abase//humiliate, lower, degrade, demean, humble, debase//ߴ,(,ǰ)߸, âǸ ִ abash//make ashamed, embarrass, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance//Ȥ ϴ abate//subside, bate, dwindle, lull, relent, slacken, wane, deduce, lessen//׷߸, , ȿϴ abdicate//step down from a position of power or responsibility, renounce, give up, resign//ϴ, ϴ, ϴ aberration//a deviation//ٸ , Ż, ̻, () abet//encourage or assist in wrongdoing//߱, ϴ abhor//hate very much, detest, abominate, execrate, loathe// Ⱦϴ, ϴ abject//hopeless, extremely sad and servile, defeated, miserable, wretched//, õ, , abjure//repudiate, reject, recall, recant, retract, withdraw// (ͼ,, ) ͼ , ϴ, öȸϴ abnegate//renounce, give up, reject//(Ǹ ), ϴ, ϴ, abomination//sth despised or abhorred, extreme loathing//, , ִ () aboriginal//native, primordial, endemic, indigenous//ó, , , , / ֹ, Ĺ abortive//unsuccessful, futile, ineffective, ineffectual, vain//, , abound//to be very numerous// ִ, ... dzϴ abridge//shorten, condense, abbreviate, curtail, retrench//ϴ, ϴ, ϴ abrogate//abolish, repeal formally, annihilate, annul, invalidate, vitiate, nullify//(,) ϴ, öϴ, ϴ absolve//forgive or free from blame, pardon / free from sin, discharge//뼭ϴ / ϴ,ϴ abstinent//abstaining, voluntarily not doing something, continent, temperate//ϴ, ݿ, ϴ abstract//theoretical, impersonal//߻, ̻, , , ɿ, , ߻ , <->concrete abstruse//hard to understand, obscure, profound, esoteric, recondite, enigmatic//, ɿ abysmal//extremely hopeless or wretched, bottomless, fathomless//Ѿ , ɿ, , accede//1. agree, yield, give in, assent, consent, acquiesce//ϴ, 2. ()ϴ accentuate//emphasize, accent, highlight//ε巯 ϴ, ϴ, ... ϴ access//1. 2. the right or ability to approach, enter or use, Ҽ ִ Ǹ 3. outburst, acclaim//praise publicity and enthusiastically, applaud, hail//ȯȣϿ ϴ, ä / ä, ȯȣ accolade//an award, an honor, laurels//Ʈ , , ǥâ accord//agree, to be in harmony, grant or bestow//ϴ, ȭϴ, ϴ, ϴ / concord, consonance accost//to approach an speak to someone, address//ٰ ɴ / , λ accouterments//personal clothing, accessories, or equipment, trappings//( ̿) , 屸, , accrue//accumulate over time, augment//ڿ ϴ(), ( ) ٴ, ô acerbic//bitter, sour, severe, acrimonious//[] , Ŷ acquiesce//assent, accede, consent, agree, comply passively//ϴ, , ³ϴ, ϴ acquisitive//seeking or tending to acquire, greedy// , (, α, ) ϴ acquit//1.exculpate,exonerate,vindicate / 2.behave or conduct oneself//1. ˹ϴ,ϴ / 2. ൿϴ,óϴ acrid//sharp, pungent, piquant, poignant, harsh, like acid//ſ, Ŷ, Ȥ acrimonious//bitter, stinging, caustic, acerbic, acidulous, mordant, sarcastic, trenchant//ż, µ ݷ, Ŷ acronym//a word made up of the initial of other words//ιھ acumen//keenness of judgment, mental sharpness, astuteness, discernment, perspicacity//, , īο acute//1. sharp, shrewd, sensitive, penetrating//1. īο, ΰ 2. ޼ <-> chronic adage//wise saying, proverb, maxim, axiom, aphorism, apothegm//ݾ, Ӵ adamant//hard, inflexible, stubborn, unyielding, inexorable, obdurate, rigid, uncompromising//ܴ, ߰, address//to speak to, to direct one's attention to//[...] ɴ, ϴ, [ ]/ϴ adduce//bring forward as an example or as proof, cite//... οϴ, (, ) (ο)ϴ adherent//follower, supporter, believer / clinging, coherent, sticky // , , / ִ, 鷯ٴ adjourn//suspend until another time//... ϴ, ̷, ȸϴ adjunct//accessory, appendage, appurtenance, assistant//ΰ, μӹ, ad-lib//improvise, speak or act spontaneously// ...ϴ admonish//scold gently, warn, reprove, forewarn, chide, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach//ưϴ, ϴ adroit//skillful, dexterous, adept, proficient, ambidextrous, clever, shrewd//, ؾִ, , adulation//flattery, wild or excessive admiration, blandishment//, ÷ adulterate//contaminate, make impure, degrade, impurity, pollute//Ű, advent//arrival, coming, beginning//(߿ , ι ), , , <-> exit adventitious//accidental, fortuitous, casual, irrelevant, incidental//쿬 , 쿬, , õ adverse//opposed, disadvantageous, unpropitious, unfavorable, antagonistic, oppugnant//ݴ, ǰ ִ, Ҹ advocate//urge, plead for / justify, support//ȣ, , ȣ / ϴ, ȣϴ aesthetic//having to do with artistic beauty//, ɹ affable//courteous, amiable, congenial, cordial, genial, polite, friendly//, ٻ, Ӽ ִ, ε巯 affectation//unnatural or artificial behavior, usually intended to impress//ü, ٹ affidavit//written statement made under oath, a sworn written statement//, affiliate//become closely associated with ally, conjunct//... պϴ, ԽŰ, Ͽ ϴ, ϴ, ϴ affinity//kinship, analogy, comparison, resemblance, similitude, sympathy, attraction, similarity//ģȭ, 缺, affliction//misery, illness, great suffering, a source of illness//, , ; , , affluent//opulent, rich, prosperous//dz, afford//give, supply, confer upon//... ϴ, ִ, ϴ, ִ affront//insult, deliberate act of disrespect//, / (Ƿ)ϴ, âִ aftermath//consequence, events following some occurrence or calamity//, , agenda//program, timetable, items of business at a meeting, things to be done//ȸ , , Ȱ, ǻ aggrandize//exaggerate, augment, increase, amplify, magnify//() Ȯϴ, (, Ƿ, )... ȭ ϴ aggregate//sum total, gross, inclusive ,overall, whole//հ, Ѱ / , ϴ, Ѱ谡 ... Ǵ aggrieve//mistreat, vex, do grievous injury to, distress//... ִ, , дϴ aghast//terrified, shocked, horrified, agape, dismayed, overwhelmed//, ̸ agnostic//one who believes that the existence of a god can be, atheist, skeptic//Ұ / Ұ agrarian//pertaining to land or its cultivation//, , alacrity//cheerful eagerness or readiness to respond, promptness//ø, , , Ȱ alchemy//medieval chemistry//ݼ alienate//1. make unfriendly or hostile, estrange, alien, separate//...ҿϴ, ϴ 2. () ű allege//assert without proof, adduce, affirm, assert, avouch, declare//ܾϴ, ϴ allegiance//duty, support, loyalty//漺 allegory//fable, apologue, parable, story in which characters are used as symbols//ȭ, alleviate//relieve, palliate, allay, appease, assuage, soothe, calm, pacify//Ű, ȭϴ allocate//distribute, assign, allot, apportion, mete//Ҵϴ, ϴ allot//apportion, allocate, assign//Ҵϴ, ϴ alloy//a combination of two or more things, usually metals//ձ, ȥչ allusion//an indirect reference, a hint, connotation, implication, inkling, innuendo, insinuation, intimation//Ͻ, Ʈ aloof//uninvolved, apathetic, indifferent, reserved, reticent, taciturn//ָ , ô altercation//heated fight, argument or quarrel, controversy, dispute, fracas//, altruism//selflessness, generosity, magnanimity, philanthropy//Ÿ Ÿ(Ÿο ) amass//pile up, accumulate, collect, cumulate, garner, stockpile//() , ϴ, ״ ambience//atmosphere, milieu, medium, surroundings, mood, feeling//ȯ, ambiguous//unclear in meaning, confusing, equivocal, inexplicit, vague//, Ǯ̵Ǵ, и ambivalent//undecided, neutral, wishy-washy//ΰ 縳Ͽ , ߼, ߸ ameliorate//make better or more tolerable, improve, amend//ϴ, ϴ, amenable//obedient, compliant, docile, malleable, pliant, submissive, tractable, agreeable//ϴ, Ⲩ amenity//pleasantness, attractive or comfortable feature//, ſ, ü, (pl), , ǹٸ amiable//friendly, agreeable, lovable, complaisant, courteous, lenient//ȣ ִ, , ֱ ִ amid//in the middle of//... Ѻǿ, ... ѷο, ...̿, â amnesty//an official pardon for a group of people who have violated a law, absolution//, , Ư / ϴ amoral//lacking a sense of right and wrong, nonmoral// , amorous//feeling loving, especially in a sexual sense, in love, relating love, enamored, erotic//, ȣ, 俰 amorphous//shapeless, bloblike, formless//, ° anachronism//something out of place in time or history, an incongruity, misdate, parachronism//ô,ô뿡 ڶ analogy//comparison of one thing to another, similarity, affinity, parallelism, resemblance, similitude//, anarchy//absence of government or control, lawlessness, disorder, chaos//, anathema//sth or sn loathed , detested, cursed, or execrated//Ĺ, , ֹ , ޴ () ancillary//subordinate, providing assistance, appurtenant, auxiliary, subsidiary//, μ, μ anecdote//a short account of a humorous or revealing incident, amusing account, tale//ȭ, angst//anxiety, fear, dread//Ҿ anguish//agonizing physical or mental pain, throes, torment, torture//, , / οϴ animosity//resentment, hostility, ill will, animus, antagonism, enmity, hostility//ݰ, , , annex//add or attach//ΰϴ, ÷ϴ annuity//yearly allowance//(), ݺ anomaly//an aberration, an irregularity, a deviation//Ģ, ̻, , ̷ antecedent//precedent//ռ, , ... / , , antedate//be older than, have come before//(ð) Ͼ, ռ anterior//situated in front//(ð, ġ)ռ, , anthology//a collection of especially of literary works//(ѻ̳ ), ù, ǰ anthropomorphic//anthropoid, humanoid//ι(̳ 繰 ó) antipathy//dislike, animosity, abhorrence, abomination, aversion, loathing ,repugnance, (sympathy)//ݰ, antipodal//situated on opposite sides of the earth, exactly opposite// ݴ, ݴ antiquity//ancientness, ancient times//°, , , (pl) , ̼ǰ antithesis//the direct opposite//ݴ, , (ݷ̶ ǹ̴ ) apartheid//the abhorrent policy of racial segregation an oppression// apathy//lack of interest, lack of feeling, impassiveness, indifference//, , ô aperture//opening, hole, orifice, vent, outlet// , ƴ, aphorism//a brief, often witty saying, a proverb, maxim, adage, apothegm//ݾ apocalypse//a prophetic revelation//, õ, Ѱ÷ apocryphal//dubious, fictitious, spurious, bogus, counterfeit, forged, phony, spurious, ungenuine//¥, apogee//(, ΰ ˵󿡼 ־ ġ)ְ, , (õ) <-> perigee apoplexy//stroke//(), apostasy//abandonment or rejection of faith or loyalty, treachery, perfidy//, , Ż apotheosis//1. elevation to devine status, signification, deification 2. the perfect example of something//1.Űȭ, Ī 2. appalling//causing horror or consternation//Ҹġ, apparition//ghost, phantom, specter, wraith//, ȯ, appease//soothe, pacify, propitiate, placate, conciliate, assuage, mollify, palliate//Ű,޷,(Ŀ,屸)ä appellation//name, title, caption//Ī, ȣĪ, appendage//supplement, appurtenance//(Ŵ޸) ΰ, μӹ, μ apportion//distribute proportionally, divide into portions//Ҵϴ, , ϴ apposite//distinctly suitable, pertinent, appropriate, relevant, germane//, appraise//estimate value of, judge, assess, evaluate//ϴ, ϴ appreciate//1. recognize quality 2. understand, fathom, cognize, comprehend 3. to be thanks for 4. increase in value apprehensive//1.worried, anxious, solicitous, fearful 2. comprehensive, discerning, perceptive //1. ϴ,ϴ 2. ذ apprise//inform, give notice to, notify//˸ approbation//approval, praise, sanction//㰡, , Ī appropriate//set aside for a particular use, take without permission//ϴ, ڱó ̾ / , ˸ appurtenance//something extra, appendage, accessory, adjunct, appendage, appendix//ΰ, μӹ apropos//appropriate, with reference to, properly//, ˸, ϰ apt//1. quick to learn or understand 2. likely, liable 3. appropriate//1. Ѹ 2. ...ϴ ִ 3. , aptitude//capacity for learning, natural ability, caliber, fitness, talent//, , , arbiter//one who decides; a judge, referee, umpire//, arbitrary//random, capricious, autocratic, despotic, monocratic//, , , arcade//̵( Ǵ ) arcane//mysterious, secret, inscrutable, mystical, uncanny//, Ұ archaic//extremely old, ancient, outdated, antique//dz archetype//original mode or pattern, prototype, primitive pattern, model, original//, , archipelago//group of islands//, ٵ archives//public records, place where public records are kept//(), ardent//passionate//, , Ÿ, Ÿ (half-hearted) arduous//1. hard, difficult, laborious, strenuous, toilsome 2. steep//1. , 2. ĸ arid//very dry, barren, droughty, sterile, unfruitful//, Ҹ, ̰ aristocratic//of noble birth, snobbish// armament//implement of war, the process of arming for war//, , armistice//truce// arraign//bring to court to answer answer an indictment, accuse, criminate, impeach, inculpate, indict//ȯϴ, ϴ arrant//utter, unmitigated, absolute, thorough, complete, unmitigated//, , ְ, , Ǹ arrears//the state of being in debt, unpaid debts, indebtedness// ܱ, ü arsenal//a collection of armaments, a facility for storing or producing armament//, â, () artful//crafty, wily, sly//, ɼ ɶ, articulate//1. pronounce clearly, express clearly//1. ȶ ϴ 2. Joint ϴ; и, joint artifice//trickery, cunning, chicanery, deceit, device, feint, maneuver, ruse, stratagem, skulduggery//å, , ⸸ artisan//a manually skilled worker, craftsman, mechanic//, ɰ ascendancy//supremacy, domination, preeminence, preponderance//켼, , б, ascertain//find out certainty, determine with certainty, discover//Ȯϰϴ, Ȯϴ, ˾Ƴ ascetic//practicing self-denial, hermitlike, abstemious, abstinent, astringent, austere//ϴ ݿ / ݿ ascribe//refer, attribute, impute, assign// ſ askance//with suspicion ,disapproval, sideways, or indirect look, awry, askew, crookedly//½ 񽺵, 紫 aspersion//slanderous remark, animadversion, calumny, detraction, invective, libel, obloquy, stricture//, ߻ assail//attack vigorously, assault, aggress//ϴ, ϴ assert//claim strongly, affirm//ܾϴ, (ȣ)ϴ assess//1. fix the amount of 2. appraise, evaluate, estimate//1.(, ) ϴ 2. ϴ, ϴ assiduous//hardworking, busy, quite diligent, industrious, sedulous//ٸ, ƴ ġ assimilate//absorb, cause to become homogeneous, imbibe, learn thoroughly//ȭϴ, ȭϴ, ϴ, ϴ assuage//soothe, pacify, ease pain of, relieve, allay, appease, mitigate, mollify, propitiate, placate//޷, ׷߸ astringent//1. binding, causing contraction 2. harsh, severe, withering, strict, stringent//1. ż 2. ; astute//shrewd, wise, acute, keen in judgment//, ƴ, Ȱ asylum//mental hospital, refuge, shelter, place of safety//ó, , ()ȣ , ź atone//make amends, compensate for, redress, expiate//ϴ, ϴ atrophy//wither away, decline from disuse//ϴ, ϴ(Ű), ü , , () , Ÿ attest//give proof of, give testimony, testify, certify, vouch//ϴ, Ű Ǵ attribute//ascribe; trait// , ſ ; Ӽ, Ư, Ҿ ٴϴ , μ attrition//natural or expected decrease, gradual wearing away, weakening or loss, corrosion, erosion//,,Ҹ, augment//make bigger, add to, increase, aggrandize, boost, expand, extend, magnify//Ű, ø, ô augur//steer, soothsayer; predict, foretell, serve as a sign or omen//; ġ, ... ̴ august//inspiring admiration or awe, stately, grandiose, imposing, magnificent, majestic, splendid//, ִ auspices//protection, support, sponsorship//Ŀ, (under the auspices ޾), , auspicious//pointing to a good result, favorable, promising, propitious//, 󼭷ο, ,罺 <-> adverse austere//unadorned, stern, ascetic, rigorous, severe, strict, without excess//ٹ , , , ؾ, autocratic//extremely bossy, ruling with absolute authority, despotic, of dictator// autonomous//acting independently//ġ, auxiliary//additional, subsidiary, secondary, ancillary, appurtenant, subordinate, supplementary//, ߰ / avail//help, to be of use, serve//, ִ, ... Ǵ avant-garde//() , ƹ氡, avarice//greed, excessive love of riches//Ž, aversion//antagonism, antipathy, abhorrence, abomination, distaste, hatred, repellency, repugnance, repulsion//, avert//turn away, divert, veer; prevent, balk, foil, forestall, preclude, obviate//(,) ; ()ϴ, avid//enthusiastic, greedy, eager for, ardent, covetous, gluttonous//Ž彺, ϴ avow//claim, declare boldly, affirm, assert, asseverate, aver, avouch, testify, admit//ϴ, ϴ avuncular//like an uncle, especially a nice uncle//(), ̰ ģ awry//off course, twisted to one side, askance, askew//Ʋ, Ʋ axiom//1. a self-evident rule or truth without proof 2. a widely accepted saying, maxim//1. , ġ, 2. ݾ bacchanal//(׸)ī , û / , ġ (revelry) baleful//baneful, malign, pernicious, deleterious, destructive, harmful, sinister, ominous//طο, ұ balk//1. hinder, foil 2. refuse to proceed //1. ũ 2. , / 1. ϴ,Ű 2. ()Ȱ 뾲 3.ϴ ballyhoo//sensational advertising or promotion, uproar//ߴܽ , , ߴܹ, Ҷ balm//analgesic, anodyne, paregoric//, (, ̴), . , () Ǵ° banal//unoriginal, ordinary, hackneyed, commonplace, trite, platitudinous, pedestrian, humdrum//, bandy//toss back and forth, exchange//( ) ġ ްϴ, (Ÿ, ) ְ ްϴ bane//poison, venom, cause of harm//, ؾ, ĸ, banter//an exchange of good-humored or mild teasing remarks//Ǿ ϴ / Ǿ baroque//highly ornate, flamboyant in style//ٷũ, ٷũ, ȭ barrage//barrier laid down by artillery fire, outpouring; bombardment//ź; ߻, (, ) , ۺ bastion//stronghold, fortress, fortified place, bulwark, rampart//, bauble//a gaudy trinket, small and inexpensive ornament, bagatelle//ΰ , ű bedlam//noisy uproar and chaos, place like that//, Ҷ beget//give birth to, create, lead to, cause, breed, generate//, propagate, ̸ , ϴ begrudge//1. envy 2. give with reluctance//1. üϴ 2. ֱ Ⱦϴ, Ʊϴ (grudge ) behest//command, order, fiat, edict// belabor//1. beat soundly, assail verbally 2. go over repeatedly to an absurd extent, harp//1. ġ, 弳ϴ, ȣġ beleaguer//surround, besiege, beset, harass//ϴ, ѷδ, belie//give a false impression, contradict, contravene, controvert//(Ӹ ٸ )̴, ݴ()Ǵ belittle//make to seem little, put sb down, disparage, derogate, detract, depreciate//躸, , ϴ belligerent//combative, bellicose, contentious, militant, pugnacious, quarrelsome, waging war//, ȣ bemoan//mourn about, lament//ϴ, źϴ bemused//absent-minded, confused, bewildered//, ̳,  / ϰ ϴ, ... benediction//blessing, benison, utterance of good wish//ູ , ູ, ü benefactor//gift giver, patron//, Ŀ, ϴ benevolent//generous, kind, charitable, altruistic, humane, magnanimous, philanthropic, humanitarian//ں񽺷, ģ benighted//1. ignorant//1. , ̰ 2. benign//kind, favorable, gentle, clement, humane, merciful, not harmful// , ģ, ȭ, ذ bequeath//leave in a will// bequest//something left to someone in a will, legacy, patrimony//, , bereft//deprived of, lacking, left desolate//ѱ, 纰, [ Ͽ , ]ѱ, Ȳ beset//surround, harass, badger, distress, irritate, torment, vex//ѷδ, ϴ, ϴ, , ϴ bestow//present as a gift, confer, donate//ִ, ϴ bilious//ill-tempered, cranky, fretful, irascible, peevish, petulant, testy, touchy//(bile), , ٷο bivouac//temporary encampment especially of soldiers//߿ϴ / ߿ blanch//bleach, whiten, to turn pale, cause to turn pale, palliate// ϴ, ǥϴ, â bland//soothing, mild, balmy, lenient, tasteless, dull//ȭ, () ε巯, ý, ŷ¾, blandishment//flattery, adulation//÷, blasphemy//irreverence, an insult to sth held sacred, profanity, sacrilege//ż, Ұ blatant//loudly offensive, boisterous, clamorous, obstreperous, vociferous; glaring, obvious//; Ӻ̴ blight//(Ĺ)״ , , , ȭ, Ȳ / װ ϴ, ĸŰ bliss//extreme joy, perfect contentment//ູ, , blithe//carefree, cheerful, gay, joyous, delectable//, Ȱ, , ູ bluster//1. roar, be loud, be tumultuous//1. (ٶ,) ָ ġ 2. (out)Ҹ; 糪 ٶ()Ҹ ,ȣ bombast//high-sounding talk, hyperbole// , dz, ȣ bon vivant//a person who enjoys good food, good drink, and luxurious living, epicure//̽İ boon//blessing, benefit; convivial, jolly//ູ, ; , boor//rough and ill-mannered person, churl, lout, clod//ĥ , ð߱ booty//plunder//ǰ, ȹ botch//bungle, ruin through poor or clumsy effort// ϴٰ ġ / , bourgeois//middle-class person//߻, ں, θ־ / ߻, ӹټ bovine//cow-like// , , , bracing//invigorating, lively, stimulated//Ű, , ڱؽŰ //cf. brace: support, prepare, stimulate brandish//wave or display threateningly//(Į ) ֵθ, (â) bravado//swagger, temerity, bluster, assumed air of defiance, false or ostentatious show of bravery or defiance//㼼, brawn//big muscles, great strength//, Ϸ brazen//audacious, contumelious, impertinent, saucy, insolent, brash, impudent, bold//, , breach//1. breaking of contract or duty, violation, infraction, infringement 2. fissure, hiatus, interim, rupture, gap or break//1. 2. ߸, brevity//briefness, conciseness, succinctness//, , ª brink//edge//ڸ bristle//1. stiffen with fear or anger 2. show indignation// 1. μ 2. broach//1. open up a subject //1. ȭ , մ 2. 谡 ٲپ dzĸ ްϴ bromide//a dull, obvious, over familiar saying, a clich?, platitude//Ÿ , , Ʋ brouhaha//uproar, hubbub, tumult, bedlam//Ҷ, ҵ, brusque//blunt, abrupt, gruff//Ҷ bucolic//charmingly rural, country-like, rustic, pastoral, idyllic//ð, ġ , buffoon//joker, clown//ͻ bulwark//earthwork or other strong defense, safeguard, citadel, bastion//ä, , , bureaucracy//government by bureaus//ġ(, ) burgeon//send out buds, blossom, bloom, effloresce, expand, augment, multiply, flourish//Ʈ, ϴ, âϴ burlesque//parody, lampoon, travesty, caricature, give an imitation that ridicules//ͻ콺 / 䳻 / ͻ, dz byzantine//extremely intricate or complicated in structure//ƾ, Ƽ( ) cabal//a group of conspiracy, act of such group, clique, junta, plot//, cache//hiding place, the thing hidden in a secret place//δ , , й / ϴ cacophony//discordant sound, dissonance//ȭ, , <-> accord cadence//rhythm, the rise and fall of sounds//, cajole//persuade, coax, wheedle, beguile, deceive, delude//߱, ̼ ̴ calamity//disaster, cataclysm, catastrophe, misadventure, tragedy//, callous//hardened, insensitive, emotionally hardened, unfeeling//(Ǻΰ), , ô callow//immature, immature, juvenile, unfledged, youthful//() , ּ calumny//belittlement, defamation, depreciation, detraction, disparagement, slander, maliciously false statement//, ߻ candor//truthfulness, sincere honesty, frankness//򹫻, źȸ, , canine//dog-like//, , ۰, canon//2. accepted standard//1. ij(⵶ ž ) 2. Թ, 3. 4. cant//1. slope 2. hypocrisy 3. jargon //1. ; ̴ 2. ( ) 3. , //cf. recant: ϴ canvass//survey, inspect, scrutinize//ڼ ϴ, öϰ ϴ capacious//spacious, roomy, commodious//, , ū, , capital//money, equipment and property owned by business, wealth used in creating more wealth//, ں, õ capitalism//ں capitulate//give up or give in, submit, succumb, yield, surrender//(Ǻη)׺ϴ, ִ, ׸δ capricious//fickle, incalculable, mercurial, unpredictable//, ޺ϴ captivate//fascinate, enchant, to enrapture//... Ȥϴ, , Ѵ carcinogenic//causing cancer//߾ϼ cardinal//chief, essential, fundamental, vital//⺻, ߿ / ߱ careen//swerve, move rapidly without control, lean to one side//ڱ ٱ, ()← û()ϴ caricature//distortion, burlesque, parody, travesty//ͻ콺, dz, ͻ콺 䳻 cartography// (), () cascade//small waterfall; fall like a cascade// , ó ; ó castigate//criticize, chastise, punish, censure//ϴ, åϴ, Ȥϴ, ¡ϴ cataclysm//deluge, inundation, spate, calamity, catastrophe, misadventure, tragedy//(ȫ, , , ) 뺯, ݺ catalyst//˸, , ˸ ϴ categorical//unconditional, absolute//ֿ ϴ, , , , ܾ catharsis//purification that brings emotional relief or renewal, purgation//īŸý, ȭ catholic//universal, cosmic, embracing everything, broadly sympathetic, liberal//, , , õֱ caucus//( )ȸ(å .ĺ ), ȸ, 繫ȸ / ȸ caustic//like acid, corrosive, sarcastic, incisive, mordacious, mordant, pungent, trenchant//νļ, Ŷ, cavalier//1. arrogant, haughty 2. carefree, casual //(knight), ()ǹٸ 系; 1. Ÿ 2. cavil//quibble, carp, dissent, raise trivial objection//, Ʈ / Ʈ celibacy//abstinence from sex//, ŻȰ, ݿ censure//condemn, blame, criticize, denounce, denunciate, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprobate, reprove cerebral//brainy, intellectual, pertaining to the brain or intellect//, , ȣϴ chaff//1. worthless stuff 2. banter //1. հ, , ⵿ 2. ( ) / Ǿ  chagrin//mortification, vexation, disappointment//(, й), / ϰ ϴ chameleon//lizard that changes color in different situations//ī᷹, champion//advocate, vindicate, defend, support//ȣϴ, ϴ channel//direct, cause to follow a certain path//, ; θ Ʈ charisma//divine gift, great popular charm or appeal of a political leader//, Ǵ, , ŷ charlatan//fraud, con man, quack, mountebank, pretender to knowledge//dz, ͸ ǻ chasm//deep and gaping hole, crevice, gorge, abyss// ƴ, , ɿ, , (.)տ, ǰ chaste//pure, unadorned, decent, immaculate, stainless, unblemished, undefiled, unsullied//, , ٹ chastise//punish, discipline, castigate, chasten//¡ϴ, ¡ϴ cherub//supercede child, angel//ü, ǰõ, ڰ  chicanery//deceitfulness, artifice, trickery, deception, machination, plot, subterfuge, stratagem, ruse//ٸ, ߻, Ӽ chimera//illusion, foolish fancy//, chivalrous//(߼)絵, Ҹ(honorable), (courteous, polite), 밨(gallant) //cf. cavalier: Ÿ, choleric//quick to anger, hot-tempered, bilious, splenetic, irascible, testy, touchy//, ȭ chortle//chuckle with glee//() , ϴ, chronic//constant, habitual, lasting along time, inveterate, long-established as a disease// , chronicle//a record of events in order of time//, , churl//rude person, boor, bad-tempered person, lout, clod// ٷο chutzpah//brazenness, audacity//, ö cipher//zero, nonentity, code, solution to code//0(), ü , ȣ, ȣۼ(ص) / ȣ circuitous//roundabout, indirect// , ȸ, θ, , ϴ, ϰ circumlocution//indirect or roundabout expression, euphemism, roundabout//ѷ , ϰ ǥ, ΰ circumnavigate//sail or travel all the way around//(. )ϴ circumscribe//draw a line around, define, restrict, limit, confine// 輱 ߴ, ѷδ, ϴ,ϴ circumspect//prudent, cautious, chary, considerate, discreet//ɼ ִ, , ֵ circumvent//baffle, balk, foil, thwart, frustrate as though by surrounding//Ű, ϴ, (, Ģ, )ȸϴ citadel//fort, fortress, stronghold, bastion, bulwark//(), civil//polite, civilized, courteous//ǹٸ, , ù, ΰ clandestine//covert, furtive, stealthy, surreptitious, concealed ,secret (for an evil or subversive purpose)//, ϴ classic//top-notch, of the highest quality, serving as a standard or model//Ϸ, , ǥ, cleave//cling, split, dissect, sever, sunder//... ɰ, ɰ, ... ġ clemency//disposition to be lenient, mildness as of the weather, lenity, mercy, forgiveness//() ȭ, , cliche//banality, commonplace, platitude, prosaism, bromide//()ǿ , ǥ, climatic//having to do with the climate// clique//small exclusive group, coterie//(Ÿ), Ĺ / ̷ cloister//monastery or convent//ȸ, , ܵ, лȰ / лȰ ϴ clone// , , () / ϴ clout//a blow, influence//(ָ.չٴ), (ġ)Ƿ, , [ǥ], cloy//cause to feel too full, surfeit//, coalesce//unite, combine, fuse, adhere, associate, cling, conjoin, mingle, stick//ϴ, üϴ, յ()ϴ coalition//union//, ׷ coddle//pamper//ϰ ⸣, ޾ִ coerce//force//϶ , ϴ, ϴ, ϴ cogent//convincing, persuasive, solid, valid// Ű, ִ cogitate//ponder, cerebrate, deliberate, reflect, speculate, meditate, think over//ϴ, ϴ, (ȹ)ϴ cognitive//mental//ν ٷ, ν, νķ ִ cognizant//knowing, aware, conscious, perceptive//νϰ ִ, ˰ ִ coherent//1. holding together 2. consistent, make sense//1. ϴ, 2. ϰ; Ȯ, ϱ⽬ cohort//a group, troops//, Ƹ, , , ϴ, ϴ colloquial//conversational, pertaining to conversational or common speech//ü, ȭü collusion//complicity, connivance, conspiracy, secret cooperation, conspiring in a fraudulent scheme//, Ź commemorate//honor the memory, serve as a memorial to//... Ǵ, ... ϴ commensurate//proportionate, equal in extent// , ð, commiserate//feel or express pity or sympathy for, sympathize with, compassionate, pity// , ϴ commodious//spacious and comfortable, roomy, capacious//(. ), , compatible//harmonious, agreeable, congenial, congruous, sympathetic, consistent//ȭǴ, ȭϴ, compelling//forceful, causing to yield//... , compendium//abridgment, digest, epitome, syllabus, brief comprehensive summary//, ,, , ϶ǥ competent//capable, qualified//, ()ڰ ִ, չ, Ǵ compile//gather together//ϳ ϴ, ϴ complacent//overly pleased with oneself, contented to a fault, self-satisfied, self-contented//ڱ , complement//that which completes, supplement//Ϲ / Ͽ ϴ, ()ϴ //cf. implement: ϴ, complicity//collusion, connivance, implication, machination, participation, involvement//, , comply//act or be in accordance//(.䱸.Ģ)ϴ, , ϴ composed//calm, tranquil / be composed of//ħ, ; ... Ǿ ִ comprehensive//1. covering or including everything, overall 2. apprehensive//1. 2. ذ comprise//consist of//Ǵ, ϴ, ǰ compromise//Ÿ, 纸, ȭ, / 1. Ÿϴ, ȭϴ 2. (, ) ·Ӱ ϴ compunction//remorse, contrition, penance, penitence, punctiliousness, rue, scrupulousness// å, ȸ, ħ, ȸ concave//curved inward// <-> convex concede//acknowledge as true or right, admit, grant or yield, avow//ϴ, 纸ϴ, ϴ concentric//having a common center//(,)߽ , concert//combined action, agreement//, , , , ȭ, ġ, ܼƮ conciliatory//propitiatory, making peace, attempting to resolve a dispute through goodwill//޷, ȭ, ȸ concise//compendious, pithy, terse, succinct, brief and compact, laconic//, concoct//create by mixing ingredient, make up or devise//... ڼ ,ϴ, ϴ, ٸ系 concomitant//accompaniment, following from, that which accompanies//μ , ÿ Ͼ / μ concord//accord, concordance, consonance, harmony, agreement//ǰ ġ, ȭ, concurrent//contemporary, simultaneous, synchronous, co-operating, happening at the same time// ߻, condescend//1. stoop, patronize//1. (濡)ڽ ߾ ϴ 2. (۶濡) ڽ ߾ϴ, condone//permit to happen, overlook, forgive//ϴ, 뼭ϴ conducive//helpful, promoting// Ǵ, ̹ϴ confederate//ally, accomplice//(), (), / , / ϴ, ϴ confer//1. bestow 2. exchange idea, consult with//1. ϴ, ִ 2. dz()ϴ, ȸϴ confidant//acquaintance, intimate//( о ִ) (ģ) ģ configuration//arrangement//(κ.) ġ, , 迭 conflagration//large fire//ū ȭ, (.) confluence//flowing together, concise, junction//(õ)շ, շ, (, 繰), , confound//1. bewilder, perplex, nonplus 2. baffle, overthrow //1. Ȳϴ, ȥϴ 2. Ű congeal//coagulate, solidify, jell//󸮴, Ű congenial//agreeably suitable, pleasant, amicable, amicable// , ´, , Ӽ ִ congenital//existing at birth, innate, inborn, inbred, intrinsic, inherent, inherited//õ, Ÿ conjecture//speculation, supposition, surmise, deduce, infer, guess//, , ǵ / ϴ, ǵϴ conjugal//pertaining to marriage, connubial, nuptial, marital, matrimonial//κ, ȥ conjure//1.summon or bring into being as if by magic//1. ...ϴ 2.ӿ ׷ 3.ûϴ, ϴ connive//1. conspire 2. scheme, plot //1. ϴ 2. ٹ̴ 3. ()ִ, üϴ, ϴ connoisseur//expert (in art, taste), (̼ǰ ) , İ consecrate//dedicate, devote, hallow, sanctify//żϰ ϴ, ȭϴ, ġ, ϴ consensus//unanimity, general agreement//(ǰ. )ġ, , conservatory//1. greenhouse 2. a music or drama school //1. ½ 2. ̼б, б consign//1. entrust 2. deliver //1. Źϴ, ϴ, ñ, ڱտ ϴ 2. Źϴ, ġ consolidate//combine, bring together, solidify, strengthen//պϴ, ϴ, ȭϴ, ϴ consonant//harmonious, in agreement//ȭϴ, ġϴ <-> dissonant conspicuous//easily seen, impossible to miss//Ȯ ̴, ѷ, ε巯, پ, ä , consternation//sudden confusion// , constituency//the group of voters represented by a politician, supporters//Ź, ǥ, ű, , construe//explain, interpret//ؼϴ, ϴ, мϴ; consummate//complete; perfect, flawless, impeccable; supremely skillful//ϼϴ; ϼ, ; contempt//disdain, disgrace, disparagement//, , ſ, , ġ, â, ġ contentious//"quarrelsome, bellicose, belligerent, militant, pugnacious, argumentative, controversial, disputatious, polemical// ϴ, ϱ ϴ, ҷŰ, Ҽ" contiguous//adjacent to, touching upon, near, abutting//ϴ, ϴ contingent//1.dependent, conditional 2.uncertain, accidental, possible//1. Ͽ޸ 2. Ȯ, 쿬 3. (Դ) continuum//a continuous whole without clear division into parts//, ü contraband//illegal trading, smuggling, smuggled good//иŸ(ǰ), м(ǰ) / contretemps//an embarrassing occurrence, a mishap//ο , contrite//admitting guilt, remorseful, penitent, repentant, compunctious//˸ ġ, ȸϴ contrived//artificial, labored//, , ߸, ڿ contumely//rudeness, arrogance, scornful insolence, insult//(.µ) Ҽ, ( ) conundrum//puzzle, riddle, enigma, mystery//, , (繰) convene//gather together, meet, assemble, convoke, summon//(,ȸǸ)ϴ, ȯϴ, ȸϴ conventional//1. common, customary, unexceptional, orthodox//1. , 2. Ʋ, 3. conversant//familiar with, experienced, acquainted//(..) (with, in, about), (..)ģ ִ(with) converse//1. opposite, antithesis, contrary, contradictory 2. conversation / talk//1. (ǰ. ) ݴ, 2. ȭ / ̾߱ϴ convey//transport, communicate, conduct//ϴ, (, ص) ϴ, () (,), 絵ϴ conviction//1. strong belief, confidence 2. a determination of guilt //1. ų, Ȯ, 2. ǰ() convivial//festive, gay, jocund, jolly, boon//ȸ ϴ, Ȱ convolution//twist or turn, act of twisting//ȸ, ѵ , ( ), б copious//abundant, plentiful, bounteous, plenteous//dz, dz, 뷮 cordial//gracious, warm, sincere / tonic //1. κ, , ִ, 2. corollary//sth that follows, a natural consequence or conclusion//ڿ(翬) , ڸѰ corporeal//tangible, having substance, bodily, material//ü, ü, , , ü ִ<->spiritual correlation//mutual relationship, interrelation//Ŵ, (), ȣ corroborate//confirm, authenticate, justify, substantiate, validate, verify//(ҽ. )Ȯϰ ϴ, Ȯϴ, ϴ corrosive//erosive, eating away by chemicals//νļ, [] Դ, Ŷ corrugated//shaped with folds or waves// , ָ ִ, cosmopolitan// , , ϴ coterie//group that meets socially, select circle, clique//(米)ģ, , ׷ countenance//1. face, facial expression 2. approbate, espouse //1. ǥ, Ȼ, 2. ϴ, ϴ coup//(ҽ)ϰ, Ÿ, Ʈ, 뼺, ū α covenant//solemn agreement, contract, pledge, compact, convention, transaction//, / ϴ covert//covered, secret, hidden, clandestine, furtive, stealthy, surreptitious, implied//, ִ, ʴ covet//wish for enviously//Ž, ϴ, ϴ, ϴ cower//wimp, cringe, quail, wince, shrink away or huddle up in fear, crouch//(,,,ġ), ϴ crass//very unrefined, stupid, grossly insensible, coarse, gross, raw, uncouth//, , , ģ craven//cowardly, poltroons, pusillanimous//, ̸ / / ̳ ϴ credulous//gullible, eager to believe//( ) ϴ, ӱ , ϴ crescendo//gradual increase in the volume of sound in a musical passage//ũ, , crestfallen//dejected, dispirited, downcast, depressed, disconsolate//Ǯ , ƺ, crevice//narrow split, crack, fissure, breach, cleft//( ) ƴ cringe//1. shrink back with fear, cower, quail, wince 2. to be servile or suck u //1. (̳) 2. ()ǰŸ criterion//basis for judgment, standard used in judging//(Ǵ.)ǥ, , Ư¡ critique//a critical review//[], [], , crux//central point, core, gist, essence// ߿ , ( ذϱ ) cryptic//mystifying, mysterious, hidden, secret, clandestine, abstruse, enigmatic//, , ź cuisine//style of cooking, gastronomy//丮, 丮 culinary//relating to cooking//ξ(), 丮() cull//pick out from among many way, select 2.collect / reject//1. ߷, ϴ 2. ߷ / ߷ culminate//to climax, to reach full effect// ̸, ڿ ̸, ϴ culpable//deserving blame, guilty, blamable, censurable, impeachable, indictable, reprehensible//񳭹޾ , ִ curb//restrain or control, shackle, fetter//()簥 , ϴ, ϴ / (), 簥, , curmudgeon//difficult and bad-tempered person, churl, miserly individual person//ɼ , λ cursory//quick and hurried, done without attention and detail, hasty, superficial, perfunctory//밭밭, ǻ curtail//cut short, shorten, reduce, abbreviate, abridge, retrench//̴, ϴ, 谨ϴ, Լ Ϻθ Ѵ cynic//one who deeply distrust humane nature, one who is skeptical//񲿴 , daunt//make fearful, appall, dismay, horrify, intimidate// ϴ, discourage, ⼼ , dearth//scarcity, lack, deficiency//, , debacle//violent breaking down, sudden overthrow, downfall// , ü , ū糭, ȥ, ر, debase//lower in quality or value, degrade, abase, demean, humble, humiliate//(ǰ,ġ)ϽŰ debauchery//wild living, intemperance//Ÿ, , ֻ debilitate//weaken, enfeeble, cripple, attenuate, extenuate//ȭŰ, ϰ ϴ debunk//express the nonsense, falseness or exaggerated claims of, divulge//(߸, ) ü ϴ decadent//decaying or decayed (in moral), ⿡ , decimate//kill or destroy a large part of (usually one of ten), genocide// ϳ ̴, ̴ decorous//proper, in good taste, orderly//ǹٸ, , , ǰ ִ, پ decree//official order usually having the force of law, behest, edict//, , (Ǽ), ǰ / ϴ, ϴ decry//belittle, depreciate, derogate, detract, devaluate, lower, denounce, disparage//ϴ, deduce//conclude from the evidence, infer//ϴ, ߷ϴ deem//judge, consider//̶ ϴ defame//ruin the good name of, libel or slender// Ѽϴ, ϴ deference//submission to another will, courteous regard for another's wish, respect, obeisance, reverence//, , deficit//shortage especially of money//, , (surplus) defile//make filthy or foul, pollute, profane, sully, besmirch//, Ұϰ ϴ, ... ż (desecrate) definitive//conclusive, final, ultimate, complete//, , , Ȯ, deft//skillful//ؾ , ɼ defunct//dead, no longer in effect or existence, extinct, vanished//Ҹ, , ʴ degenerate//deteriorate, vitiate, retrograde, deprave / reprobate //1. , ϴ 2. , Ÿ; Ÿ, ȭ degrade//lower in dignity or status, vitiate, deteriorate, corrupt// ߴ, ǰ ߸ deign//stoop, condescend, vouchsafe// ϴ, ڽ ߾ ϴ deity//god or goddess//, Ű, ż dejected//depressed, disheartened//ϴ, Ǯ״, , delectable//delightful, pleasant, blithe//ſ, deleterious//harmful, baneful, baleful, detrimental, injurious, nocuous, pernicious//طο, delineate//draw in outline, describe accurately, depict// ׸, ϴ delinquent//neglecting a duty or law, late in payment//¸, , üǾ ִ delude//deceive, beguile//̴, ӿ ϰϴ, ȤŰ, ô deluge//1. a flood, inundation, spate //1. ȫ, , ȣ, (湮, )⵵; Ű, ⵵ϴ delve//search or study intensively, investigate, probe//Žϴ demagogue//person who appeals to people's prejudices, agitator, fomenter, inciter, instigator//ġ demeanor//behavior, manner, bearing, comportment, mien//ൿ, µ demise//death, defunction//, demography//α demur//to voice opposition, object//Ǹ ϴ, ݴϴ demure//1. serious, sober, solemn, reserved, sedate 2. shy //1. ħ, 2. ݾϴ, üϴ, ħ denizen//inhabitant, resident, dweller//ֹ, ȭ, , ĵ denomination//classification, category name//, , denote//signify, indicate, mark//Ÿ, ǥϴ, ǹϴ denounce//condemn, censure, reprehend, reprobate//ϴ, ϴ depict//portray, delineate, describe//ϴ, ϴ deplete//decrease the supply of, reduce, drain, exhaust, use up//Ű, , ٽ deplore//1. regret, lament, bemoan 2. express strong disapproval of, condemn //1. ~ źϴ 2. ϴ, źϴ deploy//to station soldier or armaments strategically//()ϴ, Ű, ൿ ű depose//1. remove from office or position of power 2. testify //1. ()ϴ, () ϴ 2. ϴ, ϴ depravity//corruption, wickedness, turpitude//Ÿ, , , deprecate//1. express disapproval of, disapprove, discountenance, dissent 2. to be little, depreciate //1. ݴϴ 2. 躸 depredate//prey upon, plunder, pillage//Żϴ //cf. deprecate: 躸(depreciate), ݴϴ derelict//deserted, abandoned, remiss, neglectful, negligent, delinquent//, , , ¸ deride//mock. ridicule, laugh at contemptuously, scoff at//ϴ derogatory//disapproving, degrading, pejorative, depreciatory//(,ǰ,ġ )ջŰ, ġ ߸, desecrate//defile, pollute, profane//żѰ ӵǰԾ desiccate//dry out, dehydrate//ϴ, ϴ desist//stop doing, cease//ܳϴ, ׸δ despondent//extremely depressed, full of despair, dejected, disconsolate, dispirit, downcast//Ⱑ , DZ ħ, despot//absolute ruler, autocrat//, , ü destitute//utterly lacking, extremely poor, indigent, impecunious, penurious//, ~ , desultory//without plan or purpose, aimless, disconnected, random, haphazard, discursive//길, ϰ , , devout//deeply religious, pious, fervent, revering, venerating, worshiping//, , , dialectical//relating to discussion, rules and methods of reasoning//, , diatribe//bitter and violent attack in words, abusive denunciation, invective, harangue, tirade// , Ȥ dichotomy//division into two parts especially contradictory ones, divergence//2ϴ , 2й, , dictum//1. proverb, maxim, authoritative an weighty statement //1. , ݾ 2. , didactic//intended to teach, morally instructive, exhortative, hortative, moral, sermonic// diffident//timid, lacking in self-confidence//ڽ , ϴ, , , diffuse//cause to spread out, disperse or disseminate//߻ϴ / , , Ҹ digress//stray from the main subject, deflect, deviate, diverge// , 帣, Żϴ dilapidated//broken-down, fallen into ruin, marred//(ǹ) ļյ, 㹰, Ȳȭ dilate//1. become wider, larger, expand 2. speak or write at length //1. âϴ(Ű) 2. ˱⽬ (ϴ) dilemma//problem, choice of two unsatisfactory alternatives, predicament, perplexity, bewilderment//糭, dilettante//someone with superficial knowledge of act, amateur, dabbler//Ƹ߾ ȣ,  diminution//lessening, reduction in size//, dire//warning of disaster, dreadful, terrible, desperate, disastrous, apocalyptic//ù, ޹, dirge//funeral song, musical lament, requiem, monody, elegy, threnody//, ֵ, ۰ disaffect//cause to lose affection, estrange, alienate//... ݰ ǰ ϴ, ... ȣǸ Ұ ϴ, ϴ disarray//disorder, confusion, muddle//ȥ, , ġ / Ʈ, ȥŰ discern//have insight, see things clearly, discriminate, differentiate//кϴ, ĺϴ, νϴ disclaim//disown, disavow, repudiate, deny any claim to, renounce claim to//ϴ, 踦 ϴ discomfit//put to rout; defeat; disconcert, frustrate, confuse//ĺμ, ...ǰȹ Ű, Ȳϴ disconcert//confuse, upset, embarrass, baffle, perturb//Ȳϰ ϴ, Ű,ȥ Ű discourse//speech lecture sermon treatise //, , , , ̾߱ϴ, ϴ discreet//prudent, judiciously reserved//кִ, , discrepancy//difference, inconsistency, alterity, dissemblance, dissimilarity, distinction, divergence//, ġ, ߳ discrete//separate, unconnected, distract//и, , , ߻ discriminate//discern, differentiate//ϴ, Ǻϴ, ϴ discursive//digressing, digressive, desultory, rambling//길, disdain//despise, scorn, contempt//ϴ / disgruntle//make sulky and dissatisfied, make discontented, grumble//... ¨ ϴ, ... ǰϴ disinformation//false information//׸ (Ư ø ̱ ) disinterested//dispassionate, impartial, neutral, unprejudiced, not taking sides, unbiased// , dismal//causing gloom or dread, somber, morose, dreary//ħ, ο, , , dismay//fill with dread, discourage, perturb//ϴ, Ȳ ϴ / Ȳ, disparage//abuse, decry, depreciate, derogate, detract, belittle, disdain//躸, , ϴ, ġ disparate//basically different, incompatible, unequal, dissimilar, distinct, diverse, unrelated// ٸ, dispassionate//equitable, unbiased, unprejudiced, unaffected by passion, impartial//, disperse//scatter, spread widely, disseminate, dispel, dissipate// ϴ, Ű dispirit//discourage, dishearten, lose spirit//ɽŰ, ... Ѵ disposition//1. arrangement 2. characteristic attitude, state of mind 3. inclination//1. 迭, ġ 2. , 3. , disproportionate//out of proportion, too much or too little//︮ ʴ, ȭ ʴ, ұ disquiet//make uneasy//Ű, Ҿϰ ϴ / Ҿ, dissemble//disguise, pretend, feign, camouflage, dissimulate//(, ) Ͽ()ൿϴ,üϴ, ̴ disseminate//spread the seeds of sth, scatter, diffuse, disperse, propagate, radiate, make widely known//Ѹ, ۶߸ dissent//disagree, demur, discord, deprecate, withhold approval//ǰ ޸ϴ, Ǹ ϴ, ( ȸ) ݴϴ disservice//a harmful action, an ill turn//طο , ģ dissident//disagreeing / dissenter // ݴϴ, ǰ ޸ϴ; ݴ dissipate//1.(cause to) thin out, drift away or dissolve 2. squander, fritter//1. ߷ (ϴ) 2. ϴ, ϴ dissolution//breaking up or dissolving of sth into part, disintegration//, , ػ, Ҹ, dissonant//inharmonious, incompatible <-> consonant dissuade//persuade not to, advice against, discourage//ܳ Ű distend//expand, extend, dilate, inflate, swell out//Ǯ, Ǯ, âŰ, Ű distinct//1. separate, different 2. clear and unmistakable //1. , Ư 2. Ȯ, ѷ distinguish//tell apart, cause to stand out//ϴ, кϴ, ϴ diurnal//1. daily //1. , 2. <-> nocturnal divine//intuit, prophesy//, ż; ġ, ϴ / , divulge//reveal, disclose, debunk// ϴ, ϴ docile//easily taught, easy to handle, obedient, amenable, tractable, pliant, malleable//,ġ⽬, ٷ⽬ doctrinaire//dogmatic, theoretical, unpractical, authoritarian, authoritative, dictative, dictatorial//, ̷ / а document//support with evidence, especially written evidence// ϴ dogmatic//authoritarian, authoritative, dictative, doctrinaire, arbitrary, dictatorial//, , doldrums//low spirit, state of inactivity, dejection, depression//, DZħ, ħ, ħü, ü doleful//sorrowful, filled with grief, dolorous, plaintive//Ŀ , dolt//stupid person, dunce//, ٺ domestic//having to do with the household or family//, , , , 鿩 dormant//sleeping, lethargic, torpid, inactive, latent, potential, quiescent//, ڴ, Ȱ dotage//senility, foolish affection (of old person)//, <-> adolescence double entendre//ǹ dour//1. stern, severe, stubborn 2. sullen, morose, surly, forbidding, gloomy //1. , Ȥ 2. , ù, downcast//dejected, depressed//Ǯ , , downplay//minimize, represent as being insignificant, play down//... ߽ ʴ, 躸, ϴ draconian//harsh, severe, cruel//(), Ȥ droll//humorous, comic, ludicrous, queer and amusing//ͻ콺 dross//slag, waste matter, worthless impurities//[ ݼ]Ҽ, ġ ,  dubious//full of doubt, doubtful, equivocal, suspect, skeptical, uncertain//ǽɽ, , , Ҹ duplicity//the act of being two-faced, double-dealing, deception, hypocrisy, deceit, guile//߼, ǥε, Ҽ duress//coercion, compulsion, forcible restraint especially unlawfully, constraint//(ҹ)ӹ, , ebb//lessen, abate, moderate, relent, subside, wane, diminish, recede//پ, ϴ / 买, ebullient//boiling, showing excitement, overflowing with enthusiasm, exuberant//ü, ġ, eccentric//not conventional, little kooky, irregular, erratic, idiosyncratic//, , ٸ, , ecclesiastical//having to do with church, clerical, sacerdotal//ȸ, eclectic//choosing the best, drawn from many sources//ϴ, 缱, ٹ鿡 ģ( ) eclipse//2.decline / 2.adumbrate, dim, murk, surpass, outshine//1. Ͻ, 2. / 1. Ͻ, Ű 2. ɰϴ ecosystem//° edict//an official decree//Ģ, , edifice//a big, imposing building// ๰, , ü edify//enlighten, improve in moral or mind, illuminate, instruct// ϴ, ̴, edifying book-缭 efface//rub out, erase, delete, expunge, obliterate// , ϴ, 縦 ϰ effectual//effective, efficacious, efficient, adequate//ȿ, ȿ, , efficacy//effectiveness, potency, power to produce desire effect//ȿ, ȿ effigy//dummy//(۶ ) , ʻ, effusion//pouring forth, ejection, emanation, emission, extrusion//ü, , ߻, , ߷ egalitarian// egocentric//selfish, believing that one is the center of everything//ڱ ߽, ڱ egregious//extremely bad, flagrant, gross and shocking//ſ쳪, ͹ (۶濡) elation//a rise in spirits, exaltation, feeling of great joy//DZ , ſ ⻵ electorate//voters//, Ź elegy//poem of song of sorrow for the dead, dirge, requiem, threnody//( )ְ, elicit//bring out, draw out , call forth, educe, evince, extract// ̲, ϴ, Ҿ, ϴ elite//best or most select group//ߵ elliptical//oval; missing a word or words; obscure//Ÿ, , Ǿ ȣ elocution//the art of public speaking// elusive//hard to pin down, evasive, elusory; baffling, hard to grasp// , ޾Ƴ; emaciate//make extremely thin through starvation or illness//... ϴ, ϰ ϴ emanate//emit, exude, come forth, issue forth, stem// , 귯, (, , Ҹ )߻ϴ emancipate//liberate, manumit, release, unshackle, free from bondage or restraint, set free, extricate//عϴ embargo//׳ Ա, / ϴ, ϴ embellish//adorn, decorate, garnish//ϴ embody//personify, give physical form to//() ü(ü) ִ, ( ) ü Ÿ embroil//throw into confusion, implicate, involve in conflict, entangle//(,)̴, ȥŰ,ϰ ϴ embryonic//undeveloped, rudimentary, basal, elementary//¾, ̹ߴ emigrate//move to a new place to live, expatriate//Ÿ ϴ, ֽŰ eminent//well-known and respect, outstanding, high, lofty, prominent//, , emissary//envoy//, Ư, л empathy//identification with the feeling or thoughts of another// empirical//experiential, based on experience or observation, not merely theoretical//, , empower//give power or authority to//... οϴ, Ƿ ϴ emulate//strive to equal or excel usually through imitation, rival, compete, contend, vie//( Ͽ) ϴ encroach//make gradual or stealthy inroads into, trespass// ħϴ, ħϴ, ħϴ endear//make dear, make beloved//... ް ϴ, ϴ, ϰ ϴ endemic//native, aboriginal, indigenous, restricted to a particular region or era// , dz亴, dz亴 enervate//reduce the strength or energy gradually, weaken, debilitate, devitalize, disable, unnerve//ϰ ϴ enfranchise//1. franchise //1. ű ִ, 2. 뿹 عϴ engaging//charming, pleasing, attractive//ŷ, ֱִ engender//bring into existence, create, cause, produce, arouse, generate, induce, provoke//߱Ű, ߻ϴ enigma//puzzle, mystery, conundrum, riddle//, ι, Ұ 繰 enmity//ill will, deep hatred, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, hostility, rancor//, ӽ, , ennui//listless lack of interest, boredom//, enormity//1. extreme evil, hideous offense 2. immensity, hugeness(in a bad sense) //1. ؾǹ, , 2. û ũ ensue//follow, succeed, result//ӵǴ, յ Ͼ, [μ] , Ͼ entail//have as a necessary consequence, involve//ϴ , ʿ ϴ entity//real thing, existence//, ü, ü entreat//ask earnestly, beg, beseech, implore, importune, supplicate, plead//ûϴ, źϴ, Źϴ, entrepreneur//business man, contractor//, , (Ư) , ߰; enumerate//numerate, name one by one, list// Ƹ, ϴ, envision//imagine, foresee, envisage//(巡 ) ׸, ϴ, ȹϴ ephemeral//lasting very short time, short-lived, evanescent, momentary, temporary, transient, fleeting//Ϸۿ,ܸ epicure//connoisseur of food and drink, gastronomist, gourmand, gourmet, bon vivant//̽İ, ĵ epigram//brief and usually witty or satirical saying, apothegm//汸, 汸 ǥ epigraph//apt quotation// ο뱸 epilogue//short speech at conclusion of dramatic work, apologue//, ı <-> prologue epitaph//inscription in memory of a dead person//() epithet//characterizing term, descriptive word or phrase// Ÿ epitome//1. summary, abstract, synopsis 2. perfect example, paradigm //1. , , , ٰŸ 2. ǥ , ߺ, epoch//era, period of time, aeon, eon//ű, Žô, (ߴ ִ)ô equanimity//composure, calmness of temperament, aplomb, phlegm, poise, sangfroid, serenity//(), ħ, equestrian//rider on horseback// öź, , , (ة) equine//horse-like//, , equitable//fair, impartial//, equivocal//1. doubtful, ambiguous, confusing, vague 2. suspicious //1. ΰ 縳Ͽ ȣ, ָ 2. ǽɽ, erudite//deeply learned, scholarly//ڽ, , й esoteric//hard to understand, abstruse, hermetic, recondite, understood by only a select few, peculiar//ɿ,, espouse//1. support, advocate, embrace, countenance //1. ϴ, ȣϴ 2. ڷ estimable//1. worthy of admiration 2. capable of being estimated //1. ()() 2. ִ estrange//make unfriendly or hostile, cause to feel removed from// ־ ϴ, ... ָϴ, ̰ϴ ethereal//1. heavenly 2. as light and insubstantial as gas or ether //1. õ, 2. ⰰ, , ׸ ethics//, eulogy//(speech or writing full of) high praise, compliment, encomium, panegyric//ϴ () euphemism//mild expression in place of an unpleasant one, circumlocution, roundabout, rhetoric//ϰ , ȭ evanescent//quickly fading, fleeting, vanishing, ephemeral//ٷ , , , £ ʴ evince//demonstrate convincingly, prove, manifest, show clearly//( ) и Ÿ,ϴ, ϴ evoke//summon forth, awaken, call forth, educe, elicit, evince, extract//(,, )ҷŰ, ھƳ exacerbate//make worse, aggravate//ȭŰ exacting//severe, extremely demanding, difficult, requiring great skill or grace//Ȥ, , (), exalt//1. raise high 2. glorify, extol //1. ̴, Ű, 2. ϴ, Īϴ exasperate//annoy thoroughly, make very angry, vex//ݳ ϴ, ڱϴ excise//remove by cutting//[, ] ϴ, ... ϴ, ߶󳻴 / ǰ, Һ, 㼼 exemplify//illustrate by example, instance, serve as a good example//, Ǵ exempt//excused, not subjected to, free from obligation//... ϴ / exhaustive//through, rigorous, complete, painstaking//ö, , Ҹ, Ű exhort//urge strongly, give a serious warning to// ϴ, ǰϴ, ϶ , ưϴ exhume//unbury, dig out of the ground, remove from grave//... ߱ϴ, [Ư](ü, ) ߱ϴ exigency//emergency, urgency, urgent situation//޹, , ( ), ޹() existential//having to do with existence, extant//翡 , , exodus//departure, egress, exit//[ ], , [̹δ ] ⱹ, , ֱ exonerate//free completely from blame, acquit, vindicate, exculpate//뼭ϴ, ˷ ϴ exorbitant//excessive//͹Ͼ, û expatriate//exile, someone who has exiled / expellee //1. ܷ ߹ϴ, 2. ߹, expedient//immediately advantageous, serving one's immediate self-interest, practical//, , ӽ expedite//speed up or ease the progress of, precipitate//ϴ, ϴ expiate//make amends for (a sin), atone for, rectify, redress//... ϴ, [ ] ϴ explicate//explain in detail//[, , ] Ͽ ϴ, ... ϴ, ؼϴ explicit//clearly and directly expressed, definite, distinct, unequivocal, open//, , , exposition//1. explanation 2. large public exhibition //1. , ؼ 2. ȸ, ڶȸ expostulate//to reason with sn in order to warn or dissuade//Ÿ̸, ϴ expunge//erase, eliminate any trace of, remove//, ϴ //cf. postulate: ʿ, /ʿ ϴ exquisite//extraordinarily fine or beautiful, intense//, ҳ extant//still in existence//( )ϴ extol//praise, laud, eulogize, panegyrize, glorify, exalt//ϴ, ϴ extort//obtain from force, wring from, get money by threats, wrest//(, )Żϴ, ϴ, extraneous//not related to object, not essential// , ʿ, coming from outside, alien, extrinsic,ܺηκ extrapolate//project of deduce from sth known, infer//迡 ܻ ϴ, ܻ ϴ, ߷ϴ extremity//1. , , dz 2. (ູ, )ġ, , , 3. limb or appendage of the body, (չ)// extricate//free, disentangle, emancipate//س, عϴ, Ǯִ extrovert//open and outgoing person// exuberant//1. abundant, effusive, lavish//, dz 2. highly joyous or enthusiastic, ebullient, ġ fabrication//a lie, sth made up//ٹ, , , , ǰ facade//front of the building//(ǹ) , (繰)ܰ, Ѻ, () //cf. facet: ڸ, , facet//1. small plane surface, a side 2. aspect, phase //1. [ ] ڸ , , [, 繰] ϸ 2. , facetious//droll, jocose, ludicrous, witty, not serious, clumsily humorous, jocular//콺, ͻ, ưҸ facile//1. easy, easily done 2. fluent, skillful //1. ս, սԾ 2. â, faction//1. party, clique, sect 2. dissension //1. 系 , , , Ĺ 2. 系 Ĺο, fallacy//false idea//׸ (); incorrectness of reasoning, ߸ ߷ farcical//absurd, ludicrous//콺, ͻ, fastidious//meticulous, squeamish, demanding, finicky, dainty, finicky, fussy, punctilious//IJ, ٷο, fatalist//а fathom//2. understand, perceive, penetrate the meaning of //1. [] 2. ϴ, [ ] Ƹ fatuous//silly, idiotic, foolish, asinine, silly, witless, inane//ٺ, fauna//animals of a period or region//, , <-> flora faux//false// , ׸ //cf. faux pas (µ ־) Ǽ fawn//3. exhibit affection 4. suck up to sn//1. 罿 2. Ȳ 3. ()պθ 4. ()÷ϴ fecund//fertile, productive//ٻ, dz, () ⸧ <-> futile feign//make the false representation, pretend, sham, simulate//... ϴ, ... üϴ, ̴ felicity//1. happiness 2. skillfulness, adeptness //1. ູ 2. (, ) , ǥ feline//cat-like fervor//great warmth or earnestness, zeal, glowing ardor, enthusiasm, passion//, fester//generate pus, decay, suppurate//[ó ], ϴ, fetish//object supposed to possess magical powers//[, ], ̽ , Ƽ fetter//shackle / manacle, restrain, hamper, fetter// / ⸦ ä, ӹϴ, ϴ fiasco//complete failure or disaster, incredible screwup, defeat//ū Ǽ, , fiat//arbitrary decree or order, command, decree, mandate, behest, edict//, fickle//capricious, mercurial, unstable, changeable, unfaithful//(, ) fidelity//1. loyalty, allegiance, devotion, faithfulness 2. accuracy, exactness //1. , (), ź 2. Ȯ, figment//something made up or invented, fabrication, fiction//ٸ糽() , 㱸, ٸ鳻 ̾߱ figurative//based on figure or speech, allegorical, metaphorical//() finesse//skillful maneuvering, delicacy, nicety, subtlety, craftiness, delicate skill// ó, ⱳ, ؾ, å, å fiscal//pertaining to financial matters; monetary//, , ȸ flagrant//glaring bad, notorious, scandalous, conspicuously wicked, egregious, gross, heinous//Ǹ , ؾ flaunt//show off, display ostentatiously, boast, gasconade, vaunt//ϴ, ڶ ̴, 㼼 θ fledgling//inexperienced or immature, inexpert, untrained// , Dz, ּ flippant//frivolously disrespectful, saucy, pert, flip//, , ǹ florid//1. red-faced, ruddy, flushed, rubicund, sanguine 2. flowery //1. ұ׷, 2. ȭ, flout//disregard sth out of disrespect, reject, oppose, mock, jeer, scoff, sneer//ϴ, ϴ, ϴ / fodder//coarse food for livestock, raw stock, raw material//, [] , , foible//minor character flaw, slight fault, frailty//ݻ folly//foolishness, insanity//, (imprudence) foment//stir up, instigate, abet, foster, goad, incite, provoke, spur//Ͽ..Ű, ϴ <-> quell foray//raid / incursion, invasion an initial venture//1. ħϴ, Żϴ 2. ħ, Ż, մ forbear//1. refrain from, abstain 2. ancestor //1. ﰡ, 2. , forebode//to be an omen of, predict, foretell, bode// Ǵ, ϴ, ϴ foreclose//preclude, bar//[繰] óϴ, Ѵ, ô()ϴ; ϴ forensic//related to debate or courts of law, controversial, juridical//, forestall//thwart, prevent or hinder sth from happening, head off// ⼱ ϴ, ̸ , , ϴ forgo//give up, abandon, abdicate, relinquish, waive, do without, forbear//׸δ, , ϴ, ﰡ forsake//desert, abandon, renounce ,relinquish, give up, quit//׸δ, , , ϴ forswear//1. retract, renounce, or recant 2. commit perjury //1. ͼ 2. ͼϴ, ϴ forte//strong point or special talent, eminency//, forthright//1. frank, outspoken 2. going straight to the point //1. ϰ, ʰ 2. ȹٷ fortuitous//accidental, by chance, casual, incidental, adventitious//쿬, , ҽ foster//1. rear, cultivate, nourish 2. encourage, promote the development of //1. ⸣, ϴ, 2. ϴ founder//fail, collapse, sink, submerge, submerse//, Ѿ, ħǾ ħϴ, ϴ fragmentary//incomplete; disconnected, made up of fragments//̿, , fraternal//like brother//, frenetic//frenzied, frantic, furious, rabid//, , frugal//economical, penny-pinching//˼, ʴ, <-> prodigal fruitful//productive, successful// , ⸧, , fuel//1. stimulate, ignite, kindle as if providing with fuel//1. () ߱ 2. ... ¿(kindle) fulminate//1. thunder, explode, detonate 2. denounce vigorously, protest vehementl //1. õġ 2. ͷ ϴ, ϴ furtive//secretive, sly, stealthy, sneaky, clandestine, covert, sub-rosa, surreptitious, insidious//, Ȱ, ½ futile//useless, abortive, bootless, ineffectual, vain, hopeless//, ȿ, ˸ , ý <-> fecund gaffe//a social blunder, embarrassing mistake, faux pas//(, ܱ), Ǽ galvanize//stimulate by shock, startle into sudden activity, stir up//Ȱ⸦ ϴ, ⸦ ȸŰ(revitalize) gambit//1. opening in ches 2. maneuver or ploy 3. commencement, incipience//1. ü ù 2. å, å 3. gamut//entire range, spectrum//, , garner//gather, store up, glean, reap, stockpile, amass//, ϴ /  garrulous//talkative, chatty, loquacious, prolix, wordy//ٽ, , Ҹ , ò ʹ gastronomy//science of preparing and serving good food, cuisine//丮, ̽ generic//general, common, characteristic of a class or species//Ϲ, Ī, genesis//origin, creation, beginning//߻, , â genocide// Ǵ (//cf. homicide, matricide, patricide, suicide, insecticide) genre//style of art illustrating scenes of common life, category//帣, , , dzȭ genteel//refined, polite, aristocratic, well-bred, cultured, polished, urbane, elegant//ǰ ִ, , ǹٸ germane//pertinent, relevant, apposite, apropos// 谡 ִ, gesticulate//make gestures in speaking//ĸ (ϸ鼭), ǻ ϴ ghastly//shockingly horrible, frightful, grisly, gruesome, lurid, macabre, ghostlike//尰 ۾, ɰ, ù glut//surplus, overabundance, overstock, surfeit, gorge, jade, sate, satiate//װϴ, ƸԴ / װ grandiloquent//pompous; bombastic; using high-sounding language//() , ȣ ϴ grandiose//absurdly exaggerated, imposing, impressive, majestic, stately//, ,  gratis//free, gratuitous// gratuitous//1. given freely, gratis 2. unnecessary or unwarrante //1. , 2. ʿ, δ(۰) gravity//3. sobriety, solemnity//1. ߷, η 2. ߷ 3. , ߴ gregarious//sociable, enjoying the company of others//(), 米 grievous//1. tragic, agonizing 2. severe //1. ο, , 2. grimace//a facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust, etc., ׸ / ׸ guile//cunning, duplicity, artfulness, deceit, duplicity, artifice, craftiness, trickery// , Ȱ, å guise//appearance, semblance, costume//ܰ, , habituate//train, accustom to a situation//... ̴, ͼϰ ϴ hackneyed//overused, trite, commonplace, banal, pedestrian, humdrum, stale//, ƺ halcyon//peaceful, carefree, serene, composed//, , hapless//unlucky, unfortunate, miserable// //cf. hap: fortune, chance harass//annoy by repeated attacks, torment or pester, bother, irk, badger, vex, badger, harry, heckle, tease// harbinger// forerunner, herald, precursor, prophetic sign //(ϴ), Ǵ / , , harp//repeat tediously, go on and on about sth, reiterate//( ) ڲٸ Ǯϴ harry//1. raid, foray, maraud 2. harass, annoy //1. ħ()ϴ, Żϴ 2. hedonism//belief that pleasure is the sole aim in life, asceticism//, hegemony//leadership (one nation over another)//б, , heinous//shockingly evil, abominable, atrocious, hatefully bad, desperate, monstrous//, ؾǹ herald//1. royal proclaimer 2. harbinger//1. [ , ˸] 2. / ϴ heresy//opinion contrary to popular belief or accepted religion, unorthodoxy// ߳ ߸ , ̱, ̴ hermetic//1. obscure, occult, abstruse, esoteric, profound, recondite 2. impervious //1. , ɿ 2. к, heyday//golden age, prime// hiatus//break or interruption in continuity, gap, pause, breach, interim, interruption// ߴ, ƴ hierarchy//pecking order, body divided into ranks, order// histrionic//relating or actors or acting, overly dramatic, theatrical, affecting//󸶰, , hoary//white or gray with age, ancient, stale//ȸ, (ľ) , ſ, homage//reverence, respect, deference, obeisance//, homily//sermon, serious warning, discourse//ư, homogeneous//made entirely of one thing, uniform//, <-> heterogeneous hubris//arrogance, excessive pride, haughtiness, hauteur, imperviousness, loftiness, superciliousness//, ڸ husbandry//frugality, thrift, providence, thrifty management of resources, agriculture, livestock farming//˼Ѱ,, hyperbole//exaggeration, overstatement, modification, bombast//, , , ǥ hypocrisy//insincerity, two-facedness//, hypothetical//based on assumptions or hypotheses, conjectural, putative, suppositious, supposititious// iconoclast//image breaker// Ÿ, Ÿ, Ÿ ideology//ideas of a group of people, credo//̵÷α, , idiom//1. (, ), , , 2. , 뱸 idiosyncrasy//peculiarity, eccentricity, oddity, singularity//Ư, Ư̼, (Ư), Ư ü idyllic//charming in rustic way, bucolic, naturally peaceful//, , Ѱο ignominy//deep disgrace//, Ҹ, ġ , illicit//illegal, illegitimate, not permitted//ҹ, , 㰡 imbue//inspire, permeate or tinge, saturate, inculcate, fill// ä, (, )... Ҿִ imminent//just about to happen, impending, proximate, near at hand//ӹ, , ˹, ڵ, Ŀ immutable//unchangeable, constant, immovable, inalterable, inflexible, unmodifiable//Һ, ʴ impartial//fair, unbiased//, ġġ impasse//deadlock, cul-de-sac, blind alley, dilemma//ٸ , , ٸ impeach//charge, accuse or indict public official 2. call into question //1. źϴ, ϴ 2. (, ΰ ) ǽϴ impeccable//faultless, flawless, immaculate, irreproachable, entirely without sin//˸ ʴ, (), impecunious//without money, penniless, destitute, impoverished, indigent, penurious// , impede//obstruct or interfere with, hamper, delay//ϴ, ϴ impending//imminent, looming, nearing, approaching, proximate//ݻ Ͼ , ӹ, ڵ impenetrable//incapable of being penetrated, impervious, incomprehensible//ħ, , ϱ, ϰ imperative//1. completely necessary, vitally, important, urgent //1. Ҽ, ʼҰ 2. , imperial//like an emperor or empire//, Ȳ, Ȳ, impervious//1. impenetrable, not permitting passage through //1. ħ, 2. () , а, ʴ impetuous//impulsive, quick and violent; abrupt, headlong, vehement, precipitate, hasty, rash, impatient,//ݷ; ,浿 implement//1. carry out, fulfill 2. supply what is needed, complete / tool, instrument //1. ϴ 2. Ű, , / ϴ implication//that which is hinted at or suggested//(˵) , , Ͻ, , () importune//beg earnestly, urge with annoying persistence, trouble; beseech, crave, implore, plead, supplicate// , ð Źϴ, impotent//powerless, helpless, unable to perform sexual intercourse//, , ɷ impoverish//1. reduce to poverty, make destitute //1. ... ϰ ϴ 2. (, )ϰ ϴ, ϽŰ impregnable//unconquerable, indomitable, invincible, able to withstand attack, invulnerable// Ҷ, ʴ impresario//a person who manages public entertainment//(ش, Ǵ, ) impromptu//extemporaneous, on the spur of the moment, improvised, offhand//N, / , improvise//compose on the spur of the moment//N()ϴ, ӽú impugn//doubt; attack the truth or integrity of sth, challenge; gainsay; contradict, contravene, negate//ǽϴ; ()ϴ; ݹϴ impunity//freedom from punishment, exemption, immunity//(, , , ս) , ó , inadvertent//unintentional, heedless, not planned, accidental, adventitious//, ǰ ƴ inalienable//not to be taken away, lost , nontransferable//(Ǹ) 絵 inane//silly, senseless, asinine, fatuous//, , inaugurate//2. begin officially, induct formally, commence, launch //1. ӽ ϴ, ӽŰ, 2. ϴ incandescent//brilliant, effulgent, fulgent, lambent, lucent, luminous, radiant, refulgent//鿭, incantation//singing or chanting of magic spells, chant, magical formula// ݺϴ (ΰ), ֹ, incarnation//act of assuming a human body and human nature, embodiment// , ȭ, incendiary//tending to arouse passion or anger, inflammatory//ȭ, ҳϴ, / ȭ(arsonist), incense//2. make very angry, enrage, infuriate, umbrage //1. , ⳻ 2. ϴ incessant//unceasing, uninterrupted, ceaseless, everlasting, interminable, perpetual, unremitting//Ӿ, ĥ incipient//beginning, emerging, in an early stage, inceptive//, ʱ, ߴ incisive//cutting right to the heart of matter, sharp, penetrating, trenchant//, , , īο, inclination//tendency, preference, liking//, incongruous//not harmonious, not consistent, not appropriate, not fitting, absurd//ȭ ʴ, ︮ , incorrigible//incapable of being reformed, uncorrectable//() , ڴ increment//increase, accretion, one in a series of increases//, , , , ̵, , , inculcate//instill, imbue, implant by repeated suggestions or admonitions, teach, instruct//(ǮϿ )ԽŰ incumbent//current office holder / obligatory // () / ǹ incursion//raid, foray, sudden attack or temporary invasion//ħ, indict//charge with a crime, accuse of wrongdoing//()ϴ indifferent//1. apathetic, aloof, uninterested 2. mediocre, commonplace(not good quality //1. 2. , indigenous//native, aboriginal, endemic, originating in that area//, () , 緡, ڻ indigent//poor, destitute//(), , ִ, ҿ indignant//angry, insulted//ȭ, а, indolent//lazy//, induce//1. persuade 2. influence, cause //1. ϴ, ϰϴ 2. ߱ϴ, ϴ //cf. seduce ۱ Ȥϴ indulgent//lenient, charitable, clement, yielding to desire, humoring//ڴ ϰϴ, , ineffable//inexpressible, unutterable, indescribable, inexpressible, cannot be expressed in speech// ǥ ineluctable//inescapable, inevasible, irresistible, unavoidable//Ұ׷, Ҽ , Ұ, ġ inept//unsuited, inappropriate, clumsy, incompetent, gauche, absurd//, ,  ineradicable//incapable of being removed or destroyed or eradicated// , ֱ inert//inactive, sluggish, not reacting chemically//Ȱ , Ⱑ , , Ȱ inexorable//adamant, obdurate, relentless, inevitable, unavoidable, unyielding, implacable//Ȥ, , ʴ infamous//shamefully wicked, disgraceful, notoriously bad, flagrant, opprobrious//Ǹ , Ҹ, ķġ infatuated//foolish, foolishly passionate or attracted, made foolish, foolishly in love//ٺ, ٺ , Ȥ infer//deduce, conclude//߷ϴ, ϴ infinitesimal//very very small, infinitely small//̼, ع, Ѽ inflammatory//1. fiery, tending to arouse passion or anger, incendiary //1. ϰ ϴ, 2. (inflammation) influx//flowing into, arrival of large numbers of people or things, inundation//, 뷮, оħ, ⵵ infraction//violation, infringement, breach, contravention, transgression, breaking of law//, infrastructure//the basic framework of a system, foundation//Ϻ () infringe//1. violate, breech, contravene, offend, transgress 2. encroach or trespass //1. ϴ 2. ħϴ infuse//introduce into, instill, imbue//1. äִ, ( )ϴ 2.(ʸ) ingenuous//naive, frank, without deception, artless, unsophisticated, unaffected// , , ٹҾ ingratiate//work to make yourself liked//... ˶Ÿ, ... ߴ, ȯ ϴ inherent//intrinsic, congenital, inborn, innate, firmly established by nature or habit//, Ÿ, inimical//unfavorable, unfriendly, harmful, detrimental, hostile, antagonistic//ȣ ƴ, ϴ, طο inimitable//impossible to imitate, incomparable, matchless, unrivaled, the best//ʹ ǸϿ , injunction//a command or order, especially a court order//, Ʒ, innate//inborn, congenital, inherent, intrinsic//Ÿ, õ, õ, innocuous//harmless, innoxious//, ̾ innuendo//sly hint, insinuation, allusion, implication, intimation//( ϴ) Ͻ, 񲿾 , inordinate//excessive, exorbitant, immoderate, intemperate, unreasonable, unrestrained//, ģ, , inquisition//ruthless questioning, official investigation// , ()ö insatiable//not easily satisfied, greedy, avaricious, avid, voracious// 𸣴, Ž彺 insidious//artful, astute, craft, guileful, wily, treacherous, sneaky, stealthy, sly, furtive, surreptitious// ġ, , , ()༺ insinuate//1. creep in, worm 2. hint, imply, allude, connote, intimate //1. ϰ  2. úߴ, ϴ insipid//dull, vapid, bland, banal, tasteless, flavorless, savorless, unpalatable//, , ̰, ̾ insolent//arrogant, insulting, haughty, contemptuous, domineering, imperious, overweening, supercilious//ǹ, insouciant//nonchalant, lighthearted, carefree, indifferent, listless, without concern or care//, , instigate//provoke, stir up, urge, start, abet, activate, actuate, foment, incite//Ű, ϴ, ϴ <-> quell insufferable//not sufferable, unbearable, intolerable// insular//like an island, isolated, narrow-minded// ټ, , insuperable//unable to be overcome, insurmountable, invincible, indomitable, overwhelming//( )غ insurgent//rebellious, contumacious, insubordinate, mutinous / rebel // ݶ() , ϴ/ ݶ, ݿ insurrection//an act of open rebellion, revolt, insurgence, mutiny//, ݶ integral//1. essential, indispensable 2. whole//1. ʼҰ 2. 3. , interim//meantime, meanwhile, intervening time, breech, hiatus, interval//(ð), ѵ, interloper//intruder, trespasser, interfere, intrude, unwanted person// Ͽ ϴ , interlude//intervening, episode, intermission, pause//(ϰ , ð ð), , , ߰ , ְ interminable//seemingly unending, endless, perpetual, tediously long//ĥ 𸣴, , ϰ intermittent//periodic, on and off, occasional, fitful, recurrent// ߴܵǴ, ܼ() intersperse//place at intervals, scatter among//Ű intervene//2. mediate, intercede, interfere //1. (ݴ)̿ 2. ϴ 3. (ð)̿ intimate//hint, imply / 1. familiar 2. essential, innermost 3. private / confidant// Ͻϴ, þ˸(ǥϴ) intractable//fractious, headstrong, pertinacious, perverse, recalcitrant, disobedient, unruly, refractory//ٷ , intransigent//stubborn, uncompromising//Ÿ intricate//complicated, sophisticated//ھ, Ų, , intrigue//secret scheme, crafty plot//, 跫 / ٹ̴ intrinsic//part of the essential nature of sth, inherent, natural//, , introspective//tending to think about oneself, examining one's feelings//ڱ⸦ ϴ, ڱ ݼ, inundate//overflow, deluge, flood, cover completely with water, overwhelm// Ű, , ⵵ϴ invective//insulting or abusive speech, abuse, billingsgate, contumely, obloquy, scurrility, vituperation//,, Ǹ inveterate//deep-rooted, chronic, habitual, firm in habit//(, )Ѹ, , invidious//causing envy or resentment, offensively harmful, hateful, obnoxious, odious//ȭϴ, Ž, inviolate//not violated, kept sacred, free from injury, pure//ż ״, ħ , invoke//1. entreat or pray for, crave, supplicate 2.summon up //1. (ſ), ûϴ, () ȣϴ 2. ҷŰ irascible//choleric, fractious, peevish, petulant, touchy, irritable, bilious, splenetic//, , ߳ iridescent//exhibiting rainbow-like colors// ̴( ϴ), ironic//meaning the opposite of what you seem to say//񲿴, dz, ݾ irrevocable//irreversible, unalterable//(.) itinerant//moving form place to place, wandering, traveling//η絹ƴٴϴ, ȸϴ jargon//language used by special group, gibberish, cant, argot//, Ⱦ, , jaunt//a short pleasure tip, junket, sally//dz, å, ª / dz jingoism//belligerent and chauvinistic patriotism, warmonger//͸ ֱ, ȣ jocular//humorous, fond of joking, jocund, jocose, droll, facetious, ludicrous, witty//콺, ͻ jubilation//exultant joy, rejoicing, exultation, bliss//ȯ, ȯȣ, judicious//having good sense, wise, determined by sound judgment, prudent, sapient//(к)ִ, junction//1. Convergence 2. Linkup, act or state of being joined together //1. շ, 2. , , junta//small group ruling a country after a coup//(Ÿ ϴ) juxtapose//place side by side//... karma//good or bad emanation from sn or sth//, , kinetic//having to do with motion, lively, active, producing motion//,  , Ȱ, labyrinth//maze//Daedalus ̱, ̷, laconic//using few words, brief and to the point, concise, compendious, succinct, terse//(, ǥ), lament//mourn//ϴ, ֵϴ, źϴ lampoon//satirize, mock, parody, ridicule, burlesque, caricature, travesty//dzϴ languish//become weak, languid, listless or depressed, lose animation or strength, flag//, ̾ larceny//theft, robbery, stealing, purloining//(), , ׷ largess//generous gift, generosity, philanthropy//, , (Ƴ ִ) lascivious//lustful, obscene, lewd, licentious, lecherous, incontinent, libertine, libidinous//ܼ, , , ȣ latent//present but not visible or apparent, potential, dormant, hidden, abeyant, quiescent// ִ, ẹ laud//applaud, extol, celebrate, praise, glorify//ϴ, ⸮ lavish//1. liberal 2. abundant, exuberant, opulent 3. excessive, wasteful, luxuriant, prodigal, profuse, profusive //1. Ƴ ִ, λ 2. dz 3. ϴ, ġ / Ƴִ, ϴ lax//negligent, lazy, irresponsible, loose, remiss//¸, ̵, , åӰ layman//nonprofessional//, , Ƹ߾, ŵ legacy//inheritance, bequest, patrimony// lethargic//sluggish, lazy, indifference, drowsy, dull, comatose, torpid//, , levity//lightness, frivolity, unseriousness, flippancy//, liaison//connection, association, alliance, secret love affair//, (ٸ ü), , libel//1. ϴ (cf. invective, ) 2. Ҹ °, , ߻ / 湮 ǥϴ licentious//lascivious, lewd, promiscuous, amoral, dissolute, incontinent, lecherous, libertine, libidinous//, ȣ limpid//transparent, clear, lucid, pellucid, translucent//(,,, ), , (ü), listless//sluggish, without energy or enthusiasm, lackadaisical, languid// Ű ʴ, litany//1. supplicatory player 2. tedious recounting //1. (ȸ)⵵, 2. ݺǴ (̾߱) litigate//try in court, engage in legal proceeding//Ҽϴ, livid//lead-colored, ashen, pallid, wan ; enraged//, [Ÿڻ Ǻ ]Ǫ, â ; ݳ loath//extremely unwilling, reluctant, averse, abhorrent, execrable, odious//Ⱦϴ, lobby//urge legislative action, exert influence//(ȸ)κϴ, (ǿ) ϴ loquacious//talkative, garrulous, verbose//, ò ʹ, ó Ҹ lout//boor, oaf, clod, churl, bad-tempered person, clumsy person// , ð ߱, lucid//1.clear, easy to understand, pellucid, translucent, transparent, unambiguous 2.mentally sound 3.bright, transparent, effulgent, lambent, luminous, refulgent //1. ,˱⽬, 2. 3. ludicrous//ridiculous, absurd, laughable, trifling//ͻ, 콺, ٺ lugubrious//exaggeratedly mournful, lamentable, funeral, woeful, dolorous, plaintive//, óο, luminous//shining, giving off light, glowing, bright, easily understood//, , ذ , , Ѹ lyrical//1. melodious, songlike, poetic 2. enthusiastic //1. 뷡, 2. , machination//scheming actively for an evil purpose, conspiracy, intrigue, plot//, å magnanimous//forgiving, unresentful, noble in spirit, generous, benevolent, chivalrous// , Ʒ ִ, magnate//rich, powerful or very successful business person, person of prominence or influence, tycoon//Ź, malaise//feeling of depression, uneasiness or queasiness//̷ ߾ ¨, malapropism//humorous misuse of a word// 콺ν , malfeasance//an illegal act especially by public official//ҹ() , (Ư ) malinger//to pretend to be sick to avoid doing sth//Һ θ malleable//1. easy to shape or bend, supple //1. (ݼ) ִ 2. , ¼, ġ mandate//1. command, dictate 2. authorization//1. , 2. ӵ , ġ / ϴ, ġϴ mania//crazed or excessive excitement, insanity, delusion//߱, ħ, , ..., ... manifest//1. visible, evident, understandable, clear 2. make visible//1. 2. ϴ, ϴ / ϸ, ° manifesto//public declaration, statement of policy//, (), marginal//1. of margin or border 2. lower limit of quality, insignificance//1. 2. (̰)ټ, Ѱ, marshal//arrange in order, gather together for the purpose of doing sth//ĽŰ, Ű / Ȱ, martial//warlike, bellicose, belligerent, militant, pugnacious, having to do combat//, , ȣ martyr//, / ϴ, materialistic//preoccupied with material things, greedy for possessions//[], [] matriculate//enroll, especially at a college// ( 㰡)ϴ //cf. matriculation н maudlin//silly and overly sentimental, romantic// , maverick//nonconformist, dissenter, rebel// ۾, , 屺 mawkish//1. sickening, nauseous 2. foolishly sentimental, maudlin //1. Ž, 2. ٺ maxim//fundamental principle, old saying, aphorism, proverb, adage//ݾ, ݾ meander//2. wander, ramble or stray from the topic //1. 帣 2. ̸ ȸϴ, () μ ϴ mediate//help settle differences, intervene, arbitrate, intercede//ϴ, ϴ medium//1. Ű, ü 2. ߿, ߰ 3. (ܸŰ) 4. Ű, / ߰, melancholy//gloomy, depressed and weary//ź , , / , melee//brawl, affray, brawl, fracas, fray ,confused fight or struggle, tumultuous confusion//, ȥ mellifluous//flowing smoothly, smooth, dulcet, euphonious//(Ҹ, , ) ̷Ӱ 帣, ܰ ̷ο, menagerie//a collection of animals//(Ŀܵ) 츮ȿ ξ , Ű , [̵ϴ] mendacious//lying, dishonest, false, fraudulent, unveracious//, ϴ mendicant//beggar// / ϴ mentor//counselor, instructor, coach, tutor//ϰ mercenary//1. interested in money or gain 2. hired soldier //1. ϴ, ϴ 2. 뺴 mercurial//2. lively 3. fickle, inconstant, capricious //1. 2. , Ȱ 3. metamorphosis//magical change in form, sudden change//, meticulous// fussy, heedful, scrupulous, finicky, fastidious, punctilious//(ġ), IJ, microcosm//the world in miniature//ҿ, ΰȸ milieu//environment, surroundings//, ȯ millennium//thousand year period, a thousandth anniversary//õDZⰣ, õ, Ȳݽô minuscule//very tiny//ſ mire//marshy, mucky ground; embroil, implicate, tangle//â, / (â) ߸; ()濡 ߸ misanthrope//one who hates mankind//ΰ Ⱦϴ , <-> philanthropist mitigate//moderate the effect of sth, appease, allay, alleviate, assuage, mollify, palliate//׷߸, ȭ(氨)ϴ mode//method of doing, type, manner, fashion, vogue//ϴ modulate//regulate, adjust, adapt; reduce ,lessen or change intensity//ϴ, ϴ, ϴ mollify//soothe, soften, pacify, allay, alleviate, appease, assuage, mitigate, pacify, propitiate//׷ ϴ, ޷ momentum//quantity of motion of a moving body, impetus//̴ , , ⼼, , , monarchy//government by king or queen//ġ monolithic//massive, solid, uniform, and unyielding//ϳ Ȱ , , ȹ moratorium//suspension of activity, legal delay of payment// (Ⱓ), mores//customs, customary moral standards//, moribund//dying, at the point of death// ׾ morose//somber, melancholy, gloomy, sullen//, ħ, ѷ, , ¨ mortify//humiliate, punish the flesh, debase, degrade, demean, humble// ϴ, ȸϴ motif//recurring theme or idea//( ǰ), ּ motley//extremely varied or diverse, heterogeneous, multicolored, parti-colored, mixed//, mundane//1. not heavenly and eternal, temporal 2. ordinary, dull, pretty boring //1. , Ӽ 2. , municipal//pertaining to a city(town) and its government//ġ(), munificent//lavish, very generous//Ƴ ִ, ū muse//ponder, meditate, deliberate, ruminate//ϴ, ϴ muster//assemble for battle or inspection, summon up//ϴ, ̴ / (˿ ), myopia//near sightedness, lack of foresight//ٽþ, myriad//very large number//, mystic//otherworldly, mysterious, enigmatic//, ź, ź narcissism//excessive love of one's body or oneself//ھƵ nebulous//vague, hazy, indistinct, cloudy//(õ) , 帴, ָ nefarious//evil, flagrantly wicked, flagrant, infamous, vicious//ؾ, , Ǹ nemesis//revenging agent// , õ, ΰ, ϴ neologism//a new word or phrase, new usage of a word//, ǥ, ž, ž neophyte//beginner, novice, apprentice, tyro, recent convert//ʽ, Ű nepotism//favoritism( to a relative)//ģô , nihilism//the belief that there are no values or morals in the universe//19 þ 㹫, nirvana//blissful, painless, worry-free state//, Ż noisome//offensive(smell) / disgusting, stinking, noxious, rancid, putrid// / , طο nomadic//wandering from place to place, without a permanent home, itinerant, peripatetic//, nomenclature//system of naming, designation, terminology//(), и, , ()(Ϲ)Ī, nominal//in name only, insignificant, OK(during rocket launches), titular//̸, , ߿ġ nonchalant//indifferent, coolly unconcerned, blas?, insouciant//, ô, ¿ nostalgia//home-sickness, longing for the past//Ÿ ׸, notorious//nefarious, famous for sth bad, outstandingly bad, unfavorably known//Ǹ novel//new, original, strange//ű, , ο, noxious//harmful, offensive, nocuous//(), Ұ nuance//subtle difference or distinction//, , , ̹ , ӽ nullify//repeal, revoke, cancel, void, annul//ȿ ϴ, ϴ, ϴ obdurate//stubborn and insensitive//, ϰ, Ȥ obeisance//bow or curtsy, deep reverence//, , obfuscate//darken, confuse, muddle, make confusing, fluster, confound// Ӱϴ, Ȳϰϴ, óϰϴ objective//1. unbiased, unprejudiced, uninfluenced 2. real //1. <-> subjective 2. ü 3. / ǥ, oblique//1. at an angle, deviating from the perpendicular or from a straight line 2. Indirect //1. 񽺵 2. oblivion//total forgetfulness, the state of being forgotten//, ر obscure//unknown, elliptical, hard to understand, dark//иġ , ȣ, ʴ, , 帰 obsequious//fawning, subservient, sucking up to, slavishly attentive, servile, sycophantic//, , ÷ϴ obtrusive//1. pushing forward 2. interfering, meddlesome, intrusive, officious, butting in //1. ϴ 2. ϴ obtuse//insensitive, blockheaded, blunt, stupid//, а, Ӹ obviate//make unnecessary, get rid of, avert// ϴ, ̿ ϴ occult//mysterious, magic, secret, supernatural, uncanny//ź, Ұ odious//hateful, abhorrent, loath, detestable, abominable, repulsive, vile//, , 谨 ִ, odyssey//long, difficult journey, usually marked by many changes of fortune//Ⱓ(), ȭ ¡ officious//annoyingly eager to help or advise, meddlesome, excessively trying to please//ϱ ϴ, olfactory//pertaining to the sense of smell//İ, / İ, oligarchy//government by only a few people// ġ, Ҽ ġ ominous//1.threatening, menacing 2. portentous, of bad omen//1. , ϴ, 2. ұ, <->auspicious omniscient//all-knowing, having infinite wisdom// //cf. omnipotent : all-powerful, onerous//burdensome, oppressive; needing effort //1. , , δ Ǵ, 2. opaque//impossible to see through and understand, dark, not transparent//, , opprobrious//extremely critical, showing scorn or reproach, disgraceful//( ), 󽺷, 糪 opulent//luxurious, rich wealthy//, dz, ȭ ordinance//law, regulation, decree//, ǽ orthodox//conventional//, , θ oscillate//pulsate, vibrate pendulum-like, waver or vacillate//ϴ, (, ǰ ) ϴ osmosis//gradual or subtle absorption//, ostensible//apparent(but misleading), professed, pretended, alleged//ܸ, ǥ, ٹ, ostentatious//excessively conspicuous, showy, pretentious, flamboyant//㼼 θ, Ѹ , ȭ ostracize//shut out or exclude a person from a group, ban, shun//߹ϴ, ôϴ oust//eject, expel, banish//Ѵ, ҹ Ѵ override//overrule, prevail over//( ǰ, , , 䱸 ) ϴ, overture//opening move, preliminary offer//, ְ, , oxymoron// pacify//calm someone down, placate//޷, Ű painstaking//extremely careful// Ƴ ʴ, ٸ(=pains-taking = taking pains) palatable//pleasing to the taste, agreeable to the feelings, gusty, relishing, sapid, savory//ִ, Կ ´, ´ palliate//relieve, alleviate, assuage, mitigate, easy pain, make less guilty or offensive//(,, , ) ҽŰ pallor//paleness, whiteness//()â (a. pallid) palpable//tangible, obvious, easily perceptible// ִ, , ϱ paltry//insignificant, worthless, petty//, ġ, Ǵ panacea//cure-all, remedy fir all diseases// ġ pandemic//prevalent throughout a large area, rampant//( ) ϴ <-> endemic / epidemic, panegyric//elaborate and formal praise, eulogy, compliment, encomium//(,) parable//religious allegory, fable, morality tale//, ȭ paradigm//model or example, archetype, paragon//, paradox//statement that looks false but is actually correct//, , Ķ󵶽 paragon//model of perfection, pattern of excellence, paradigm, archetype//, , , پ ι(), ǰ parallel//similar, comparable//, , , paranoia//(ȯ), paranormal//supernatural, phony//(ڿ ƴϳ) parochial//narrow or confined in point of view, provincial//ѵ, , , , parody//satirical imitation, humorous imitation, travesty, lampoon//dz ù, paroxysm//sudden or violent outburst, a severe attack//, (г, )ݹ parsimonious//stingy, excessively frugal, miserly, niggardly, penurious//λ partisan//one who supports a particular person, cause, or idea//, ϴ, Ƹ partition//division, dividing wall//, ȹ pastoral//rural, rustic, peaceful and calm like the country, bucolic//, , ġ / , patent//1. obvious, evident 3. open for public to real//1. 2. Ư 3. ִ, 漺 / Ư / Ư㸦 paternal//fatherly, fatherlike//ƹ, ΰ pathology//the science of diseases// pathos//tender sorrow, pity//ƶ ھƳ , ھƳ (), ּ, , , ̼ҽ patina//green crust on old bronze works, verdigris//( û )Ǫ, û, Ȱ â patriarch//father and ruler of a family or tribe//, , ֱ patrician//a person of noble birth, an aristocrat// θ <-> plebian patrimony//inheritance from father, legacy, bequest// , patronize//1. treat as an inferior 2. condescend to//1. Ŀϴ 2. ɾü 3. ܰ ְ paucity//scarcity//, , ҷ, Ҽ peccadillo//a minor offense, misdemeanor// Ǽ, ׸ , peculiar//unusual, bizarre, individual//⹦, , Ư, Ư pedantic//boringly scholarly or academic, showing off learning, bookish, scholastic//Ƽ , ƴüϴ, pedestrian//2. unimaginative, banal, humdrum//1. , 2. ¾, , / pejorative//negative, disgracing, derogatory, detracting, disparaging, depreciatory//ġ ߸, penchant//predilection, strong inclination, liking, proclivity, predisposition, propensity// , ȣ, penitent//sorry, repentant, contrite, remorseful//ġ, ȸϴ, ȸϴ pensive//dreamily thoughtful, thoughtful with a hint of sadness// , ּ peregrination//wandering, traveling, expedition, journey//, peremptory//uncompromising, final, categorical, dictatorial//()ȣ, (µ) perennial//continual, happening again and again or year after year//ٳ, ϴ perfidy//treachery, apostasy, disloyalty, faithlessness//, Ҽ perfunctory//superficial, listless, careless, unenthusiastic, cursory//Ǵ , , , ġ peripatetic//traveling continually, itinerant, wandering, ambulant, nomadic//ȸϴ, ƴٴϴ periphery//outside edge of sth, especially of a round surface//ѷ, ٱ perjury//lying under oath, false testimony, foreswearing// ͼ, permeate//pass through, spread//ħϴ, , θ pernicious//extremely evil, very harmful, deleterious, injurious, baneful, pestilential, virulent//, ĸ, ġ perpetrator//one who committed the act//˸ , perpetuate//make sth perpetual, keep from perishing// Ű, ϰ ϴ perquisite//a privilege that goes along with a job, perk, bonus//μ, pertinent//relevant, germane, suitable, to the point, apposite, apropos//, ִ perturb//disturb greatly// , ϴ, ȥϰ ϴ, Ȳϰ ϴ peruse//read carefully//ϴ, ϴ n. perusal pervade//spread throughout// θ , ħϴ perverse//1. perverted 2. pernicious, refractory, cranky, peevish, irritable //1. Ÿ 2. ٷ, , petulant//rude, cranky, ill-tempered, touchy, peevish, fractious, fretful, irritable, testy//ȭ , ٷο, phantasm//apparition, ghost, phantom//, ȯ philanthropy//love of mankind especially by doing good deeds//ھ, ڼ, ڼ Ȱ, ڼ philistine//ȷŸ , , ̰ phlegmatic//1. indifferent, not easily roused to excitement, stolid 2.imperturbable //1. , , 2. ,ħ pilgrimage//religious or spiritual journey, excursion, peregrination// pious//1. reverent or devout 2. hypocritical //1. žӽ , 2. žӽ ô piscine//fish-like//, pivotal//crucial, cardinal, momentous//, , ߿ placate//pacify, appease, soothe, conciliate, assuage, mollify, propitiate, slake//޷, ϴ, , ̴ placebo//fake medication//() plaintive//expressing sadness or sorrow, mournful, doleful, dolorous, lamentable, lugubrious//óο, platitude//trite remark, commonplace statement, cliche?, banality, prosaism// , ߾ platonic//nonsexual, purely spiritual, theoretical//ö ö( ), / , plausible//1. seem to be right or reasonable, believable 2. convincing //1. ׷ϰ ̴ 2. ִ ϴ plebian(plebeian)//common, vulgar, low class, bourgeois//, , ӵ(vulgar), õ, (θ)() <-> patrician plethora//1. excess, overabundance, superfluity, surplus //1. , 2. , pliable//1. flexible, easy to band 2. easy to convince, persuade or mold //1. ֱ , 2. plight//predicamen / promise, pledge, betroty// / ϴ, ͼϴ, ȥϴ plunder//loot, ransack/ booty/// Żϴ, Żϴ / Żǰ, ǰ pluralism//, , , (ö)ٿ poignant//pointed, painfully emotional, extremely moving, sharp, piquant, pungent//Ŷ, īο, , polarize//break up into opposing fractions or groupings, dichotomize//ؼ ִ, ȭϴ, 븳Ű, пϴ polemic//powerfully dispute, controversy, argument in support of point of view//, / pl. ponderous//1. heavy, bulky, unwieldy, massive 2. dull //1. ſ, ٷ⿡ , , 2. pontificate//speak pompously or dogmatically//( ô)üϴ, ŵ帧 ǿ ̾߱ ϴ / ֱ porcine//pig-like porous//filled with many tiny holes, permeable, penetrable, pervious, absorbent// , portent//sign, omen, forewarning, presage//, posterity//descendants, future generation, progeny, offspring, progeniture, scions//ڼ, ļ posthumous//2. after death, postmoral //1. ڷ ¾ 2. Ŀ ǵ, , Ŀ Ͼ postulate//sth accepted as true without proof, axiom//⺻, ʿ, , /ʿ Ƿ ,,ϴ posture//1. act artificially or affectedly 2. attitude 3.state//1. üϴ 2.  ϴ / ڼ, µ, 3. pragmatic//practical, down to earth, based on experience ,concerned with practical values//ǿ, prattle//talk idly or childishly, babble//( ְ) Ÿ ϴ, ªҸ ϴ / ׷ precarious//doubtable, unstable, uncertain; dangerously insecure or unsteady, unsafe, risky//Ȯ, Ҿ; precedent//antecedent, earlier example or model of sth, preceding in time, rank, etc., , Ƿ precept//a rule to live by, principle, decree, ordinance, prescript, regulation, statute//(ൿ) Ģ precipitate//1.߸ 2.()ϴ 3.(ü)ħŰ 4.()Ű/ħ,Ṱ/hasty, precipitous//steep, clifflike//ĸ preclude//prevent sth from ever happening, deter, forestall, obviate, make impossible//Ͼ ʰ ̸, ϴ precocious//premature, unusually mature, developed ahead of time, uncommonly gifted//, (ൿ,) ߴ precursor//trailblazer, forerunner, harbinger, herald//, , predecessor//sn or sth that precedes in time, ancestor, antecedent, precursor//, , , <-> successor predicament//dilemma, plight, quandary//, predilection//nature preference, partiality, disposition, penchant, predisposition, propensity, proclivity//Ư , predispose//make susceptible, cause to be incline toward// Űϴ //cf. dispose :óϴ,óġϴ,ôϴ predominant//most important, dominant//켼, ֿ, Ź, preeminent//outstanding, supreme, superior, prominent, salient, conspicuous, renowned//߱, پ, preempt//seize sth by prior right, appropriate beforehand//űǿ Ͽ ȹϴ, ϴ pregnant//2. highly significant, overflowing //1. ӽ 2. () ǹ̽, dz prelude//introduction, forerunner, overture, preamble, preface, prologue//ְ, , غ / Ǵ premeditated//planned beforehand, prearranged, plotted, precogitated, predetermined//̸ , ȹ premise//1. assumption, the basis for a conclusion, postulate//1. (ܳ) 2. / ϴ preponderance//majority, predominance, superiority of power, quantity//(, , ũ, , ־)켼, prepossess//preoccupy, influence beforehand or prejudice, make good impression//԰ ϴ, λִ prerogative//privilege, unquestionable right//Ư presage//portend, foreshadow, forecast, predict, foretell, bode//ϴ, ϴ, Ǵ / , , presentiment//premonition, foreboding, prediction, presage//(ұ), ҾȰ presumably//probably, the assumption is that, doubtless//Ƹ, presuppose//1. assume beforehand 2. take for granted in advance, require as a prior condition //1. ̸ ϴ 2. ʿ ϴ prevail//triumph, overcome rivals, predominate, preponderate//켼ϴ, θ ϴ, ϴ, еϴ primal//1. first, original 2. of the greatest importance //1. , ٿ 2. ֿ pristine//perfectly clean and untouched, unspoiled, pure, characteristic of earlier times, primitive//, , ʱ privation//lack of comforts or necessities, poverty, destitution, indigence, penury//(Ȱ ʼǰ ),,Ῡ,Ż proclaim//announce, declare, make known//... ϴ, ϴ procure//1. obtain or acquire by special means 2. bring about, cause //1. (Ͽ) 2. ʷϴ, ߱Ű prodigal//wastefully extravagant, reckless with money, lavish, profuse//Ƴ ִ, dz, ϴ prodigious//extraordinary, marvelous, enormous, colossal, huge, titanic//Ŵ, , prodigy//miracle, extraordinary accomplishment or occurrence//̷ο , Ұ , Ұ , õ profane//irreverent, blasphemous, desecrate//, ż , , 米 / defile, (ż) profess//declare, declare falsely or pretend//ϴ, ܾϴ, ϴ, ̴ proficient//thoroughly competent, skillful, dexterous, very good//õ, profligate//widely immoral, dissipate, wanton, dissolute, wasteful, licentious//, ǰ , ϴ / profound//deep//, Ѹ , ɿ, ع, profuse//1. flowing, fluent 2. extravagant //1. Ƴ ִ, dz 2. ϴ progeny//offspring, descendants, posterity, scions//ڼ, Ŀ proletariat//industrial working class//, , ѷŸ proliferate//spread or grow rapidly// Ű, ް ϴ(Ű) prolific//productive, fertile, fecund, abundantly fruitful//̸ , ٻ, , dz promulgate//make known by official proclamation or publication//ϴ, ۶߸, θ , ϴ, ϴ propagate//reproduce, multiply, spread or disseminate//ĽŰ, ϴ, (, Ҹ)ϴ, ϴ propensity//natural inclination or tendency, predilection, disposition, penchant, proclivity//, , propitious//marked by favorable signs or conditions, favorable, kindly//, 󼭷ο, , ںο, ȣǸ proponent//advocate, supporter, exponent//ȣ, , , propound//put forth for analysis, propose, offer for consideration//(, ȹ ) ϴ, ϴ proprietary//characteristic of an owner of property, constituting property//, , ڴٿ propriety//properness, good manners, fitness, correct conduct, decorum, decency, dignity//, ٸ prosaic//unimaginative, like prose, commonplace, dull//깮, , proscribe//outlaw, prohibit, ostracize, banish, exile, expatriate// ϴ, ôϴ, ߹ϴ proselytize//convert to a religion or belief//(, ) Ű, ϴ, Ű protagonist//the leading character in a novel//(Ҽ, )ΰ, â protege//person under the protection and support of a patron, subordinate//(Ⱓ ģ) Ǻȣ, protocol//diplomatic etiquette and customs//ܱǷ, , ൿԾ, ʾ protract//prolong, lengthen the time//(ð) ϴ, ϴ provident//preparing for the future, displaying foresight, frugal, thrifty// ִ, ̷ غϴ, , ˼ provincial//pertaining to a province, limited, narrow, insular//, , ð, provisional//conditional, temporary, tentative//ӽ, Ͻ provocation//1. act of provoking 2. incitement, cause //1. , 2. ڱ(), ȭϴ°, prowess//1. superior skill or ability 2. superior strength or bravery //1. پ ؾ ɷ 2. پ proximity//nearness//, , prudent//careful, having foresight, provident, chary, circumspect, wary, canny//, , ƴ prurient//having lustful thoughts, causing lust, licentious, lecherous, lascivious, amorous//ȣ, , ܼ pseudonym//alias, false name, alias, pen name//͸, , ()ȣ, ʸ psyche//human soul, mind, spirit//ȥ, pummel//pound or punch with the fists, beat, strike//(ָ)... Ÿϴ punctilious//meticulously attentive to detail, scrupulously exact, fussy, heedful// Ͽ ʹ , IJ, pundit//learned Hindu, any learned man, authority on a subject, guru, savant//ڽ , а pungent//acrid, incisive, piquant, stinging, caustic//(, , ) ڱϴ, īο, Ŷ,  punitive//inflicting a punishment, castigatory//, ִ purblind//dim-sighted, practically blind, lacking understand or imagination, obtuse// , ݼҰ, puritanical//like puritan, very severe and strict about morals//û, ſ (,) purported//rumored, claimed//...̶ ҹ (Ϸ), ̶ , ǹϴ putative//commonly accepted, supposed, hypothetical, reputed//, ҹ, quaint//pleasantly old-fashioned, picturesque, odd, idiosyncratic// ִ, dz̸ ִ, qualify//1. entitle 2. limit, modify or restrict //1. ڰ ִ, ִ 2. ϴ, ϴ() qualitative//having to do with the quality or qualities of something//, quandary//state of perplexity, bewilderment, dilemma, predicament//Ȥ, Ȳ, quasi//almost, near, resembling//-, -, - quay//a landing on the edge of the water, wharf, pier//â, ε quell//put an end to, squelch, suppress, subdue(rebellion, rebels, opposition), (, ȥ) ﴩ, ϴ querulous//complaining, grumbling, fretful, whining, irritable, fractious, peevish, petulant// ϴ, Ÿ, query//question, inquiry//, ǹ / ϴ, ǹ Ÿ queue//a line or file//(ʸ ٸ) , , / , quiescent//motionless, at rest, still, dormant, latent, abeyant, potential//, Ȱ, , ִ quintessential//being the most perfect example, essential, substantial//̻, ü , quixotic//idealistic but impractical//ڱڽ ̵ ϴµ ־ Ƴʰ, ɾ, , Űȣ׽ quizzical//1. questioning, inquisitive 2. teasing, mocking 3. eccentric, odd //1. ȣɸ 2. , ϴ 3. quotidian//daily, everyday, ordinary//, Ͼ, ramification//consequence, branching out, subdivision// , , б, и, ȭ rampant//widespread, uncontrollable, prevalent, raging//(Ĺ) â, , (, ȸ) , rancor//bitter and long-lasting ill will or resentment, enmity, animosity, bitterness, hatred//(), , , rapacious//excessively grasping, plundering, greedy, avaricious, voracious, gluttonous//(Ư )Ž彺,ɸ rapture//ecstasy, bliss, unequaled joy//ȲȦ(), ȯ, , rarefied//esoteric, interesting to a select group only, exalted//, õ ratify//confirm, approve sth formally//ϴ, ( ) ϴ, ϴ, ϴ ratiocination//logical reasoning, act of drawing conclusion from premises, inference, deduction//(ܳ) ߸, ߷ rationale//underlying reason, basis, reasoning//ٺ, ٰ //cf. rational : ̼, ո, ߸ raucous//stridently loud, rowdy, harsh and shrill, hoarse, strident// Ҹ, (Ҹ)Ϳ Ž, ģ reactionary//retrograde, ultraconservative, right-wing, backward-thinking//ݵ,ݹ, ,/ rebuff//snub, reject, spurn//(, ȣǵ ) ôϴ, ϴ / , ¥ rebuke//criticize sharply//ϴ, ¢ / , å rebut//contradict, argue in opposition, provoke to be false//ϴ, ϴ recalcitrant//stubborn, unruly, refractory, fractious, intractable, untoward, disobedient//ϰϰ ϴ,, ʴ recant//publicly take back and deny, recall, retract, repudiate, withdraw previous statement//ϴ, öȸϴ recidivism//act of repeating an offense, habitual return to crime// //cf. recidivist, reciprocal//mutual, shared, interchangeable, exchangeable, interacting//ΰ, ȣ, ݵǴ, reclaim//1. Ȳ ϴ 2. ϴ, Ű, ְ ġ 3. ȯ 䱸ϴ reclusive//hermitlike, withdrawn from society//Ӽ , recondite//hard to understand, over one's head, abstruse, profound, secret//ɿ, , ˱ , recrimination//bitter counteraccusation, countercharges//ǹ޾ , ݼ, ° redeem//1. buy back 2. fulfill 3. make up for 4. rescue from sin//1. ȯϴ 2. (ǹ) ϴ 3. ޿ 4. ϴ redolent//1. fragrant, odorous, aromatic, odoriferous 2. reminiscent //1. 2. ϴ redress//1. remedy 2. compensate for, make amends for / remedy, amend, restitution//1. ġ, 2. ϴ / ,, redundant//unnecessarily repetitive, excessive, superfluous, excessively wordy, prolix//, , ׿, referendum//suffrage//ǥ, Ϲǥ refractory//resisting control, stubborn, unmanageable, recalcitrant// ȵ, ٷ , ϰ, , ġ refute//prove to be false, disprove, controvert, rebut//ϴ, ݹϴ regime//method or system of government//ġ, ü, ü, regimen//regulated course//, ̿, , reiterate//say again, repeat, harp//( )Ǯϴ(ݺϴ), ݺϿ ϴ relegate//1. delegate 2. banish, consign to inferior position //1. Źϴ, ϴ 2. ߹ϴ, õŰ, ϴ relentless//1. without pity, unyielding 2. continuous, unstoppable, steady, persistent//1. ں, , relinquish//abandon, waive, forgo, release or let go, stop doing//(ȹ. )׸δ, , ϴ, 絵ϴ remission//1. disappearance of a disease 2. pardon, forgiveness //1. , ȭ, 2. , remonstrate//argue against, raise objections, protest, resist, withstand//ϴ, Ǹ ϴ remuneration//payment, recompose, stipend//, renaissance//rebirth or revival//Ȱ, Ż, rend//split, tear apart, rip, cleave//°, , , , Żϴ render//1. submit, present, give 2. cause to be, make //1. ϴ, ϴ, ִ 2. ǰϴ 3. ϴ, ϴ renounce//give up formally or resign, abandon, discontinue, disown, repudiate//ϴ, ׸δ //cf. denounce:ϴ reparation//paying back, amends, compensation, redress, restitution, indemnification//, , repartee//quick and witty reply, witty, clever reply, sally//ġ ִ , ġ ְ ¹޴ 簣 repercussion//consequence, indirect effect, rebound, reverberation, reaction// , ()ݻ, , Ʀ, ݰ replenish//fill up again, resupply, restore//ٽ ä, ()ϴ replete//completely filled, abounding, plenary, abundantly supplied, fraught//, 游, ޵ replicate//1. duplicate, copy 2. fold over or bend back //1. ϴ 2. ( )ڷ repose//1. rest 2. be based on,trust in / rest, tranquility, relaxation//1. 2. ʸ δ, ŷڸ δ / ޽, ħ, reprehensible//worth of blame or censure, deserving blame, blamable, censurable, culpable// , repress//hold back, conceal from oneself, suppress//() ϴ, , ... ϴ reprimand//reprove or rebuke severely and officially, impeach// ϴ, ¡ϴ, åϴ / ¡, å reprisal//retaliation, revenge, counterattack, avengement, vengeance, retort//, Ӱ, reproach//scold, blame, disgrace //¢, ϴ / 1. , å, 2. , 3. Ҹ, 4. ġ, ŰŸ reprobate//person hardened in sin, devoid of sense of decency, degenerate//Ÿ, / åϴ, ϴ reprove//criticize mildly, censure, chide, reprimand, reproach, rebuke//¢, , ϴ, ߴġ repudiate//reject, renounce, recant, disown, disavow, disclaim//ϴ, ϴ, ϴ repugnant//repulsive, offensive, disgusting//, , requisite//necessary required / prerequisite, requirement//ʿ, ʼ / ʼǰ, , ʿ resignation//1. resigning 2. passive submission //1. , ǥ, 2. , ü, [ұ] , (acquiescence) resolute//determined, firm, unwavering// , ȣ, ұ, ǿ respite//a period of rest or relief, delay in punishment//Ͻ , , ޽ resplendent//brilliantly shining, radiant, dazzling//ſ , νð(¦¦) , resurrection//return to life, revival//׸ Ȱ, η Ȱ, , Ȱ, , ü reticent//quiet, restrained, taciturn, reluctant to speak (especially about oneself)//, ſ, ﰡ retort//make a sharp reply / retaliation, reprisal//ϴ, Ӱϴ / ݹ, retrospect//looking backward, review//ȸ, ȸ <-> prospect revamp//revise, renovate//ϴ, (..)ϴ revel//enjoy thoroughly, take delight in, carouse / revelry, bacchanal//̰ , ð / ȯ, ġ revere//respect highly, honor//( )ϴ, ϴ, ϴ revile//scold abusively, berate, denounce, slander, vilify, calumniate, libel, malign, traduce//ϴ, ϴ revulsion//loathing, repugnance, disgust// ۽ , , ݹ߽ rhapsodize//speak extremely enthusiastically, gush// (ϴ) //cf. rhapsody: , ǥ rhetoric//art of effective communication, insincere language, eloquence, oratory//, , ̻翩 ribald//indecent or vulgar, off-color, wanton, profane, blasphemous//󽺷(ϴ) rife//1. occurring frequently, widespread, common 2. abundant, teeming, swarming //1. ϴ, 2. 游 rigorous//strict, harsh, severe//, ȣ, , Ȥ rivet//1. engross 2. hold firmly //1. [, ] ϴ, Ǹ 2. ܴ ϴ robust//vigorous, strong and healthy, stout, stalwart, sturdy//(.), , ưư, (ų.) rogue//criminally dishonest person, scoundrel//Ǵ, , rout//1. put to flight, scatter 2. defeat overwhelmingly//1. ֽŰ 2. нŰ / 鼮 , ȸ, , rudimentary//basic, crude, unformed or undeveloped, elementary, embryonic//⺻, ʺ, ߴ, rue//mourn, regret, repent of//ȸϴ, , ϴ / ȸ, , ź ruminate//contemplate, ponder, mull over, chew the cud, ponder// ϴ, ɻϴ rustic//rural, bucolic, pastoral, uncouth, crude, gauche//ð, ҹ, ð߱ǣðdz, , ģ saccharine//sweet, excessively or disgustingly sweet// sacrilege//a violation of sth sacred, blasphemy, profanity//ż //cf. sacrosanct: żҰħ sacrosanct//most sacred, inviolable//ż Ұħ, ż sagacious//discerning, wise, keen in judgment, shrewd, having insight, discerning, judicious, sage//, , salient//sticking out, conspicuous, leaping, prominent, preeminent//, sally//1. attack 2. excursion, jaunt, expedition 3. repartee //1. , 2. ª,dz 3. ġִ / 1,2,3 ϴ salutary//healthful, remedial, curative, tending to improve, beneficial, wholesome//(ɽſ) , ǰ salutation//greeting, welcome, opening words of greeting//λ, λ縻 sanctimonious//affecting religious feeling, displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness, pharisaical//žӽ ô ϴ sanction//official permission, approval, endorsement, penalty//() ΰ,㰡,,ó / ϴ sanguine//1. cheerful, optimistic, hopeful //1. , , ~ Ȯϴ, õ 2. sarcasm//irony, jokingly or bitingly saying the opposite of what is meant//ݾ, 񲿴¸, dz sardonic//mocking, scornful, disdainful, sarcastic, cynical//ϴ, , ü, savant//scholar, very knowledgeable and learned person, pundit// scant//limited, meager, barely sufficient//, ڶ() //cf. scanty, ڶ() schism//division, separation, rupture, discord or disharmony//(ü)п, (ȸ)и, scintillate//sparkle (either literally or figuratively), flash, glitter, shimmer, twinkle//Ҳ , ½̴, ġϴ scorn//disdain, contempt//ϴ, ϴ / , scrupulous//careful, conscientious, extremely thorough, fussy, heedful, meticulous, punctilious//ϴ, , IJ scrutinize//examine very carefully, canvass, survey//ڼ ϴ, Ӽӵ ˾ƺ seamless//without seam, smooth// //cfseam 1. ֱ, ڸ 2. ƴ, 3. ռ secede//withdraw from an alliance//() Żϴ, Żϴ seclusion//aloneness, withdrawal from other people, reclusion, sequestration//ݸ(), ȣѰ, , sect//a small religious subgroup or religion, faction, clique//, , secular//not of religious or spiritual concerns, worldly, not pertaining to church matters, temporal, mundane//, sedentary//largely confined to sitting down//ٰ ɾ ִ, ɾƼ ϴ, ּǣ sedition//treason, the incitement of public disorder or rebellion, mutiny//(ϴ ) self-made//1. ڷ Խ⼼, ڼ 2. ڱⰡ sensory//of senses or sensation//, , ϴ sententious//1. terse, aphoristic 2. preachy, self-righteous, pompous //1. , ݾ, 2. ݾ, üϴ sentient//able to perceive by the senses, conscious// ִ, () ִ sequester//1.set or keep apart, retire from public life, segregate, seclude//1. ݸŰ, ϴ 2. ϴ, зϴ serendipity//accidental good fortune, discovering good things without looking for them//ǹ߰, ãƳ,Ⱦ serene//calm, peaceful, tranquil, untroubled//, serpentine//snake-like; winding, sinuous//, ; Ҳ//cf. serpent servile//submissive, subservient, like a servant, slavish, cringing, menial, obsequious//뿹ټ, ÷ϴ, õ shackle//manacle, pinion. chain, fetter, curb, restraint//, , / ä, ӹϴ, ϴ shibboleth//slogan or catchword//(ü ȸ ϴ Ǵ), ൿ, , ()ȣ, ǥ shrewd//wily, sagacious, perspicacious, cunning, sly, astute//, , Ȱ singular//unique, superior, exceptional, unusual//, پ, ʾ skirmish//fight between small groups, brief conflict// 浹, , / , ϴ skittish//nervous, easily startled, jumpy, lively, frisky// ϴ, Ȱ ִ, Ȱ, δ slake//1. quench 2. satisfy 3. assuage //1. () 2. () ä 3. ȭŰ slander//defame, spread malicious rumor / calumny, depreciation, detraction, disparagement//߻ϴ / ߻, sloth//laziness, sluggishness, indolence//, , ú sobriety//state of being sober, seriousness, soberness//, , ( ) solace//consolation, comfort//(), (ϴ°) / ִ, Ǵ solicitous//eager and attentive, anxiously caring or attentive, worried, concerned//ϴ, ־ solidarity//sense of unity//ġܰ, solvent//2. able to pay all debts, not broke or bankrupt //1. شɷ ִ 2. ɷ ִ sophomoric//juvenile, childishly goofy, immature, shallow, callow//() 2г, ϸ鼭 , ̼ soporific//sleep inducing, sleepy, somnolent / sleep produce //ָ, , ϴ / , ָ sordid//1. wretched, shabby, filthy, squalid 2. morally vile, contemptible //1. , 2. () 񳭹޾ sovereign//supreme ruler, monarch//ֱ, ġ, spate//1. sudden river flood 2. sudden outpouring //1. () ū, ȫ 2. ⵵, ū, () ݹ, spawn//lay eggs//1. ( ) / (, ) , ջ specious//deceptively plausible or attractable, seemingly reasonable but incorrect, casuistic//, Ѹ ׷ specter//ghost, phantom//, ɰ spectrum//broad sequence or range of different but related things or idea//Ʈ sporadic//stopping and starting, occurring irregularly, scattered, fitful, spasmodic//, ϴ, 幮幮, spurious//false, fake, counterfeit, apocryphal, bogus, sham, unauthentic, ungenuine//¥, spurn//reject or refuse disdainfully, rebuff, scorn//¥, (, ) ϴ, ôϴ squalor//filth, wretched, degraded or repulsive living conditions//Ұ, , õ, ߺ squander//waste//ϴ stagnation//motionlessness, inactivity//ħü, Ұ stalwart//strong, sturdily built, stout, robust, brawny, valiant, unwavering, steadfast//ưư,밨,Ȯ/ stark//1. stiff(in death) 2. complete, utter, unmitigated, downright 3. harsh, grim//1. (׾) , 2. , static//stationary, not changing or moving//, , staunch//1. firm and steadfast, strong, solid 2. stanch //1. ϰ, Ȯε, 2. ()帧 steadfast//loyal, faithful//, Ȯε, Һ stigmatize//brand with disgrace, mark as wicked// , ϴ stint//1. restrict or limit 2. to be frugal or sparing / 2. limitation //1. ϴ 2. Ƴ, ̴ / 1. Ҵ緮 2. stipend//income, allowance, salary, pay for services, remuneration//޷, stipulate//1. require sth as a part of an agreement //1. (ʿ)ϴ, ϴ, 2. ( Ϻη)ϴ stoic//person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain, epicurean//ݿ, ر stolid//impassive, apathetic, phlegmatic, dull, impassive//а, ǥ stout//1. plump, fat 2. strong, stocky, sturdy, stalwart 3. valiant 4. substantial //1. ׶ 2. ưư 3. 밨 4. , ߰ stratagem//maneuver designed to outwit an enemy, scheme, ruse, subterfuge, chicanery//, 跫 stratum//layer of earth's surface, layer of society, level//, , ȸ stricture//1. restriction, limitation 2. critical comments, severe and adverse criticism, reprehension//1. 2. , Ȥ strife//bitter conflict, discord, struggle or clash//, , ȭ, ݸ, ο stringent//1. strict, restrictive, austere, rigorous, severe //1. , , , 2. ȵ stupendous//1. remarkable, extraordinary 2. remarkably large or gigantic //1. 2. û ū, Ŵ stupor//stunned condition, near-unconsciousness, apathy, inertia, daze (, ) , ȥ, stymie//2. thwart, get in the way of, hinder //1. () Ÿ̹ 2. ϴ subjugate//subdue and dominate, enslave, conquer, bring under control//ϴ, Ű sublime//awesome, extremely exalted, loft, majestic, noble, uplifting//, , Ź, subordinate//lower//ϴ, μϴ, Ʒ, / , , / Ʒ δ, ϴ, ӽŰ subside//sink of settle, diminish, lessen, wane//(ȫ ), ()ɴ, (ٶ,,ҵ) ׷ subsidiary//supplemental, additional, secondary or subordinate, ancillary, appurtenant//, μ subsidize//provide subsidy, make a financial contribution//... ϴ substantiate//support with proof or evidence, verify, confirm, corroborate, validate, authenticate//ϴ, üȭϴ substantive//having substance, real, substantial, essential, cardinal, substantial//, ϴ, , subterfuge//pretense, evasion, artifice, trick or stratagem, ruse, pretext, tergiversation, chicanery//, ΰ, Ӽ, ѷ subtle//not obvious, ingenious, crafty//̹Ͽ ź, , Ȱ, subversive//corrupting, overthrowing, undermining, insurgent, mutinous, tending to overthrow or run//ϴ, ıϴ succinct//brief and to the point, terse, compact, laconic, pithy, sententious// succumb//yield or submit, die, capitulate, surrender//״, , ϴ, ϴ suffice//be sufficient, be enough//ϴ suffrage//the right to vote, referendum//ǥ, , ű suffuse//cover, overspread, pervade, saturate//(ü, , , , ) ǥ sumptuous//luxurious, splendid, lavish, rich//, ȭ, ġ supercilious//contemptuous, haughty, patronizing, arrogant, disdainful, insolent//Ÿ superficial//on the surface only, shallow, not thorough, trivial, cursory//ǥ, ǻ, õ superfluous//extra, unnecessary, redundant//Ƶ, ʿ supersede//displace, take the place of, supplant, replace, make sth obsolete//ϴ, üϴ, üϴ, ϴ supine//1. lying on back 2. inactive, indolent, lethargic //1. ݵ <-> prone 2. Ȱġ , supplication//humble prayer, earnest entreaty//û, ֿ suppress//overpower, subdue, quash, repress//ﴩ, ϴ surfeit//cloy, overfeed, glut, gorge, sate, satiate//,ϴ, ϴ, Ű / , , surmise//conjecture, guess//ϴ / surreal//having an unreal, fantastic quality, hallucinatory, dreamlike// surreptitious//sneaky, secret, clandestine, covert, furtive, stealthy, sub-rosa, insidious//, ϴ surrogate//substitute, vicarious / alternate, deputy //븮, / 븮 susceptible//1. impressionable 2.(to) sensitive to 3.(of) capable of //1. ¿Ǵ, 2. ΰ, 3. Ҽִ sweeping//far-reaching, extensive, wide-ranging//, Ѱ sycophant//one who sucks up to others, fawner, flatterer, trucker//÷ syntax//, , , synthesis//combining parts into a whole//, ռ systemic//affecting the entire system or body//(ü, ), ¸ //cf. systematic : orderly, meticulous, methodical tacit//implied, not spoken, not put into words, alluded, implicit, intimated//()Ͻϴ, taciturn//habitually silent, talking little, reticent//, tactical//of tactics// taint//contaminant, trace of sth spoiled, stigma//, , ġ, , / Ű, Ű, ϴ tangential//only superficially related to the matter, not especially relevant//, ϴ,  ѵ tangible//touchable, detectable, palpable// ִ, ִ, Ǽִ, , Ȯ tantamount//equivalent to, equal, identical//, tautological//redundant, circular, needlessly repetitious// ݺϴ, ʿ ݺϴ tedium//dullness, monotony, boredom, weariness, ennui, irksomeness//, ο, teem//1. swarm, be inundated, overrun 2. (down) pour //1. 2. ( ) ۺ״ temerity//boldness, recklessness, audacity, rashness, foolhardiness, precipitateness, bravado//, temperate//mild, moderate; restrained, abstemious, abstinent, continent// ȭ, °; ϴ temporal//1. pertaining to time 2. pertaining to life, secular, mundane 3. temporary //1. ð 2. Ӽ, 3. Ͻ temporize//stall, cause delay through indecision, gain time// ð , ð tenable//defensible, as in one's position in an argument, valid//ݿ ߵ ִ, () ִ tenacious//persistent, stubborn, adhesive, cohesive//, ϰ, ϴ tenet//doctrine, dogma, creed, credo//, ġ Ȥ ö , , tentative//temporary, provisional, conditional; experimental; uncertain; hesitant//ӽ; ϴ; Ȯ; ϴ tenuous//flimsy, thin, rare, slim, attenuated, slender//, , , ̹ tepid//lukewarm, halfhearted//, ״ terse//concise, abrupt, pithy, succinct, sententious, laconic//(ü) theology//the study of god or religion// thesis// thorny//2. full of difficulties, tough, painful //1. ð 2. , 뽺, ų threshold//2. any part of beginning or entering //1. , Ա 2. , , ߴ throttle//1. strangle//1. , ϴ 2. ( )帧 ϴ / Ʋ thwart//prevent from, obstruct, baffle, frustrate, balk, circumvent, foil//(ȹ )ϴ, Ű timorous//timid, cowardly, fearful, demonstrating fear// , ݾϴ tirade//prolonged and bitter scolding, denunciation, diatribe, harangue// , ð titillate//excite, stimulate, tease, tickle// ڱϴ, ... titular//in title or name only, nominal//, ̸ toil//hard work, labor, drudgery, exhausting effort//, / ϴ, ϴ, ϴ torpor//sluggishness, dormancy, inactivity, apathy, coma, languor, lassitude, stolidity, stupor, torpidity//, , , ޸, , ȰҴ //cf. torpid: , tortuous//winding, twisting, sinuous, serpentine, full of curves//, () touchstone//stone used to test the fineness of gold alloys, standard, criterion//̳ Ǻϴ ñݼ, ǥ tout//praise highly, acclaim, laud//... ر Īϴ, ð ϴ / ϴ toxic//poisonous, virulent// transcend//exceed, surpass//ʿϴ, ɰϴ transfix//1. pierce through 2. rivet //1. , մ 2. (, η, ) ڸ ¦ ϰ ϴ transgress//violate a law, sin//(), ˸ transient//temporary, fleeting, quickly passing away, staying for a short time//, Ͻ, ϱ trauma//severe shock or distress, violent wound//[]ܻ, , ó, ũ travesty//grotesque or shameful imitation, mockery, perversion, comical parody// Ѱ, ְ ,dz trenchant//cutting, keen, incisive, poignant, pungent, forceful, effective//() īӰ, ڷִ, , ȿ, trepidation//alarm, fear, dismay, apprehension, trembling agitation, excited state of mind//, , Ҿ, triumvirate//a ruling coalition of three officials//ġ, 3 , 3 tryst//a secret meeting of lovers//ȸ, ΰ tumult//violent and noisy commotion, uproar, outbreak, turmoil, clamor, hubbub, bedlam, brouhaha//,Ҷ,()ݵ turbid//1. muddy, murky, opaque, unclear 2. disordered, confused //1. (ü)Ź, 帰, 2. , turmoil//tumult, commotion, pandemonium, hubbub, bedlam, tumult//ȥ, ҵ turpitude//shameful wickedness, depravity//, , ubiquitous//being everywhere, omnipresent, universal//𿡳 ִ, ó ִ, ϴ uncanny//extraordinary, unimaginable, seemingly supernatural, strange, mysterious, arcane//ڿ, ź񽺷, unconscionable//not controlled by conscience, unscrupulous, excessive//ġ ʸ´, ո, ͹ , unctuous//oily, bland, insincere, suave//⸧ , ̲̲, 帣, , ε巯 underlying//1. basic, fundamental, ؿ , , ٺ 2. present but not obvious, implicit, ִ, undermine//impair, subvert, weaken by excavating underneath, debilitate//ջŰ, Ĵ, ġ underpinning//a system of supports beneath, a foundation or basis//ħ, , underscore//underline, emphasize// ߴ, ϴ underwrite//1. sponsor, subsidize 2. insure 3. indorse //1. Ŀϴ, ϴ 2. 迡 3. ϴ uniform//the same for everyone, consistent, unchanging//, unilateral//involving one-sided only//ʸ鸸, Ϲ, ʸ ġ <-> bilateral unremitting//unceasing, unabated, relentless// , unwitting//unintentional, not knowing, ignorant//𸣴, ǽ urbane//poised, sophisticated, suave, refined, elegant//ȸ, õ, ٸ, ǰ ִ ursine//bear-like, pertaining to a bear//, usurp//seize wrongfully//(Ƿ̳ ) ҹ Ѵ, ħϴ //cf. usury: () usury//lending money at an extremely high rates of interest// () utilitarian//stressing usefulness or utility above all other qualities, pragmatic//, ǿ, utopia//ideal society, imaginary land with perfect social and political system//̻ vacillate//to be indecisive, waver//ϴ, ̴, ϴ vacuous//1. empty, blank, vacant 2. lacking in ideas or intelligence, inane, stupid //1. , 2. û, vagary//caprice, whim, unpredictable action, wild notion//, () () vanquish//conquer, defeat, subdue, overcome, overpower//ϴ, йŰ, غϴ vapid//without liveness, dull, uninteresting, insipid, inane//, ̾, (), ̾, vehement//incense, forceful, violent, impetuous, with marked vigor, fervid, fervent//, , ݷ venal//capable of being bribed, bribable, corruptible// ¿Ǵ, żDZ , Ÿ veneer//1. thin layer 2. coating, facade, outward appearance //1. Ͼ 2. ǥ, ġ(ٹ), venerate//revere, adore, worship//()ϴ veracity//truthfulness, verity//, , verbose//wordy, not succinct, circumlocutory, garrulous, loquacious, prolix, talkative// , ŷο verdant//1. green, fresh, leafy 2. inexperienced, unsophisticated //1. ŷ, Ǫ 2. , ̼ verge//border, brink, edge, fringe, margin//ڸ, / (on) ϴ verisimilitude//similarity to reality, looking like real thing// , , ¥ ó ̴ verity//truth, reality, veracity, truism, true statement//(), ϴ°, vernacular//language, tongue, everyday speech, slang, idiom//𱹾, , () , (и ƴ)Ī vestige//trace, remains//, , ȭ vex//1. fret, annoy, distress, trouble, pester, fester, aggrieve, torment 2. confuse //1. ϰ ϴ, 2. ٴٸ Ҷϴ viable//capable of maintaining life, workable//(ε) ִ, ڶ ִ vicarious//acting as a substitute, done by a deputy, surrogate, proxy//, 븮, Ͽ ݴ vicissitude//upheaval, natural change, change of fortune//ȭ, õ, vie//contend, compete, contest, struggle, cope, emulate, rival//ϴ, vigilant//constantly alert, watchful, wary// ʰ Ű, ϴ, ʴ vignette//small, decorative design or drawing, depiction//ȭ, Ʈ, ʹ, , ġ() vilify//slander, asperse, calumniate, denigrate, rebel, traduce, say vile things about, defame//ϴ, ߻ϴ vindicate//champion, clear from blame or suspicion, justify, exculpate//ϴ,(,) ϴ, ȣϴ vindictive//1. vengeful, revengeful unforgiving 2. spiteful//1. ǰ 2. 뼭 ʴ virtuoso//highly skilled artist// (밡), ̼ , ̼ǰ virulent//extremely poisonous, toxic, malignant, full of hate//͵, ġ, ǿ , ()Ǽ viscous//viscid, sticky, gluey//̴, , visionary//produced by imagination, fanciful, mystical, delusory, quixotic//ȯ, , / vitiate//spoil, impair, mar, pollute; abrogate, abolish, annul ,invalidate//ġ ߸, ջŰ; ȿȭϴ vitriolic//caustic, full of bitterness, corrosive, sarcastic//Ŷ, Ȳ, Ȳ , Ȳ vivacious//lively, frolicsome, high-spirited, gay, animated, full of pep//Ȱ, vocation//3. occupation, job //1. ( ) 2. , 3. vociferous//clamorous, noisy//ūҸ ġ, ò vogue//popular fashion, style//(ǰ), α volatile//evaporating rapidly, light-hearted, mercurial//ֹ߼, , Ҿ, , Ȱ, Ȱ volition//1. act of making a conscious choice 2. choice 3. will //1. 缱 2. 缱Ѱ 3. Ϸ , , voluminous//large, extensive, having great volume// , , μ , , ū, ġū voluptuous//gratifying the senses, only seeking to pleasure, luxurious, sensual, sensuous//, voracious//ravenous, covetous, gluttonous, greedy, rapacious, ravening//԰ɽԴ, ָ, Ž彺, waft//float, drift, blow, wave//(, )յնٴϴ / ٱ ٶ, dz waive//give up, relinquish, forgo, cede//(Ǹ )ϴ, ׸δ, öȸϴ wake//1. all-night vigil //1. ʽ ö 2. 谡 ڱ wane//decrease in strength or intensity, fade away, abate, subside//(), <-> wax wanton//unruly, perverse, wayward; unchaste, dissolute, lewd, licentious, lustful; excessive, malicious, unjustifiable, unprovoked, egregious, bestial, brutal, cruel//ٷ, ڴ; , ȣ; , ں warrant//justify, guarantee//... ȭϴ, ִ, ϴ / , , wary//cautious, watchful, careful, chary, circumspect, discreet// , , ɼ ִ willful//1. deliberate 2. obstinate, intractable, pertinacious, perverse //1. ȹ, 2. wistful//yearning, sadly longing, meditative//óӰ ϴ, ƽ ٶ wizened//shriveled, withered, shrunken// ޱޱ, õ woe//1. distress or misery from grief, suffering, affliction 2. misfortune, calamity causing woe //1. , 2. 糭, ȭ wrath//deep anger, fury, resentment//г, ݳ zealous//enthusiastically devoted to sth, fervent//, ϴ zeitgeist//the mood or spirit of the times//ô() zenith//point directly overhead in sky, highest point, peak, pinnacle, summit, acme, apex, apogee, culmination//õ(), , () ,