie theaterW1barbarW1 nightclub nightclubWhere is the nearest $W1?W1*concert|opera|movie theater|bar|nightclubconcertoperamovie theaterbar nightclubW1concertconcertW1operaoperaW1movie theatermovie theaterW1barbarW1 nightclub nightclubWhen does it start?When does it end?How long do we have to wait?.Can you recommend something for the children? How are you?Fine, thank you.JQWhat is your name?NQLQMy name is ...NQGlad to meet you.PQSee you later.RQWhere do you work?Where are you from?I'm from $W1.W1?Australia|Canada|England|Ireland|Scotland|Britain|the US|Wales AustraliaCanadaEnglandIreland ScotlandBritainthe USWalesW1 Australia AustraliaW1CanadaCanadaW1EnglandEnglandW1IrelandIrelandW1 Scotland ScotlandW1BritainBritainW1the USthe USW1WalesWalesThis is my first visit.I'm with my $W1.W12husband|wife|family|children|boyfriend|girlfriendhusbandwifefamily children boyfriend girlfriendW1husbandhusbandW1wifewifeW1familyfamilyW1 children childrenW1 boyfriend boyfriendW1 girlfriend girlfriend I'm married. I'm single. I'm engaged. I like $W1.W1music|reading|sportsmusicreadingsportsW1musicmusicW1readingreadingW1sportssports I love you.I'm here for $W1.W1business|vacation business vacationW1 business business W1 vacation vacationAre you free for lunch?Are you free this evening?#Can you suggest a place for lunch?$Can you suggest a place for dinner?I'll meet you there.I'll meet you then.Can I have your phone number?Can I have your address?This is my phone number.This is my address.p'Where can I buy one of these?'Where is the nearest $W1?W1nATM|bank|bookstore|camera store|clothing store|currency exchange|florist|gift shop|post office|souvenir store ATMbank bookstore camera storeclothing storecurrency exchangeflorist gift shop post officesouvenir store  W1ATMATM W1bankbank W1 bookstore bookstore W1 camera store camera storeW1clothing storeclothing storeW1currency exchangecurrency exchangeW1floristfloristW1 gift shop gift shopW1 post office post officeW1souvenir storesouvenir storew',Can you please recommend a shopping center?q'Where can I buy silk products?'When does it open?'When does it close?(How much is this?(I'm just browsing.(This is too expensive.(I'll buy this.(Do you have anything $W1?W1larger|smaller|cheaper|betterlargersmallercheaperbetterW1largerlargerW1smallersmallerW1cheapercheaperW1betterbetter(Is this real $W1?W1#silver|gold|platinum|diamond|pearlsilvergold platinumdiamondpearlW1silversilverW1goldgoldW1 platinum platinumW1diamonddiamondW1pearlpearl(Where do I pay?(Do you take credit card?(Do you take travelers check?(Do you take US dollars?(Please give me a receipt.8(I'd like to buy $W1.8W1some toilet paper|a towel|a bath soap|a toothbrush|a toothpaste|shoe polish|a pack of cigarettes|some batteries|some envelopes|some stamps|a postcard some toilet papera towel a bath soap a toothbrush a toothpaste shoe polisha pack of cigarettessome batteriessome envelopes some stamps a postcard 8W1some toilet papersome toilet paper8W1a towela towel8W1 a bath soap a bath soap8 W1 a toothbrush a toothbrush8!W1 a toothpaste a toothpaste8"W1 shoe polish shoe polish8#W1a pack of cigarettesa pack of cigarettes8$W1some batteriessome batteries8%W1some envelopessome envelopes8&W1 some stamps some stamps8'W1 a postcard a postcard8)I'd like to return this.9:)Can you exchange this, please?9:9)I don't have the receipt.:)It does not work.*Where is the nearest $W1?W1ATM|bank|currency exchangeATMbankcurrency exchange(W1ATMATM)W1bankbank*W1currency exchangecurrency exchange*What is your exchange rate?*#Can I exchange some currency here?*,How much local currency can I get for this?*Can I have some smaller notes?*6I've lost my travelers checks. These are the numbers.YI need a doctor.YI need a dentist.Y&Is there a doctor who speaks English?YWhere is the hospital?(YI am injured.`SYHe is injured.xYShe is injured.,YIt hurts here.8YI have a headache.YI have a fever.Y&I have been feeling ill for $W1 days.W1"one|two|three|four|five|six|sevenonetwothreefourfivesixseven+W1oneone,W1twotwo-W1threethree.W1fourfour/W1fivefive0W1sixsix1W1sevensevenY&Please call an ambulance immediately!YI am allergic to this.YI am pregnant.YI have a heart condition.YI have high blood pressure.YHow much does this cost?YCan I have a receipt for this?YWhere is the nearest pharmacy?(Y'Can you fill this prescription for me?YHow much should I take?YHow often should I take it?ZI lost my $W1.W14wallet|credit card|camera|cell phone|passport|watchwallet credit cardcamera cell phone passportwatch2W1walletwallet3W1 credit card credit card4W1cameracamera5W1 cell phone cell phone6W1 passport passport7W1watchwatch'Z#Can you direct me to this address?((ZDo you know where this is?()ZIs there a lost and found?[Where is the police station?[Can you help me?[-I need to contact the $W1 embassy/consulate.W1#Australian|Canadian|British|the US Australian CanadianBritishthe US8W1 Australian Australian9W1 Canadian Canadian:W1BritishBritish;W1the USthe US$Can we meet in the conference room?Can we meet in your office?!Can you suggest a place to meet? Can you suggest a time to meet?,I'm sorry but I need to cancel the meeting.Can we reschedule the meeting?I'll see you then.I need a network connection.I need a network cable.I need a projector.-Here is my business card./&Can I have your business card please?1&Can I have your email address please?3%Can I have your phone number please?5I'll call you.7Please call me.9Please send me fax.;Please write to me.=Please visit our web site.Is it going to be sunny today?Is it going to be rainy today?Is it going to be snowy today?Is it going to be windy today?Is it going to be hot today?Is it going to be cold today?"Is it going to be sunny tomorrow?"Is it going to be rainy tomorrow?"Is it going to be snowy tomorrow? Is it going to be hot tomorrow?!Is it going to be cold tomorrow?When does the store open?When does the museum open?When does this place open?When does the train arrive?When does the bus arrive?When does the flight arrive? every hour every day every week every month every year`I'd like a single room.`I'd like a double room.`I'd like a smoking room.`I'd like a non smoking room.`#I'd like a room with a double bed.` I'd like a room with twin beds.`I'd like a room with shower.`'I'd like a room with private bathroom.a)Is there an air conditioner in the room?aIs there a TV in the room?a"Is there a telephone in the room? aIs there shower in the room? a!Is there a bathroom in the room? a)Is there a conference room in the hotel? a)Is there a laundry service in the hotel? a'Is there a swimming pool in the hotel?aHow much is it per night?aHow much is it per week?a"Does the price include breakfast?aDoes the price include tax?aThe room is too dark.aThe room is too small.aThe room is too noisy.aDo you have a bigger room?aDo you have a cheaper room?aDo you have a quieter room?bWhere is the restaurant?bWhere is the elevator?bWhere is the bar?bWhere is the swimming pool?bWhere is the parking lot?cCan I have a blanket?cCan I have a soap?cCan I have a towel? cCan I have some toilet paper?!d"The air conditioner doesn't work."dThe TV doesn't work.#dThe telephone doesn't work.$dThe heat doesn't work.&-'Where can I find fast-food restaurant?'-Where can I find restaurant?(-$Please recommend a good restaurant.)-,Please recommend an inexpensive restaurant.*-*Please recommend a vegetarian restaurant.+-.Please recommend a restaurant for spicy food.,-2Please recommend a restaurant for non spicy food.-.Could we sit outside?.."Could we sit in the smoking area?/.%Could we sit in the nonsmoking area?0.Could we sit by the window?1/May I have some bread?2/May I have some butter?3/May I have some lemon?4/May I have some mustard?5/May I have some pepper?6/May I have some salt?7/May I have some seasoning?8/May I have some sugar?9/&May I have some artificial sweetener?:/May I have some hot sauce?;/May I have some soy sauce?B/ Could I have an ashtray please?C/Could I have a cup please?D/Could I have a fork please?E/Could I have a knife please?F/Could I have a napkin please?G/Could I have a plate please?H/Could I have a spoon please?I/"I can't eat food containing beef.J/,I can't eat food containing dairy products.K/!I can't eat food containing egg.L/"I can't eat food containing meat.M/"I can't eat food containing pork.N/"I can't eat food containing salt.O/#I can't eat food containing sugar.Q/"I'd like cheese for my breakfast.S/ I'd like eggs for my breakfast.T/&I'd like boiled egg for my breakfast.U/%I'd like fried egg for my breakfast.W/!I'd like honey for my breakfast.Y/ I'd like milk for my breakfast.Z/(I'd like orange juice for my breakfast.[/!I'd like toast for my breakfast.\/I'd like to drink some beer.]/I'd like to drink some coffee.^/"I'd like to drink some ice water._/I'd like to drink some milk.`/&I'd like to drink some mineral water.a/I'd like to drink some tea.b/I'd like to drink some water.c/I'd like to drink some wine.d/Can I have a spoon?e/Can I have fork and knife?f/Can I have chopsticks?g/Can I have some napkin?h/Can I have a glass?i/I have no knife.j/I have no fork.k/I have no spoon.l/I have no napkin.m/I have no glass.nI am here for business.oI am here for vacation.pI am here for study.qMy baggage has been lost.rMy baggage has been stolen.sMy baggage has been damaged.)I'd like one one-way coach class ticket.,I'd like one one-way business class ticket.)I'd like one one-way first class ticket.,I'd like one round-trip coach class ticket./I'd like one round-trip business class ticket.,I'd like one round-trip first class ticket.)I'd like two one-way coach class ticket.,I'd like two one-way business class ticket.)I'd like two one-way first class ticket.,I'd like two round-trip coach class ticket./I'd like two round-trip business class ticket.,I'd like two round-trip first class ticket.+I'd like three one-way coach class ticket..I'd like three one-way business class ticket.+I'd like three one-way first class ticket..I'd like three round-trip coach class ticket.1I'd like three round-trip business class ticket..I'd like three round-trip first class ticket.*I'd like four one-way coach class ticket.-I'd like four one-way business class ticket.*I'd like four one-way first class ticket.-I'd like four round-trip coach class ticket.0I'd like four round-trip business class ticket.-I'd like four round-trip first class ticket.*I'd like five one-way coach class ticket.-I'd like five one-way business class ticket.*I'd like five one-way first class ticket.-I'd like five round-trip coach class ticket.0I'd like five round-trip business class ticket.-I'd like five round-trip first class ticket.)I'd like six one-way coach class ticket.,I'd like six one-way business class ticket.)I'd like six one-way first class ticket.,I'd like six round-trip coach class ticket./I'd like six round-trip business class ticket.,I'd like six round-trip first class ticket.+I'd like seven one-way coach class ticket..I'd like seven one-way business class ticket.+I'd like seven one-way first class ticket..I'd like seven round-trip coach class ticket.1I'd like seven round-trip business class ticket..I'd like seven round-trip first class ticket.+I'd like eight one-way coach class ticket..I'd like eight one-way business class ticket.+I'd like eight one-way first class ticket..I'd like eight round-trip coach class ticket.1I'd like eight round-trip business class ticket..I'd like eight round-trip first class ticket.$I'd like to confirm my reservation.#I'd like to cancel my reservation.#I'd like to change my reservation.Can I have a drink?Can I have some thing to eat?Can I have a blanket?Can I have a pillow?$How do I get to this train station?%How do I get to this subway station?"How do I get to this bus station?$Does this train go to this station?%Does this subway go to this station?"Does this bus go to this station?I'd like to rent an automatic..I'd like to rent a car with air conditioning.How much does it cost per day? How much does it cost per week?I'd like to rent for one day.I'd like to rent for one week.I'd like to rent for two day.I'd like to rent for two week. I'd like to rent for three day.!I'd like to rent for three week.I'd like to rent for four day. I'd like to rent for four week.I'd like to rent for five day. I'd like to rent for five week.I'd like to rent for six day.I'd like to rent for six week.What is the charge per hour?What is the charge per day?Please take me to this place. Please take me to this airport.Please take me to this hotel."Is there a discount for children?)Is there a discount for senior citizens?"Is there a discount for students?I'd like tickets for one.I'd like tickets for two.I'd like tickets for three.I'd like tickets for four.I'd like tickets for five.I'd like tickets for six.Can you recommend a concert?Can you recommend a opera?#Can you recommend a movie theater?Can you recommend a bar?Can you recommend a nightclub?Where is the nearest concert?Where is the nearest opera?$Where is the nearest movie theater?Where is the nearest bar? Where is the nearest nightclub?I'm from Australia.I'm from Canada.I'm from England.I'm from Ireland.I'm from Scotland.I'm from Britain.I'm from the US.I'm from Wales.I'm with my husband.I'm with my wife.I'm with my family.I'm with my children.I'm with my boyfriend.I'm with my girlfriend.I like music.I like reading.I like sports.I'm here for business. I'm here for vacation. 'Where is the nearest ATM? 'Where is the nearest bank? ' Where is the nearest bookstore? '#Where is the nearest camera store?'%Where is the nearest clothing store?'(Where is the nearest currency exchange?'Where is the nearest florist?' Where is the nearest gift shop?'"Where is the nearest post office?'%Where is the nearest souvenir store?(Do you have anything larger?(Do you have anything smaller?(Do you have anything cheaper?(Do you have anything better?(Is this genuine silver?s(Is this genuine gold?s(Is this genuine platinum?s(Is this genuine diamond?s(Is this genuine pearl?s(#I'd like to buy some toilet paper.s(I'd like to buy a towel.s(I'd like to buy a bath soap.s (I'd like to buy a toothbrush.s!(I'd like to buy a toothpaste.s"(I'd like to buy shoe polish.s#(&I'd like to buy a pack of cigarettes.s$( I'd like to buy some batteries.s%( I'd like to buy some envelopes.s&(I'd like to buy some stamps.s'(I'd like to buy a postcard.s(*Where is the nearest ATM?)*Where is the nearest bank?**(Where is the nearest currency exchange?+Y%I have been feeling ill for one day.,Y&I have been feeling ill for two days.-Y(I have been feeling ill for three days..Y'I have been feeling ill for four days./Y'I have been feeling ill for five days.0Y&I have been feeling ill for six days.1Y(I have been feeling ill for seven days.2ZI lost my wallet.3ZI lost my credit card.4ZI lost my camera.5ZI lost my cell phone.6ZI lost my passport.7ZI lost my watch.8[4I need to contact the Australian embassy/consulate.9[2I need to contact the Canadian embassy/consulate.:[1I need to contact the British embassy/consulate.;[,I need to contact the US embassy/consulate.dqChinese nouns have no plural forms. Whether a noun is singular or plural is determined by a number modifying it.eBIt is not customary to tip in China, but people do appreciate it.fLUsually soup is not served before main course in traditional Chinese meals.g6Dessert is not included in traditional Chinese meals.h6Butter is not available in traditional Chinese meals.irCheese is not available in traditional Chinese meals and they may not be available in superstores in small towns.jMost Chinese people drink hot, boiled water. If you want ice water you need to say it. Visitors are advised not to drink tap water. Bottled water and drinks are readily available.k=Most fish dishes are whole fish, cooked with bones and skin.lDifferent from most western countries, Chinese people put their family names before given names. Most family names have only one character while most given names have either one or two characters.mContrary to western countries, there are only hundreds of popular family names but billions of given names. It is customary to call Chinese people by their family names.n There are no western-style pharmacies in China. Carry your medication in hand luggage packaged in the original, labeled container. If you go to a hospital in China and get a prescription, fill it inside the hospital as most hospitals are affiliated with a pharmacy.ouYou probably do not need to translate "email". People who often uses email may understand the English word directly.pFCountry code of China is 86, Taiwan 886, Hong Kong 852, Singapore 65.qNumbers are used the same way as in western countries, except the pronunciation. You do not need to use a Chinese character to represent a digit. rIA day in a week is the word 'week', followed by a number, except Sunday.sAThe name of a month is the word 'month', prefixed with a number.t<It's a good idea to be equipped with your own toilet paper.uChina has a low crime rate. However crime has increased in the past few years, principally in the major cities. U.S. citizens and other foreigners have seldom been victims of violent crime.v+Chinese currency is called RenMinBi (RMB).wCurrency exchange facilities are available at major airports, hotels, and department stores. Major credit cards are accepted by most major hotels and well-known restaurants.xEmergency numbers: Fire 119, Ambulance 120, Other Emergencies 110. Local directory assistance: 114. SOS China Alarm Center Beijing: (86-10)6500-3419; Hong Kong: (852)2545-0868. ybAustralia Embassy in China: 21 DongZhiMenWai Da Jie, Sanlitun, Beijing 100600. (86-10)6532-2331.zcCanadian Embassy in China: 19 DongZhiMenWai Da Jie, ChaoYangQu, Beijing, 100600. (86-10)6532-3536.{UK Embassy in China: 11 Guang Hua Lu, Jian Guo Men Wai Da Jie, Beijing 100600. (86-10)6532-1961-4, (86-10)6532-1937-9, (86-10)6532-1930, |tUS Embassy in China: 3 Xiushui Bei Jie, JianGuoMenWai Da Jie, Beijing, 100600. (86-10)6532-3831, (86-10)6532-1161!`O}Y.L `O}YT?LM"w_}Y,"".vS"\e N}Y.O4] NHS}Y.P4^Zf N}Y.Q4 Q.R`eT?STUM gNeT?~TUMb N-Ne.|TV `QbaNNT?SWXYZ[M `QNMT?SWXY\M [ Nw,bl,Ta.]|_``NHN?SYa`Q NegT?SWbcM `.^bыN NT?SWd|efMFُ*NSNHN?gaُ/fNHNa`?haiُ*N`HN_?jk bf}vN.|lm b Na.|n `OaT?}oM)YltfΘYNN)Y)Yl`7h?p N)Y  (f)Y  f)Y  T)Y  MR)Y ~y~R\e)Yfgsgut^ s(WQp? q N)YQS? rfgNsrfgNsrfg NsrfgVsrfgNsrfgmQsrfgestrNgusNgus NgusVgusNgusmQgusNguskQgus]NgusASgusASNgusASNgusqNqNq NqVqNqmQqNqkQq]NqASq eQS QSS@btsY7uqSi;SbL@\P/f N""`O.v}.w> zI{.wx[ Nw.]bIk.y N(u".z{lsQ|._|ۏ.w}Dя gS@bT?~M JTɋb ...?w|.^*N_T?WM JTɋbSُ?Q`HNpT?W|jMb N.|b` ...| bN` ...~b ...b(W~b ...b ...4}Y45OW56f}Y47fOW58'Y89\9:O1[:;5;BeBCZfCD[fDEVE2=N23NK3<r^Q<==>ўf>?IQf?@sT@FzzFGnGHpHI)nIJQJKQKX[YXYVBgYx^}YS_6qS_NTFO/fb_}Y N N}Y_|| (WT?Q?X `ST?Q?Sُ?Q?Q̑bYb]S;`/fN N s(W !__!" geP"&]\Oet'hT+g'dُ/fY\?de gY\?k_\kl_Yfgl gghNp?Qhi_YfjYjmkُYnkُ\oY_Yq*YYr:NNHN?s:NNHN N?tV:N ...w b NwS:NNHN.|x(W?Q?Xyُ/f~v?hُ/fv?h`OTN*N?}{yY{N{|b|}`O}~ gN~l gNgُ*N*Nbv`OvNvyYvNNvbvbNv`ONvNvyYvNNv `cP*N[T?SWMkZfY\? gO1[NpvT?:M `.^b[N*N?bT?SWMb`HNS?Q?|j g?bT?M Dя gvQN[T?~M bYNbST?|WM b[N?b.|m  bv TW[S ...g (Wbv?bRN _^T?WXM bSN wN N?bT?|fMbُ*N?b.| b Nُ*N?b.|  bb?bS"NN.|! b(W?bYbN.|Xm .^bSQyf.wd|g.^bmُ*N.wd| bvc gm}YNT?4mM} bv?bnt.~ bv^tet.?b gp.l gp4l.g4l4YoN. 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