JKabase1humiliate, lower, degrade, demean, humble, debase,(,|)(, =<| abashQmake ashamed, embarrass, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance9֤ XabateCsubside, bate, dwindle, lull, relent, slacken, wane, deduce, lessen(, }t, 4\XabdicateOstep down from a position of power or responsibility, renounce, give up, resign0X, X, X aberration a deviationx 8D Ũ, ,  t, ( X)(abet!encourage or assist in wrongdoing 0, ٳXabhor3hate very much, detest, abominate, execrate, loathe ´X, $XabjectBhopeless, extremely sad and servile, defeated, miserable, wretchedD8\, D\, D\, Dt\abjure4repudiate, reject, recall, recant, retract, withdraw"(8,X,ȥ 0|) 8\ , 0X, ̌Xabnegaterenounce, give up, reject( D), 0X, X, J abomination*sth despised or abhorred, extreme loathing$, $, $D Ȕ (|) aboriginal'native, primordial, endemic, indigenous)Lǀ0X, ƘX, X, )X, )X / , )X ٳ<abortive4unsuccessful, futile, ineffective, ineffectual, vain(\, ǰX, !ǀXaboundto be very numerousιt , ...t ԀXabridge0shorten, condense, abbreviate, curtail, retrench}X, ͌X, 貕XabrogateIabolish, repeal formally, annihilate, annul, invalidate, vitiate, nullify(`,) X, X, ͌Xabsolve=forgive or free from blame, pardon / free from sin, dischargeX / 4 )tX,tX abstinentAabstaining, voluntarily not doing something, continent, temperateXՔ, X, XՔabstracttheoretical, impersonal3x, tx, t\, x, \, )\, X, <->concreteabstruseEhard to understand, obscure, profound, esoteric, recondite, enigmatict\, $\abysmal6extremely hopeless or wretched, bottomless, fathomless\t J@, X, }X, ų \accede41. agree, yield, give in, assent, consent, acquiesceٳXX, 0t 2. ()̈́X accentuateemphasize, accent, highlightPܴɌ X, & D pX, ...D $XaccessS1. \ 2. the right or ability to approach, enter or use, ` ǔ 3. outburst, acclaim4praise publicity and enthusiastically, applaud, hailX8X ޹tX, D| / D, X8accoladean award, an honor, laurelstǸґ , , \=accord(agree, to be in harmony, grant or bestow,ٳXX, pTX, թX, ©X / concord, consonanceaccost(to approach an speak to someone, address йD x / й , xǬ accouterments7personal clothing, accessories, or equipment, trappings(p 40 txX) D, l, ȹl, accrueaccumulate over time, augmentň X(0), (tǐ 0) , acerbic!bitter, sour, severe, acrimonious [۹t] , „\ acquiesce0assent, accede, consent, agree, comply passively5xX, 55 0t, ™X, ٳXX acquisitive%seeking or tending to acquire, greedyt ι@, (, , 8% D) XՔacquit=1.exculpate,exonerate,vindicate / 2.behave or conduct oneself!1. 4)tX,)X / 2. ¤\ ٳX,Xacrid3sharp, pungent, piquant, poignant, harsh, like acid 乴, „\, 9\ acrimoniousLbitter, stinging, caustic, acerbic, acidulous, mordant, sarcastic, trenchant, й ij ,\, „\acronym,a word made up of the initial of other wordsP8ǴacumenMkeenness of judgment, mental sharpness, astuteness, discernment, perspicacityH, Ƭh, t\ 0%acute(1. sharp, shrewd, sensitive, penetrating1. t\, \ 2. 1X <-> chronicadage6wise saying, proverb, maxim, axiom, aphorism, apothegm, adamantShard, inflexible, stubborn, unyielding, inexorable, obdurate, rigid, uncompromising \, \, s<address)to speak to, to direct one's attention to#[...Ō] йD x, $X, [mX D]0/ȜXadduce-bring forward as an example or as proof, cite...D xǩX, (p, t )\ (xǩ)Xadherent:follower, supporter, believer / clinging, coherent, stickyɐ, ,  / )% ǔ, 췙adjournsuspend until another time...D 0X, , 4׌Xadjunct-accessory, appendage, appurtenance, assistant <, <, p<ad-lib%improvise, speak or act spontaneously e<\ ...XadmonishTscold gently, warn, reprove, forewarn, chide, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach ĬX, XadroitDskillful, dexterous, adept, proficient, ambidextrous, clever, shrewdP\, (ňǔ, 0\, Ƭ\ adulation4flattery, wild or excessive admiration, blandishmentͅ, DŨ adulterate4contaminate, make impure, degrade, impurity, pollute $¤, Tadventarrival, coming, beginning+(ɔ\ t, x< 0X), ij, , X  <-> exit adventitious6accidental, fortuitous, casual, irrelevant, incidentalň @, X, X, ֜xadverseLopposed, disadvantageous, unpropitious, unfavorable, antagonistic, oppugnantX, X ǔ, \advocate"urge, plead for / justify, support98֐, ɐ, 8x / X, 8X aesthetic!having to do with artistic beautyX, xaffable@courteous, amiable, congenial, cordial, genial, polite, friendly\, \, 1 ǔ, ܴ췴 affectation=unnatural or artificial behavior, usually intended to impress & xǴh,  affidavit<written statement made under oath, a sworn written statement ,  affiliate-become closely associated with ally, conjunct&... D iѼX, ¤, |<\ X, 4X, %XaffinityWkinship, analogy, comparison, resemblance, similitude, sympathy, attraction, similarity \T1, Ǭ1, Dh affliction5misery, illness, great suffering, a source of illnessଵ, ̱, ଜ; ଵX x, , Yaffluentopulent, rich, prosperousԀ\, \affordgive, supply, confer upon...D X, , X, affront$insult, deliberate act of disrespectx, / (X\)X, ň =< aftermath9consequence, events following some occurrence or calamity , , ƥagendaEprogram, timetable, items of business at a meeting, things to be doneX m, X, Ht, XǬ| aggrandize/exaggerate, augment, increase, amplify, magnify"() UX, (, %, )...D T X aggregate+sum total, gross, inclusive ,overall, whole"iĬX, ĬX / <, iX, Ĭ ...t aggrieve.mistreat, vex, do grievous injury to, distress...Ō ଵD , 4m, YXaghast;terrified, shocked, horrified, agape, dismayed, overwhelmed, 9@agnosticEone who believes that the existence of a god can be, atheist, skeptic` / `Xagrarian%pertaining to land or its cultivationX, X, \alacrity6cheerful eagerness or readiness to respond, promptness, 0, , \0alchemymedieval chemistry alienate81. make unfriendly or hostile, estrange, alien, separate...xX, & X 2. nj(ǰ)D .0allege=assert without proof, adduce, affirm, assert, avouch, declare貸X, p t ȥX allegianceduty, support, loyalty1allegoryGfable, apologue, parable, story in which characters are used as symbolsT, D alleviate@relieve, palliate, allay, appease, assuage, soothe, calm, pacify ¤, DTXallocate*distribute, assign, allot, apportion, mete `X, 0Xallotapportion, allocate, assign `X, 0Xalloy3a combination of two or more things, usually metalsi, absence of government or control, lawlessness, disorder, chaos4Ȁ, 4anathema2sth or sn loathed , detested, cursed, or execrated 8, , @ lack of interest, lack of feeling, impassiveness, indifference 4ٳ, 4, ɰaperture$opening, hole, orifice, vent, outletоT lM, , X laphorism>a brief, often witty saying, a proverb, maxim, adage, apothegm apocalypsea prophetic revelation 5, Ĭ, \Ĭ] apocryphalUdubious, fictitious, spurious, bogus, counterfeit, forged, phony, spurious, ungenuineX, pXapogee>(, x1 0 ij l@ @ɔ X)\, , (8) <-> perigeeapoplexystroke (̱)xȝ, ̱apostasy@abandonment or rejection of faith or loyalty, treachery, perfidy 0, , apotheosis]1. elevation to devine status, signification, deification 2. the perfect example of something1.©T, mΡ 2.` appallingcausing horror or consternation |XΔ, 4 apparitionghost, phantom, specter, wraith 9, X, 9X appeaseKsoothe, pacify, propitiate, placate, conciliate, assuage, mollify, palliate¤,처,(•,l|)D̰ appellationname, title, caption m, 8m, appendagesupplement, appurtenance(첰) <, <, 0 apportion/distribute proportionally, divide into portions`X, , 0Xapposite>distinctly suitable, pertinent, appropriate, relevant, germane\, \appraise*estimate value of, judge, assess, evaluate X, X appreciateh1. recognize quality 2. understand, fathom, cognize, comprehend 3. to be thanks for 4. increase in value apprehensiveP1.worried, anxious, solicitous, fearful 2. comprehensive, discerning, perceptive1. $XՔ,qXՔ 2. tt `xappriseinform, give notice to, notifyLŬ approbationapproval, praise, sanction , x, m, appropriate7set aside for a particular use, take without permission)X, 0 \t / \, L޹@ appurtenanceCsomething extra, appendage, accessory, adjunct, appendage, appendix<, <apropos(appropriate, with reference to, properly\, L޹@, XՌapt@1. quick to learn or understand 2. likely, liable 3. appropriate"1. ͅ\ 2. ...XՔ t ǔ 3. \, \aptitude@capacity for learning, natural ability, caliber, fitness, talent1, , ǥ, harbiter)one who decides; a judge, referee, umpireɬx, pȐ arbitrary4random, capricious, autocratic, despotic, monocraticXX, U췴, ųx, xarcadeDtܴ(  ij\  )arcane2mysterious, secret, inscrutable, mystical, uncanny DX, tXarchaic)extremely old, ancient, outdated, antique଍X archetypeGoriginal mode or pattern, prototype, primitive pattern, model, original , ,  archipelagogroup of islandspij, ijtarchives3public records, place where public records are kept 8(), 0]ardent passionate%,\, x, Д, Д \ (!half-hearted)arduous;1. hard, difficult, laborious, strenuous, toilsome 2. steep1. ܴ, ଜX 2. xarid/very dry, barren, droughty, sterile, unfruitfultp\, X, 4tp\ aristocraticof noble birth, snobbishqXarmament/implement of war, the process of arming for war p%, 40, pD armisticetruce4arraign\bring to court to answer answer an indictment, accuse, criminate, impeach, inculpate, indict XX, ଌXarrant=utter, unmitigated, absolute, thorough, complete, unmitigatedD\, <8x, \X, x, EŅ @arrears6the state of being in debt, unpaid debts, indebtedness Ɉ , ŴarsenalGa collection of armaments, a facility for storing or producing armamentѼ0, Ѽ0 =, (D ) X artfulcrafty, wily, slyP\,  \, xx articulate%1. pronounce clearly, express clearly/1.  LX 2. Joint\ ŰX; Lt \, joint\ Űartifice[trickery, cunning, chicanery, deceit, device, feint, maneuver, ruse, stratagem, skulduggery E̵, , 0̹artisan.a manually skilled worker, craftsman, mechanic, 0 ascendancy1supremacy, domination, preeminence, preponderance8, , (ӌ, 0 ascertain6find out certainty, determine with certainty, discoverUXՌX, UxX, LDŴasceticNpracticing self-denial, hermitlike, abstemious, abstinent, astringent, austereXՔ X / Xǐascribe refer, attribute, impute, assign & X <\ ̳askanceOwith suspicion ,disapproval, sideways, or indirect look, awry, askew, crookedlyMʌ D초, \ aspersion[slanderous remark, animadversion, calumny, detraction, invective, libel, obloquy, strictureD), assail#attack vigorously, assault, aggress ©X, ŵXassertclaim strongly, affirm貸X, ȥ(98)Xassess41. fix the amount of 2. appraise, evaluate, estimate1.(8, D) X 2. X, X assiduous8hardworking, busy, quite diligent, industrious, seduloust\, Ht t XΔ assimilate=absorb, cause to become homogeneous, imbibe, learn thoroughlyٳTX, TX, aX, ttXassuage]soothe, pacify, ease pain of, relieve, allay, appease, mitigate, mollify, propitiate, placate 처, ( astringentN1. binding, causing contraction 2. harsh, severe, withering, strict, stringent1. 41X 2. ũ\; 4astute%shrewd, wise, acute, keen in judgment0\, HŔ, P\\asylum1mental hospital, refuge, shelter, place of safetyij<՘, ©ƌ, ()8 ©ƌ, Ѽatone-make amends, compensate for, redress, expiate X, 0Xatrophy wither away, decline from disuse*}X, ǕX(¤), ´ Ǖ, }, (ijUX) , }attest6give proof of, give testimony, testify, certify, vouchɅX, & X p  attributeascribe; trait% ̳, <\ ̳; 1, , Ȳ , < attritionYnatural or expected decrease, gradual wearing away, weakening or loss, corrosion, erosion ȹ0,ȹ,,augmentImake bigger, add to, increase, aggrandize, boost, expand, extend, magnify¤, , augur=steer, soothsayer; predict, foretell, serve as a sign or oment; X, ...X pD taugustZinspiring admiration or awe, stately, grandiose, imposing, magnificent, majestic, splendid \, ňǔauspices protection, support, sponsorship-, ,p (under the auspices & X ijD D), p, 8p auspicious;pointing to a good result, favorable, promising, propitious8pX, \, մX, <-> adverseaustereCunadorned, stern, ascetic, rigorous, severe, strict, without excesst Ŕ, \, \, \, ũ\ autocraticFextremely bossy, ruling with absolute authority, despotic, of dictatorųǐX autonomousacting independently Xx, ų auxiliaryUadditional, subsidiary, secondary, ancillary, appurtenant, subordinate, supplementarypX, X / pٳavailhelp, to be of use, serveճ, Ĩ, ... ijt  avant-garde( 1X)  , D)tܴ, lavaricegreed, excessive love of richesЕ, Օaversioncantagonism, antipathy, abhorrence, abomination, distaste, hatred, repellency, repugnance, repulsion$,@ǃavertJturn away, divert, veer; prevent, balk, foil, forestall, preclude, obviate(,D) ̳; (D)earthwork or other strong defense, safeguard, citadel, bastion1D, 1, , )  bureaucracygovernment by bureaus ̸X(ij, X)burgeonNsend out buds, blossom, bloom, effloresce, expand, augment, multiply, flourish¸, 1X, =X burlesqueGparody, lampoon, travesty, caricature, give an imitation that ridiculesuǴ췴 / I״ / uǴ, Ԑ byzantine/extremely intricate or complicated in structureDx, DX(t )cabal=a group of conspiracy, act of such group, clique, junta, plotLǨ, LǨcache0hiding place, the thing hidden in a secret placeP , ȥnj, @ɲ< / @ɲX cacophonydiscordant sound, dissonanceTL, \ Lp, L <-> accordcadence#rhythm, the rise and fall of sounds(, őcajole1persuade, coax, wheedle, beguile, deceive, delude0,  t$\ tcalamity7disaster, cataclysm, catastrophe, misadventure, tragedy, tcallous6hardened, insensitive, emotionally hardened, unfeeling(<Հ)s, 4\, ɰ\callow1immature, immature, juvenile, unfledged, youthful()C8t D J@, `štxcalumnygbelittlement, defamation, depreciation, detraction, disparagement, slander, maliciously false statementD), candor(truthfulness, sincere honesty, frankness4, Ќ, , caninedog-likeX,  @, Ȳ, X ٳ<canon2. accepted standard.1. |(0ųP Y  X 0) 2. ܭ, 0 3. 1 4. 1ɐcant1. slope 2. hypocrisy 3. jargon#1. ; 0t 2.  (x й,) 3. @Ǵ, 8cf. recant: ͌Xcanvasssurvey, inspect, scrutinize8 pȬX, XՌ |X capaciousspacious, roomy, commodious@, ιt 䴴, ө%t p, \, \capitalTmoney, equipment and property owned by business, wealth used in creating more wealth ij, ,  capitalismX capitulate5give up or give in, submit, succumb, yield, surrender(pt\)mX, 1D , mD ̹P capricious.fickle, incalculable, mercurial, unpredictable U췴, XՔ captivate fascinate, enchant, to enrapture...D 9X, \, D |W carcinogeniccausing cancerT1Xcardinal$chief, essential, fundamental, vital0x, ɔ\ / 0careen6swerve, move rapidly without control, lean to one side0 )D l, (0)0 ̌(¬)X caricature'distortion, burlesque, parody, travestyuǴ췴, Ԑ, uǴ I״ cartographyij ȑ(), ij()cascade$small waterfall; fall like a cascade@ , Ә 4 ; Ә castigate$criticize, chastise, punish, censureDX, EݹX, 9X, ĬX cataclysmGdeluge, inundation, spate, calamity, catastrophe, misadventure, tragedy(M, , , օ) ٳ, catalyst , , `XՔ categoricalunconditional, absolute XՔ, 4ptx, x, x, 貸x catharsis?purification that brings emotional relief or renewal, purgation tt¤, TcatholicEuniversal, cosmic, embracing everything, broadly sympathetic, liberal\, x, \, PXcaucus6( X)X(E ½. Ʌ D |X), pƌ, 4X / | causticRlike acid, corrosive, sarcastic, incisive, mordacious, mordant, pungent, trenchant1X, „\, ,\cavalier(1. arrogant, haughty 2. carefree, casual,0(knight), (1Ō)Xx ; 1. p̹\ 2. ht Ŕcavil/quibble, carp, dissent, raise trivial objection`ס, ɡ / ɡ0celibacyabstinence from sex ų, ų\, censurekcondemn, blame, criticize, denounce, denunciate, rebuke, reprehend, reprimand, reproach, reprobate, reprovecerebral:brainy, intellectual, pertaining to the brain or intellecṯX, x,1 8֌XՔchaff1. worthless stuff 2. banter,1. Uƨ, <, X.@ ٳȲ 2. (EX Ŕ) / EXt chagrin'mortification, vexation, disappointment((, (0X)Ÿh, h / ŸXՌ X chameleon1lizard that changes color in different situations t\(, Utchampion$advocate, vindicate, defend, support 98X, Xchannel&direct, cause to follow a certain path\, t; \| charisma@divine gift, great popular charm or appeal of a political leaderǥ, , , D\ % charlatan9fraud, con man, quack, mountebank, pretender to knowledgeՍ t, 0Ѭ ̳t XǬchasm+deep and gaping hole, crevice, gorge, abyss'J | , J@ l, , }, (.̳), XǬ(tchasteQpure, unadorned, decent, immaculate, stainless, unblemished, undefiled, unsullied°\, \, J@chastise&punish, discipline, castigate, chasten QX, ɌXcherubsupercede child, angelT, ɈԜ̬, X \ Űt chicanery\deceitfulness, artifice, trickery, deception, machination, plot, subterfuge, stratagem, ruse p, , chimeraillusion, foolish fancyݹ, 4< chivalrous@(8)0ijX, tȽ`̹\(honorable), \(courteous, polite), \(gallant)cf. cavalier: p̹\, \cholericJquick to anger, hot-tempered, bilious, splenetic, irascible, testy, touchy 1ȹx, T chortlechuckle with glee(D)TT , D DX, TTLchronicQconstant, habitual, lasting along time, inveterate, long-established as a disease̹1X x, $Ƙ D chronicle#a record of events in order of time , D, 0]churl2rude person, boor, bad-tempered person, lout, clod 1 L\ chutzpahbrazenness, audacity ԾԾ, t<cipher'zero, nonentity, code, solution to code&0(), ´ Ŕ , T8, T8֑1(tų) / T8| circuitousroundabout, indirect$ij 8X, ƌX, Pt, x, йXՔ, D\circumlocution8indirect or roundabout expression, euphemism, roundaboutX йh, D\ \, QĬcircumnavigate!sail or travel all the way around (8Ĭ., D)mX circumscribe4draw a line around, define, restrict, limit, confine  Ĭ D , | X, \X,xX circumspect/prudent, cautious, chary, considerate, discreetp1 ǔ, \, Xij\ circumvent>baffle, balk, foil, thwart, frustrate as though by surrounding¤, )tX, (, ܭY, $) convexconcede9acknowledge as true or right, admit, grant or yield, avowxX, X, xX concentrichaving a common center(,l)t @, xconcertcombined action, agreement4, %, }, p, pT, |X, X conciliatoryLpropitiatory, making peace, attempting to resolve a dispute through goodwill처, 5Tx, xconcise?compendious, pithy, terse, succinct, brief and compact, laconic\, \concoct.create by mixing ingredient, make up or devise...D  ̹,piX, pX, p concomitant5accompaniment, following from, that which accompanies<\ 0|0, ٳ |ǴŘ / <concord3accord, concordance, consonance, harmony, agreementXǬX |X, pT,  concurrentQcontemporary, simultaneous, synchronous, co-operating, happening at the same time ٳ X, ٳX condescend1. stoop, patronize11. (@;)D ʹ & X 2. (\;) D ʹ& X, condone#permit to happen, overlook, forgive 5X, X conducivehelpful, promotingijt , tXՔ confederateally, accomplice,ٳ(m), iՐ(m), / i\, ٳ\ / ٳX, iXconfer(1. bestow 2. exchange idea, consult with1. X, 2. X|(X)X, X confidantacquaintance, intimate(D D 8ѴœD  ǔ) D ̹\(\\) \l configuration arrangement(.ƌX) 0X, l1, 0 conflagration large firep T֬, (.tX)̳ confluence#flowing together, concise, junction!(X՜X)iX, iX, (, dissonant conspicuouseasily seen, impossible to miss#Uˆ tǔ, 7\, Pܴ, Ŝ, tD| d, ȅ\ consternationsudden confusion \ , E constituency;the group of voters represented by a politician, supporters p, ,\Ԑ, pl, ɐ5, 5construeexplain, interprettX, $X, X; consummate;complete; perfect, flawless, impeccable; supremely skillfulD1X; D1, D\; ǥ\contempt disdain, disgrace, disparagementx, x, @, , XΕ, =<, X contentiousq"quarrelsome, bellicose, belligerent, militant, pugnacious, argumentative, controversial, disputatious, polemical%,0 DXՔ, |X0 DXՔ, |D |<ǤД, X" contiguous*adjacent to, touching upon, near, abutting  XՔ, xXՔ contingent:1.dependent, conditional 2.uncertain, accidental, possible"1. & X첰 2. U\, X 3. (h) continuum4a continuous whole without clear division into partsō, ō contraband)illegal trading, smuggling, smuggled good(), () / X contretemps$an embarrassing occurrence, a mishapP\ t, ;X contrite>admitting guilt, remorseful, penitent, repentant, compunctious| Jt XXΔ, XՔ contrivedartificial, laboredxx, H\, \, Ť췴 contumely/rudeness, arrogance, scornful insolence, insult(Ŵ.ijX)$̹ , (x ) conundrumpuzzle, riddle, enigma, mysteryخ|, $ 8, خ| @ (<)convene0gather together, meet, assemble, convoke, summon(,X|)X, XX, iX conventional-1. common, customary, unexceptional, orthodox"1. ȵx, x 2. , x 3. X conversant&familiar with, experienced, acquainted-(..) ȵ\(with, in, about), (..@)\P ǔ(with)converseG1. opposite, antithesis, contrary, contradictory 2. conversation / talk!1. (XǬ. t) , 2. T / t|0Xconveytransport, communicate, conduct)ơX, (, tD) X, (`) (,ǰ), ijX conviction81. strong belief, confidence 2. a determination of guilt1. P, U, 2. X Ӱ() convivial!festive, gay, jocund, jolly, boon Ō| DXՔ, \\ convolutiontwist or turn, act of twisting , XX й, (|X X)Ř, ܭcopious)abundant, plentiful, bounteous, plenteousԀ\, t Ԁ\, ɷXcordialgracious, warm, sincere / tonic%1. <\0X, ȴŰ, xȈǔ, 1 1XX 2.  corollary5sth that follows, a natural consequence or conclusionx(\) `, Dž\Ճ corporeal,tangible, having substance, bodily, material)´X, !Ǵx, <x, X, ´ ǔ<->spiritual correlation"mutual relationship, interrelation´, 1(Ĭ), 8Ĭ corroborate>confirm, authenticate, justify, substantiate, validate, verify(. D)UXՌ X, U֝X, ǝX corrosive!erosive, eating away by chemicals1X, [<\] 9, „\ corrugatedshaped with folds or waves< X, Ȅt ǔ, cosmopolitan 8Ĭx, 8ĬXX, 8Ĭ<\ XՔcoterie0group that meets socially, select circle, clique(PĬX)\l, ٳx, countenance01. face, facial expression 2. approbate, espouse1. \, H, 2. ,1X, Xcoup(X)|ǩ, p, ׸, 1, p x0covenantDsolemn agreement, contract, pledge, compact, convention, transaction Ĭ}, } / Ĭ}XcovertOcovered, secret, hidden, clandestine, furtive, stealthy, surreptitious, impliedDX, n ǔ,  DJŔcovetwish for enviouslyд, ݹX, ݹX, ݹXcowerDwimp, cringe, quail, wince, shrink away or huddle up in fear, crouch(,,ଵ,X\) ά, ǕXcrassGvery unrefined, stupid, grossly insensible, coarse, gross, raw, uncouthŬ@, T\, ,\, p\craven"cowardly, poltroons, pusillanimousD\, ι@ / t / X credulousgullible, eager to believe#(X йD) , 0 l´, p $Ɣ crescendo<gradual increase in the volume of sound in a musical passagel<ij, , Lɷt  t crestfallen7dejected, dispirited, downcast, depressed, disconsolatet @, `, 0 Ŕcrevice+narrow split, crack, fissure, breach, cleft ( J@) | cringeH1. shrink back with fear, cower, quail, wince 2. to be servile or suck u1. (tǘ) ά 2. (Ǭ)}p criterion,basis for judgment, standard used in judging(.DX)\, 0, critiquea critical reviewD[8], `[8], Dӕ, D crux"central point, core, gist, essence ɔ\ , ( tհX0 $)crypticHmystifying, mysterious, hidden, secret, clandestine, abstruse, enigmatic (@, DX, Dxcuisinestyle of cooking, gastronomyƬ, Ƭculinaryrelating to cooking()X, Ƭ(pȬ)Xcull7pick out from among many way, select 2.collect / reject"1. $, X 2. $< / ĨŴ $ culminateto climax, to reach full effect tt, $ tt, ] XculpableUdeserving blame, guilty, blamable, censurable, impeachable, indictable, reprehensibleDD ȹE\, ǔcurb$restrain or control, shackle, fetter,(й)D <, lX, X / (йX)ଐ, , l,  curmudgeonCdifficult and bad-tempered person, churl, miserly individual person ‚@ , x\ cursoryUquick and hurried, done without attention and detail, hasty, superficial, perfunctory \, <xcurtail9cut short, shorten, reduce, abbreviate, abridge, retrencht, 貕X, X, & Ō |ǀ| |Wcynic;one who deeply distrust humane nature, one who is skepticalD, , H daunt1make fearful, appall, dismay, horrify, intimidate"| X, discourage, & X 08| , kill or destroy a large part of (usually one of ten), genocideŅ X՘) t, ι@ D tdecorousproper, in good taste, orderlyXx, Ȗ@, \, 0t ǔ, \decree=official order usually having the force of law, behest, edict 9, , (ӌX)9, Ӱ / X, XdecryNbelittle, depreciate, derogate, detract, devaluate, lower, denounce, disparage DX, /deduce!conclude from the evidence, infer X, `Xdeemjudge, consider & t| Xdefame'ruin the good name of, libel or slender| ֐X, D)X deference^submission to another will, courteous regard for another's wish, respect, obeisance, reverence , tȽ, Xdeficitshortage especially of money, q, Ȑ(!surplus)defile6make filthy or foul, pollute, profane, sully, besmirch'T, XՌ X, ...X 1D T(desecrate) definitive%conclusive, final, ultimate, completex, \ͅx, |\, U\, \deftskillful ( @, \defunct9dead, no longer in effect or existence, extinct, vanishedx\, @, tX JŔ degenerate5deteriorate, vitiate, retrograde, deprave / reprobate$1. `, X 2. \, }\; }, Tٳ<degrade9lower in dignity or status, vitiate, deteriorate, corrupt| , | (deignstoop, condescend, vouchsafetD 8 & X, D ʹ & Xdeitygod or goddess , ©, 1dejecteddepressed, disheartenedX, , \, 0 Ŕ delectabledelightful, pleasant, blithep, nj\ deleteriousFharmful, baneful, baleful, detrimental, injurious, nocuous, pernicioust\, ų\ delineate,draw in outline, describe accurately, depict $D , X delinquent)neglecting a duty or law, late in payment̹\, DX, ̩ ǔdeludedeceive, beguilet,  & XՌX, 9¤, ,deluge1. a flood, inundation, spate+1. M, , 8ְ, ()8, X)ij; ¤, ijXdelve/search or study intensively, investigate, probelX demagogueRperson who appeals to people's prejudices, agitator, fomenter, inciter, instigator ٳXdemeanor,behavior, manner, bearing, comportment, mienٳ, ijdemisedeath, defunctionL, ݹ demographyxl ĬYdemurto voice opposition, object tX| йX, Xdemure21. serious, sober, solemn, reserved, sedate 2. shy#1. h)\, \ 2.  ɴXՔ,  @ǴXՔ, hL0Xdenizeninhabitant, resident, dweller, Tx, m ݴ, ٳ< denominationclassification, category name Ĭ , X, denotesignify, indicate, markд, \X, XXdenounce&condemn, censure, reprehend, reprobate DX, Xdepictportray, delineate, describe X,  Xdeplete6decrease the supply of, reduce, drain, exhaust, use up¤, D, hÄdeploreC1. regret, lament, bemoan 2. express strong disapproval of, condemn1. ~D \X 2. DX, Xdeploy-to station soldier or armaments strategically(p)X, ¤, ٳ .0depose51. remove from office or position of power 2. testify&1. ()X, (UD) X 2. ɸX, ǝX depravity!corruption, wickedness, turpitude}, (, E, D deprecateZ1. express disapproval of, disapprove, discountenance, dissent 2. to be little, depreciate1. X 2. depredateprey upon, plunder, pillage}X$cf. deprecate: (depreciate), Xderelict>deserted, abandoned, remiss, neglectful, negligent, delinquent$, @, 0, 4 ̹Xderide1mock. ridicule, laugh at contemptuously, scoff atpqX derogatory1disapproving, degrading, pejorative, depreciatory#(,ԩ,X D)¤Д, X| (, xx desecratedefile, pollute, profane 1\ՃD  desiccatedry out, dehydratetpX, й$ tXdesiststop doing, cease PX, ̹P despondentPextremely depressed, full of despair, dejected, disconsolate, dispirit, downcast0 @, X0 h\, \despotabsolute ruler, autocrat ųǐ, p, ȴp destituteAutterly lacking, extremely poor, indigent, impecunious, penuriousM\, ~t Ŕ, \ desultoryMwithout plan or purpose, aimless, disconnected, random, haphazard, discursive̹\, |1 Ŕ, | Ŝ, ȡD  ŔdevoutBdeeply religious, pious, fervent, revering, venerating, worshipingų\, t\, x, 1\ dialectical6relating to discussion, rules and methods of reasoningɕX, |X, |XdiatribeUbitter and violent attack in words, abusive denunciation, invective, harangue, tirade ,\ D, 9 dichotomyAdivision into two parts especially contradictory ones, divergence2XՔ |, 2, , dictum51. proverb, maxim, authoritative an weighty statement1. , 2. , ŅdidacticOintended to teach, morally instructive, exhortative, hortative, moral, sermonicPx diffident!timid, lacking in self-confidence Ŕ, XՔ, ι@, 1x,  @diffuse,cause to spread out, disperse or disseminateX / |, i״, p ι@digress6stray from the main subject, deflect, deviate, diverge| Ř, <\ Pt, X dilapidated%broken-down, fallen into ruin, marred(tfuneral song, musical lament, requiem, monody, elegy, threnody ̹, `ij, ǡ disaffect+cause to lose affection, estrange, alienate%...Ō D Ԍ X, ...X 8X| nj X, 0Xdisarraydisorder, confusion, muddle <ր, , X \ / P׸, <ր¤discern=have insight, see things clearly, discriminate, differentiateļX, ļX, xXdisclaim@disown, disavow, repudiate, deny any claim to, renounce claim to0X, Ĭ| xX discomfit3put to rout; defeat; disconcert, frustrate, confusè, ...XĬD ¤, iX disconcert*confuse, upset, embarrass, baffle, perturbiXՌ X, ¤,<ր ¤ discoursespeech lecture sermon treatise$, X, $P, |8, t|0X, $PXdiscreetprudent, judiciously reservedļǔ, t J@, \ discrepancyYdifference, inconsistency, alterity, dissemblance, dissimilarity, distinction, divergence , |X, discreteseparate, unconnected, distract\, lļ, ļx, x discriminatediscern, differentiatelļX, ļX, (ļX discursive+digressing, digressive, desultory, rambling ̹\, ȡD  Ŕdisdaindespise, scorn, contempt xX / x disgruntle7make sulky and dissatisfied, make discontented, grumble...D Ɍ X, ... D ԌXdisinformationfalse information (҈ X D t0 \) disinterestedKdispassionate, impartial, neutral, unprejudiced, not taking sides, unbiased t Ŕ, \dismal.causing gloom or dread, somber, morose, drearyLh\, P, \, Ƹ\, 8\dismay$fill with dread, discourage, perturbEX, i X / i, E disparage>abuse, decry, depreciate, derogate, detract, belittle, disdain, /, D)X, | tX disparateTbasically different, incompatible, unequal, dissimilar, distinct, diverse, unrelated<\ x, t Ŕ dispassionateCequitable, unbiased, unprejudiced, unaffected by passion, impartialɰ\, \disperse6scatter, spread widely, disseminate, dispel, dissipatei״Ɍ X, ¤dispirit#discourage, dishearten, lose spirit¤, ...X 0%D |W dispositionG1. arrangement 2. characteristic attitude, state of mind 3. inclination1. 0, 0X 2. 1, 0 3. , 1disproportionate)out of proportion, too much or too littleŸƬ JŔ, pT JŔ, \disquiet make uneasyٳ¤, HXՌ X / H, ٳ dissemble1disguise, pretend, feign, camouflage, dissimulate#(1,  D) X( )ٳX,xǴX, t disseminateZspread the seeds of sth, scatter, diffuse, disperse, propagate, radiate, make widely known i̿, |(dissent6disagree, demur, discord, deprecate, withhold approval XǬD 첬X, tX| йX, (m P) X disservicea harmful action, an ill turnt\ , \\  dissidentdisagreeing / dissenterXՔ, XǬD 첬XՔ;  dissipateB1.(cause to) thin out, drift away or dissolve 2. squander, fritter1. i($ |(X) 2. DX, )X dissolution:breaking up or dissolving of sth into part, disintegrationt, t, tհ, x, x dissonant(inharmonious, incompatible <-> consonantdissuade+persuade not to, advice against, discourageP ¤distend*expand, extend, dilate, inflate, swell out, Ԭ, ==¤, ¤distinct01. separate, different 2. clear and unmistakable1. ļX, ų\ 2. U\, 7\ distinguishtell apart, cause to stand outlļX, ļX,  D Xdiurnal1. daily#1. |X, ȹX 2. ٳHX <-> nocturnaldivineintuit, prophesyX, 1X; X, ƸX / YՐ, divulgereveal, disclose, debunkDD $X, \XdocileOeasily taught, easy to handle, obedient, amenable, tractable, pliant, malleable \,tX0l´, 0l´ doctrinaireXdogmatic, theoretical, unpractical, authoritarian, authoritative, dictative, dictatorialųx, t`x / `document2support with evidence, especially written evidence8\ ɅXdogmaticLauthoritarian, authoritative, dictative, doctrinaire, arbitrary, dictatorialųx, PXX, PXdoldrums6low spirit, state of inactivity, dejection, depressionƸ, X0h, hθ, hδ0, ȴ0doleful1sorrowful, filled with grief, dolorous, plaintive  4, LǸ\doltstupid person, duncet, domestic)having to do with the household or familyX, X, mX, mX, 8dormantCsleeping, lethargic, torpid, inactive, latent, potential, quiescentٳtX, ǐǔ, \ٳ 4 xdotage+senility, foolish affection (of old person)xݹ, x <-> adolescencedouble entendretXdourG1. stern, severe, stubborn 2. sullen, morose, surly, forbidding, gloomy1. \, 9\ 2. \, 4\, Ƹ\downcastdejected, depressedt @, D ,, | xdownplay5minimize, represent as being insignificant, play down...D X J, , ͼ йX draconianharsh, severe, cruel (`t)ũ\, 9\droll-humorous, comic, ludicrous, queer and amusinguǴ췴dross(slag, waste matter, worthless impurities[y@ X]<, X Ŕ , ̼0dubiousAfull of doubt, doubtful, equivocal, suspect, skeptical, uncertainX¤췴, \, X, \ duplicityOthe act of being two-faced, double-dealing, deception, hypocrisy, deceit, guilet1, \Ԭٳ, 1duressJcoercion, compulsion, forcible restraint especially unlawfully, constraint(X), , ebb@lessen, abate, moderate, relent, subside, wane, diminish, recedeɴ, X / p<,  ebullientCboiling, showing excitement, overflowing with enthusiasm, exuberantaŴS, SXΔ, x eccentricAnot conventional, little kooky, irregular, erratic, idiosyncraticX, D Ŝ, x, 4\, ļecclesiastical.having to do with church, clerical, sacerdotalPX, 1Xeclectic*choosing the best, drawn from many sourcesȩXՔ, ͬ x, )t x\(t J@)eclipse52.decline / 2.adumbrate, dim, murk, surpass, outshine'1. |, 2. / 1. |,D |<Ǥ 2. X ecosystemĬedictan official decree Y9, 9, edificea big, imposing building t<, p, Ĭedify9enlighten, improve in moral or mind, illuminate, instruct%%D ĬX, PD t, edifying book-Pefface+rub out, erase, delete, expunge, obliterate8 ɰ, X, tȬ| lXՌ ̹ effectual+effective, efficacious, efficient, adequatex, Ǩ\, %\, ̈́\efficacy6effectiveness, potency, power to produce desire effect%, ֥effigydummy(\;<\ ̹) , , x xeffusion7pouring forth, ejection, emanation, emission, extrusionaŴ, 0 0X ǜ, , X \, \ egalitarianXǐ egocentric7selfish, believing that one is the center of everything0 x, 0 X egregious+extremely bad, flagrant, gross and shocking买Ƙ\, 04Ȳ Ŕ(\;)elation3a rise in spirits, exaltation, feeling of great joy X0 ő, 买 0оh electoratevoters nj, pelegy=poem of song of sorrow for the dead, dirge, requiem, threnody(@ǬD \)`, Delicit8bring out, draw out , call forth, educe, evince, extract& D tLŴ, $ƌX, Ŵ, Xelitebest or most select group  elliptical&oval; missing a word or words; obscureX, X,  8\ elocutionthe art of public speaking elusive;hard to pin down, evasive, elusory; baffling, hard to graspP `8Ș, throw into confusion, implicate, involve in conflict, entangle(,)Lt, <ր¤,XՌ X embryonic+undeveloped, rudimentary, basal, elementary DX, Xemigrate'move to a new place to live, expatriatem<\ tX, t¤eminent;well-known and respect, outstanding, high, lofty, prominent \, Dž\, \emissaryenvoy , Ҭ, empathy6identification with the feeling or thoughts of anothertDž empiricalHexperiential, based on experience or observation, not merely theoreticalx, X, XXempowergive power or authority to...Ō \D X, %D DŽXemulatePstrive to equal or excel usually through imitation, rival, compete, contend, vie()D X) Xencroach/make gradual or stealthy inroads into, trespass h΅X, hΔX, htXendearmake dear, make beloved...D  X, 0t X, XՌ XendemicHnative, aboriginal, indigenous, restricted to a particular region or era\ X, ԠѼX, ԠѼenervateYreduce the strength or energy gradually, weaken, debilitate, devitalize, disable, unnerve}XՌ X enfranchise 1. franchise1. pD , 2. x| t)Xengagingcharming, pleasing, attractive %x, `PǔengenderObring into existence, create, cause, produce, arouse, generate, induce, provoke |0¤, Xenigma"puzzle, mystery, conundrum, riddleخ|, خ|X x<, X\ <enmityRill will, deep hatred, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, hostility, rancorX, Y, $, ennui"listless lack of interest, boredom, henormityG1. extreme evil, hideous offense 2. immensity, hugeness(in a bad sense)1. E4ij, ȉ, 2. ŭ̜ l0ensuefollow, succeed, result Ĭ, 0| |ǴŘ, [\] 0, |ǴŘentail(have as a necessary consequence, involveX , & D DՔ\ Xentityreal thing, existence ¬, ´, entreatBask earnestly, beg, beseech, implore, importune, supplicate, pleadX, X, X, L entrepreneurbusiness man, contractor0, , (҈)X e׉, Ő; enumeratenumerate, name one by one, list||t DŬ, pX, 8envisionimagine, foresee, envisage(ǘX | D)ȹL , X, ĬX ephemeral[lasting very short time, short-lived, evanescent, momentary, temporary, transient, fleeting XŻ,貅\epicureJconnoisseur of food and drink, gastronomist, gourmand, gourmet, bon vivant , ij}epigram5brief and usually witty or satirical saying, apothegm l, l \epigraph apt quotation\ xǩlepilogue5short speech at conclusion of dramatic work, apologueLй, 0 <-> prologueepitaph&inscription in memory of a dead person()Depithet/characterizing term, descriptive word or phrase 1D д ֩Ƭepitome;1. summary, abstract, synopsis 2. perfect example, paradigm$1. , , }, p 2. \x , , epochera, period of time, aeon, eon0, , (tt X) equanimityNcomposure, calmness of temperament, aplomb, phlegm, poise, sangfroid, serenity(ȹLX), h), ɰ equestrianrider on horsebackй ,|, ȹX, 0X, ȹ() Xequine horse-like й, йX, й @ equitablefair, impartial\, \ equivocal61. doubtful, ambiguous, confusing, vague 2. suspicious"1. P ŽX 8\, `\ 2. X¤췴, \eruditedeeply learned, scholarly\, \,  X Y8xesoteric\hard to understand, abstruse, hermetic, recondite, understood by only a select few, peculiar \,t\,DXespouse*1. support, advocate, embrace, countenance1. X, 98X 2. 0Ɛ\ estimable51. worthy of admiration 2. capable of being estimated1. t(tȽ)`(D) ̹\ 2. `  ǔestrange6make unfriendly or hostile, cause to feel removed fromX `D @Ɍ X, ...D @X, tXethereal91. heavenly 2. as light and insubstantial as gas or ether1. X, X 2. 0@, , LtXethics$ǬY, ijU`eulogyH(speech or writing full of) high praise, compliment, encomium, panegyric ,XՔ (й) euphemismSmild expression in place of an unpleasant one, circumlocution, roundabout, rhetoric D ŕ, T֕ evanescent.quickly fading, fleeting, vanishing, ephemeral\ |ɔ, X, gŔ, 0 $Ƙ JŔevince7demonstrate convincingly, prove, manifest, show clearly( 0|) д,X, ɅXevoke@summon forth, awaken, call forth, educe, elicit, evince, extract(,0, 0|)|<Ǥ, DŴ exacerbatemake worse, aggravateET¤exactingFsevere, extremely demanding, difficult, requiring great skill or grace9\, ũ\, (|t), ܴexalt1. raise high 2. glorify, extol1. t, ¤, 2. ,̑X, m,X exasperate&annoy thoroughly, make very angry, vexx X, D Xexciseremove by cutting1[l, 8 0]| X, ...D X, | / <8, D8, t8 exemplify8illustrate by example, instance, serve as a good example|, & X t exempt/excused, not subjected to, free from obligation...D tX / t exhaustive(through, rigorous, complete, painstaking\, x, x, ¤Дexhort(urge strongly, give a serious warning to% X, X, & X| =t, ĬXexhume0unbury, dig out of the ground, remove from grave...D tX, [҈](´, 4d)D tXexigency$emergency, urgency, urgent situation ,  , 4(\ L), ()\  existential#having to do with existence, extanttȬ \, tX, tXXexodusdeparture, egress, exit&[ι@ t]0, , [t 0X] m, t, `} exonerate8free completely from blame, acquit, vindicate, exculpate X, 4\ X exorbitant excessive 04ȲŔ, ŭ̜ expatriate(exile, someone who has exiled / expellee"1. mx\ )X, pmD 2. ), mxtȐ expedientJimmediately advantageous, serving one's immediate self-interest, practicalӬ\, Ǭ\, )Xexpedite-speed up or ease the progress of, precipitate X, Xexpiate4make amends for (a sin), atone for, rectify, redress...D X, [ 0]X LD X explicateexplain in detail-[|, Ƭ, X 0]| X 1 X, ...D $X, t$XexplicitEclearly and directly expressed, definite, distinct, unequivocal, open1\, 1 й\, xx, (@Ŕ exposition)1. explanation 2. large public exhibition1. $, t$ 2. Ȍ,  expostulate.to reason with sn in order to warn or dissuade tt, Xexpunge%erase, eliminate any trace of, remove ɰ, йX#cf. postulate: DՔpt, /DՔpt<\ ȥX exquisite*extraordinarily fine or beautiful, intense \, T`՘ Ŕextantstill in existence (0] 0)tXՔextol2praise, laud, eulogize, panegyrize, glorify, exalt ,X, ,Xextort:obtain from force, wring from, get money by threats, wrest(}ō, ȳ)X, )X, \ $ extraneous$not related to object, not essential; 4\, DՔ\, coming from outside, alien, extrinsic,xƀ\0X extrapolate'project of deduce from sth known, infer!Ĭ xƽ Xt X, xƽD X, `X extremityP1. ], , ] 2. (, X)X, , 䬽, m 3. limb or appendage of the body, () extricatefree, disentangle, emancipateltմ, t)X, Դ extrovertopen and outgoing personxƥx exuberant1. abundant, effusive, lavish;41\, Ԁ\ 2. highly joyous or enthusiastic, ebullient, 0XΔ fabricationa lie, sth made up, p, ȑ, pȽ, pȽfacadefront of the building"(t florafauxfalse 3 J@, cf. faux pas (ij й ǴX) fawn%3. exhibit affection 4. suck up to sn,1. Űx 2. @ i 3. ()q 4. ()DŨXfecundfertile, productive#䲰X, %t Ԁ\, () 0 <-> futilefeign6make the false representation, pretend, sham, simulate...D X, ...x X, tfelicity'1. happiness 2. skillfulness, adeptness1. 2. (й, X) h, \ \felinecat-likefervorEgreat warmth or earnestness, zeal, glowing ardor, enthusiasm, passion,, festergenerate pus, decay, suppurate[ 0], ꬌ X, 4mfetish)object supposed to possess magical powers[4, ̳ @], X , ҘX <fetter,shackle / manacle, restrain, hamper, fetterq / q| D̰, X, \Xfiasco8complete failure or disaster, incredible screwup, defeat p , (, D(fiatBarbitrary decree or order, command, decree, mandate, behest, edict9, Ņfickle7capricious, mercurial, unstable, changeable, unfaithful(0, 0 0)U췴fidelityE1. loyalty, allegiance, devotion, faithfulness 2. accuracy, exactness1. , (}ōX), Y1 2. U, figment3something made up or invented, fabrication, fictionp(ɴŸ) |, l, t t|0 figurative4based on figure or speech, allegorical, metaphorical (йt) D xfinesseLskillful maneuvering, delicacy, nicety, subtlety, craftiness, delicate skillP\ ̬, 0P, (, E, E̵fiscal)pertaining to financial matters; monetarymX, X, ĬXflagrantSglaring bad, notorious, scandalous, conspicuously wicked, egregious, gross, heinous EŅ @, E\flaunt9show off, display ostentatiously, boast, gasconade, vauntX, Ǒt t, 8 fledgling.inexperienced or immature, inexpert, untrainedC8t  , Դ0X, `štXflippant,frivolously disrespectful, saucy, pert, flip \, \, t)florid;1. red-faced, ruddy, flushed, rubicund, sanguine 2. flowery1. \, t @ 2. T$\, ր\floutIdisregard sth out of disrespect, reject, oppose, mock, jeer, scoff, sneerxX, pqX, xX / pqfodder2coarse food for livestock, raw stock, raw materialȹ, [X] 9t, ̸, ̸foible+minor character flaw, slight fault, frailty 1X \ hfollyfoolishness, insanityŬL, h(imprudence)foment=stir up, instigate, abet, foster, goad, incite, provoke, spur ٳX..¤, pȥX <-> quellforay-raid / incursion, invasion an initial venture1. hεX, }X 2. hε, }, 0forbear$1. refrain from, abstain 2. ancestor1. , 8 2. p, pforebode)to be an omen of, predict, foretell, bode& X p , X, X foreclose preclude, bar [<]D ̄X, , 0(0)X; )tXforensic<related to debate or courts of law, controversial, juridicalX, `X forestall6thwart, prevent or hinder sth from happening, head off< 0 D UX, ɹ, ^t, )tXforgoBgive up, abandon, abdicate, relinquish, waive, do without, forbear̹P, t L, X, forsake4desert, abandon, renounce ,relinquish, give up, quit̹P, Ȅ, , 0Xforswear11. retract, renounce, or recant 2. commit perjury1. 8T J 2. p8X, ǝXforte(strong point or special talent, eminency, 0 forthright21. frank, outspoken 2. going straight to the point1. XՌ, (0 J 2. \ fortuitous7accidental, by chance, casual, incidental, adventitious \, ;X, XfosterD1. rear, cultivate, nourish 2. encourage, promote the development of1. 0t, !X, ̳ 2. Xfounder(fail, collapse, sink, submerge, submerse4, , h hΰX, (X fragmentary.incomplete; disconnected, made up of fragmentsDX, 貸x, ӸX fraternal like brotherX, `Xfrenetic!frenzied, frantic, furious, rabidX, x, xfrugaleconomical, penny-pinching \, Dt JŔ, \ <-> prodigalfruitfulproductive, successfult ι@, 0, D%\, ut ι@fuel61. stimulate, ignite, kindle as if providing with fuel"1. (D) 0 2. ...D а(kindle) fulminateG1. thunder, explode, detonate 2. denounce vigorously, protest vehementl1. eX 2. , DX, mXXfurtiveYsecretive, sly, stealthy, sneaky, clandestine, covert, sub-rosa, surreptitious, insidious@\, P\\, M@futile8useless, abortive, bootless, ineffectual, vain, hopeless"pŔ, Ŕ, Lt Ŕ, \ <-> fecundgaffe0a social blunder, embarrassing mistake, faux pas(, xPX),  galvanize9stimulate by shock, startle into sudden activity, stir up \0| ` X, 0| ¤(revitalize)gambitB1. opening in ches 2. maneuver or ploy 3. commencement, incipience1. ̤X  2. E̵, E 3. ‘gamutentire range, spectrum (L, Ȕ, garner/gather, store up, glean, reap, stockpile, amass<, ȥX / < ȥnj garrulous,talkative, chatty, loquacious, prolix, wordy"䲤췴, pйι@, xx\ | , D gastronomy3science of preparing and serving good food, cuisineƬY, Ygeneric5general, common, characteristic of a class or species|x, mx, Xgenesisorigin, creation, beginning , 0, =80genocide\ m  qX й (9cf. homicide, matricide, patricide, suicide, insecticide)genre9style of art illustrating scenes of common life, categoryt, , , ԍTgenteelMrefined, polite, aristocratic, well-bred, cultured, polished, urbane, elegant ǔ, D\, Xxgermane&pertinent, relevant, apposite, apropos\ Ĭ ǔ, \ gesticulatemake gestures in speakingȤ| (йXt), D t XǬD XghastlyKshockingly horrible, frightful, grisly, gruesome, lurid, macabre, ghostliket |e\, 9@, 44\glutFsurplus, overabundance, overstock, surfeit, gorge, jade, sate, satiate X, 9 / grandiloquent0pompous; bombastic; using high-sounding language(йt) , 8ָ XՔ grandiose=absurdly exaggerated, imposing, impressive, majestic, stately\, \, ȹȹ\gratisfree, gratuitous4̸X gratuitous41. given freely, gratis 2. unnecessary or unwarrante1. 4̸X, 4X 2. DՔ\, \(\)gravity3. sobriety, solemnity1. %, l x% 2. ɷ 3. h, h gregarious(sociable, enjoying the company of otherspp()1X, Pxgrievous1. tragic, agonizing 2. severe1. 4\, , D\ 2. \grimaceQa facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust, etc., ! t / t !guileQcunning, duplicity, artfulness, deceit, duplicity, artifice, craftiness, trickeryX<\ , P\, P\ E̵guiseappearance, semblance, costume x, 7(̼, habituatetrain, accustom to a situation...D 8t, uXՌ X hackneyed?overused, trite, commonplace, banal, pedestrian, humdrum, stale ɀ\, D`halcyon$peaceful, carefree, serene, composedP\, ǔ\, 4\haplessunlucky, unfortunate, miserable\cf. hap: fortune, chanceharassdannoy by repeated attacks, torment or pester, bother, irk, badger, vex, badger, harry, heckle, tease4m harbinger-forerunner, herald, precursor, prophetic sign(X), l  / l, p, harp3repeat tediously, go on and on about sth, reiterate(@ йD) Ǹ̹ tXharry'1. raid, foray, maraud 2. harass, annoy1. hε( ǰ)X, }X 2. 4mhedonism8belief that pleasure is the sole aim in life, asceticism }X, }Xhegemony$leadership (one nation over another) (ӌ, ij%, 0heinousKshockingly evil, abominable, atrocious, hatefully bad, desperate, monstrous \, E4ij\herald 1. royal proclaimer 2. harbinger&1. [mUX , D LŬ]ଐ 2. l / XheresyDopinion contrary to popular belief or accepted religion, unorthodoxyɬ ǻ , tP, thermeticI1. obscure, occult, abstruse, esoteric, profound, recondite 2. impervious1. t\, $\ 2. \, \heydaygolden age, prime10hiatusNbreak or interruption in continuity, gap, pause, breach, interim, interruption ōX , | hierarchy-pecking order, body divided into ranks, orderĬ p histrionicDrelating or actors or acting, overly dramatic, theatrical, affectingܴ|ȹ@, X, @hoary&white or gray with age, ancient, stale1X, () 1X, 买ƙ@, $Ƙhomage(reverence, respect, deference, obeisancetȽ, Xhomily"sermon, serious warning, discourseĬ, $P homogeneous#made entirely of one thing, uniformٳX, @ XX <-> heterogeneoushubris]arrogance, excessive pride, haughtiness, hauteur, imperviousness, loftiness, superciliousness$̹, ̹ husbandry^frugality, thrift, providence, thrifty management of resources, agriculture, livestock farming \,}, hyperbole2exaggeration, overstatement, modification, bombastǕ, , ,  \ hypocrisyinsincerity, two-facedness  ,    hypotheticalWbased on assumptions or hypotheses, conjectural, putative, suppositious, supposititious$X iconoclast image breaker1-0 Xǐ, Xǐ, l Xǐideology!ideas of a group of people, credotp,\0, PY, `idiom'1. (m, mX)Ŵ, ŕ, ), ,Ҭ 2. ´, l idiosyncrasy.peculiarity, eccentricity, oddity, singularity, t1, (t\)1, t idyllic3charming in rustic way, bucolic, naturally peacefulx, x, \\ignominy deep disgrace, , XΤ췴 , ͉illicit$illegal, illegitimate, not permittedX, X, 4Ximbue5inspire, permeate or tinge, saturate, inculcate, fill& \ D̰, (,  D)...Ō #imminent8just about to happen, impending, proximate, near at hand\, \, \, P\, , @ immutableHunchangeable, constant, immovable, inalterable, inflexible, unmodifiable X,  JŔ impartialfair, unbiased \, XΰX J@impasse*deadlock, cul-de-sac, blind alley, dilemmaɹx 謩, m, ɹ䲄impeach>charge, accuse or indict public official 2. call into question!1. uX, X 2. (, xǩ D) XX impeccableEfaultless, flawless, immaculate, irreproachable, entirely without sin| X JŔ, ()Ŕ,  Ŕ impecuniousFwithout money, penniless, destitute, impoverished, indigent, penurious ȳ Ŕ, \impede)obstruct or interfere with, hamper, delay )tX, tX impending2imminent, looming, nearing, approaching, proximate |ǴŠ @, \, P\ impenetrable;incapable of being penetrated, impervious, incomprehensibleh,1X, t\, ttX0, D\ imperative31. completely necessary, vitally, important, urgent1. <`Ŕ, Dˆ\ 2. 9x, ximperiallike an emperor or empiremX, iX, iX, \ impervious/1. impenetrable, not permitting passage through#1. h,1X, 2. () 4\, T\, ƥJŔ impetuous^impulsive, quick and violent; abrupt, headlong, vehement, precipitate, hasty, rash, impatient, ,\; 1 \,ٳx implementK1. carry out, fulfill 2. supply what is needed, complete / tool, instrument'1. }ō 0| tljX 2. q¤, ijl, ť / X implication$that which is hinted at or suggested (0X) (, , T, hՕ,  (;) importunebbeg earnestly, urge with annoying persistence, trouble; beseech, crave, implore, plead, supplicateD HUɌ pt, 1Œ X, 4mimpotent9powerless, helpless, unable to perform sexual intercourse4%\, }\, %t Ŕ impoverish$1. reduce to poverty, make destitute,1. ...D XՌ X 2. (, %D)H}XՌ X, X¤ impregnableNunconquerable, indomitable, invincible, able to withstand attack, invulnerable }X, D JŔ impresario)a person who manages public entertainment(, E, $Ƙ| X) 貥 impromptu>extemporaneous, on the spur of the moment, improvised, offhand, ex / e, e improvise!compose on the spur of the moment(e<\)X, <\ ̹impugn_doubt; attack the truth or integrity of sth, challenge; gainsay; contradict, contravene, negateXX; (D)X; Ximpunity,freedom from punishment, exemption, immunity (, , t, )D  JL, ̌D th, 4 inadvertent>unintentional, heedless, not planned, accidental, adventitious X\, X D̲ inalienable,not to be taken away, lost , nontransferable(0|) ij`  Ŕinane"silly, senseless, asinine, fatuous\, Ŭ@, ` inaugurate62. begin officially, induct formally, commence, launch1. ̈́D pX, ̈́¤, 2. ‘X incandescentLbrilliant, effulgent, fulgent, lambent, lucent, luminous, radiant, refulgent1X, [ incantation;singing or chanting of magic spells, chant, magical formula XՔ 8l(\t), 8, ȹ incarnation9act of assuming a human body and human nature, embodiment !D 8 , T,  incendiary0tending to arouse passion or anger, inflammatory$)TX, XՔ, ٳX / )T֔(arsonist), ٳincense.2. make very angry, enrage, infuriate, umbrage1. , մ 2. 1X incessantVunceasing, uninterrupted, ceaseless, everlasting, interminable, perpetual, unremitting JŔ, ` Ŕ incipient1beginning, emerging, in an early stage, inceptive ‘X, 0X, XincisiveCcutting right to the heart of matter, sharp, penetrating, trenchantƬ\, \, ̸\, t\, ,\ inclinationtendency, preference, liking, 1 incongruousDnot harmonious, not consistent, not appropriate, not fitting, absurdpT JŔ, ŸƬ J@,  incorrigible*incapable of being reformed, uncorrectableP( ij)`  Ŕ, K\ l increment1increase, accretion, one in a series of increases, , , tu, tݴ, ɷ, a, tǐ inculcateOinstill, imbue, implant by repeated suggestions or admonitions, teach, instruct(tX 0|)ȅ¤ incumbent"current office holder / obligatory() / X4X incursion0raid, foray, sudden attack or temporary invasionh΅, ©indict)charge with a crime, accuse of wrongdoing0()X indifferentK1. apathetic, aloof, uninterested 2. mediocre, commonplace(not good quality1. 4\ 2. Ӕ\, \ indigenous5native, aboriginal, endemic, originating in that area)X, () X, ưX ǘX, Xindigentpoor, destituteM(H)\, q\, ht ǔ, D\ indignantangry, insulted T֜, \, 1indolentlazy quell insufferable'not sufferable, unbearable, intolerable8D  Ŕinsular'like an island, isolated, narrow-minded,| 1X, \, ଽ\ insuperableLunable to be overcome, insurmountable, invincible, indomitable, overwhelming($ t)`  Ŕ insurgent9rebellious, contumacious, insubordinate, mutinous / rebel(ٳ)D |<ǔ, mXՔ/ , Ő insurrection4an act of open rebellion, revolt, insurgence, mutinyٳ, integral$1. essential, indispensable 2. whole1. Dˆ\ 2. D\ 3. X, ȄXinterim?meantime, meanwhile, intervening time, breech, hiatus, interval()t, \ٳH, interloper9intruder, trespasser, interfere, intrude, unwanted personX | 8̬XՔ , @ interlude)intervening, episode, intermission, pause&(| |,  )t, ٳH, ɹ,  4|,  interminable6seemingly unending, endless, perpetual, tediously long` t, ]Ŕ, XՌ 4 intermittent3periodic, on and off, occasional, fitful, recurrentLL\ , 貍()x intersperse!place at intervals, scatter among¤ intervene 2. mediate, intercede, interfere&1. ()t | 2. ɬX 3. ()t |intimateHhint, imply / 1. familiar 2. essential, innermost 3. private / confidantTX, LŬ(\X) intractable\fractious, headstrong, pertinacious, perverse, recalcitrant, disobedient, unruly, refractory 0 , < intransigentstubborn, uncompromisingDx intricatecomplicated, sophisticatedŌ, ň $, \, t\intriguesecret scheme, crafty plotLǨ, Ĭ / LǨ| intrinsic6part of the essential nature of sth, inherent, naturalx, X, X introspective8tending to think about oneself, examining one's feelings0| 0XՔ, 0 1X, 1xinundate?overflow, deluge, flood, cover completely with water, overwhelm ¤, $$, ijX invective^insulting or abusive speech, abuse, billingsgate, contumely, obloquy, scurrility, vituperation D,ų$, DXй inveterate-deep-rooted, chronic, habitual, firm in habit(Ѽ, )̿J@, ̹1X, x invidiousKcausing envy or resentment, offensively harmful, hateful, obnoxious, odiousT֘XՔ, Dp¬,\ inviolate1not violated, kept sacred, free from injury, pure1\ \X, hΔ J@, T J@invoke51. entreat or pray for, crave, supplicate 2.summon up%1. (Ō)L, X, () 8֌X 2. |<Ǥ irascibleMcholeric, fractious, peevish, petulant, touchy, irritable, bilious, splenetic1ȹx, 1 \, 1D Ǵ iridescentexhibiting rainbow-like colors!լt tǔ(ij 0| t XՔ), 4 [TXironic,meaning the opposite of what you seem to sayD,, Ԑx, x irrevocableirreversible, unalterable(͌.t)`  Ŕ itinerant0moving form place to place, wandering, traveling P̳DȲ, ŒXՔjargon6language used by special group, gibberish, cant, argot8, $$, ;D L  Ŕ й, @Ǵjaunt#a short pleasure tip, junket, sally, E, @ʼn / jingoism2belligerent and chauvinistic patriotism, warmonger `mX, 8XjocularLhumorous, fond of joking, jocund, jocose, droll, facetious, ludicrous, witty Ƥ´, uǴ޹@ jubilation*exultant joy, rejoicing, exultation, bliss Xl, X8, 0h judiciousGhaving good sense, wise, determined by sound judgment, prudent, sapient $(ļ)ǔ, օ\junction?1. Convergence 2. Linkup, act or state of being joined together1. iX, i 2. i, i, ijunta)small group ruling a country after a coup(p ȌD EXՔ)pȀ juxtaposeplace side by side ...D karma$good or bad emanation from sn or sth ȹ, , …kinetic:having to do with motion, lively, active, producing motionٳX, ٳ Xt 0, \ٳx, %x labyrinthmazeDaedalus $Ĭ\ , \, \ ĬlaconicNusing few words, brief and to the point, concise, compendious, succinct, terse(й, \t)\, й @lamentmourn|X, `ijX, \XlampoonAsatirize, mock, parody, ridicule, burlesque, caricature, travestyԐXlanguishMbecome weak, languid, listless or depressed, lose animation or strength, flag }t, 0tŴlarceny$theft, robbery, stealing, purloining()ijQ, ij, \ largess'generous gift, generosity, philanthropyp, , (DŌt Ȕ) < lasciviousQlustful, obscene, lewd, licentious, lecherous, incontinent, libertine, libidinousx$x, L\, x, 8XlatentSpresent but not visible or apparent, potential, dormant, hidden, abeyant, quiescent (´ ǔ, 1Xlaud*applaud, extol, celebrate, praise, glorify ,̑X, 0lavishj1. liberal 2. abundant, exuberant, opulent 3. excessive, wasteful, luxuriant, prodigal, profuse, profusive61. DŌt Ȕ, xXJ@ 2. Ԁ\ 3. DXՔ, XΤ / DŌt, DXlax-negligent, lazy, irresponsible, loose, remiss̹\, tt, sluggish, without energy or enthusiasm, lackadaisical, languidȹL JŔ, 4\litany,1. supplicatory player 2. tedious recounting#1. (P)Q0ij, ij 2.  \ $(t|0)litigate(try in court, engage in legal proceedingX,  ,livid*lead-colored, ashen, pallid, wan ; enraged![X, [<\ <Հ 0]xx, =1\ ; x\loathDextremely unwilling, reluctant, averse, abhorrent, execrable, odious ´XՔ, \lobby(urge legislative action, exert influence(m)\DX, (X)Ō ٳX loquacioustalkative, garrulous, verboseйι@, D , ǰarrange in order, gather together for the purpose of doing sth,¤, ȳ¤ / ) H, martialJwarlike, bellicose, belligerent, militant, pugnacious, having to do combatX,  Ĭ, 8xmartyrP, l / tX, 4m materialistic8preoccupied with material things, greedy for possessions <`[]X, philanthropistmitigateQmoderate the effect of sth, appease, allay, alleviate, assuage, mollify, palliate(, DT()Xmode-method of doing, type, manner, fashion, vogue ljXՔ modulate;regulate, adjust, adapt; reduce ,lessen or change intensitypX, pX, pXmollifyXsoothe, soften, pacify, allay, alleviate, appease, assuage, mitigate, pacify, propitiate Ɍ X, 처momentum,quantity of motion of a moving body, impetustǔ , ٳɷ, 08, %, ٳ%, 8monarchygovernment by king or queenpX monolithic'massive, solid, uniform, and unyieldingX՘X ̳\  @, |x, |x moratorium.suspension of activity, legal delay of payment (0), 0mores"customs, customary moral standards, moribunddying, at the point of death ȴ morose"somber, melancholy, gloomy, sullenƸ\, hθ\, ̿A\, \, 0t @mortify<humiliate, punish the flesh, debase, degrade, demean, humbletD | X, ӬXmotifrecurring theme or idea( LjX), (motleyNextremely varied or diverse, heterogeneous, multicolored, parti-colored, mixedX, \mundaneF1. not heavenly and eternal, temporal 2. ordinary, dull, pretty boring1. 8X, 8X 2. \, Ӕ\ municipal-pertaining to a city(town) and its governmentXijX(X), X munificentlavish, very generousDŌ t Ȕ, t pmuse&ponder, meditate, deliberate, ruminate X, 5Xmuster,assemble for battle or inspection, summon upX, t / (D \)i, myopia#near sightedness, lack of foresightH, Ʌt qhmyriadvery large number 4, 4\ mystic#otherworldly, mysterious, enigmaticDX, Dx, DXX narcissism'excessive love of one's body or oneselfDijnebulousvague, hazy, indistinct, cloudy()1 X, lt P׿\, `\ nefarious4evil, flagrantly wicked, flagrant, infamous, viciousE\, E\, EŅ@nemesisrevenging agentX , ̌, xQ, XՔ neologism)a new word or phrase, new usage of a wordpȴ, \, ´X, ´X neophyte2beginner, novice, apprentice, tyro, recent convert , Ȑnepotismfavoritism( to a relative) \Ι , qȌ Xnihilism=the belief that there are no values or morals in the universe1980 DX 4X, 4ȀXnirvana$blissful, painless, worry-free state, tnoisome@offensive(smell) / disgusting, stinking, noxious, rancid, putrid\ / İ lɘ, t\nomadicOwandering from place to place, without a permanent home, itinerant, peripatetic ǩX, )X nomenclature*system of naming, designation, terminology%(px), YՅ, ´, (i)(|<\)m, ]nominal@in name only, insignificant, OK(during rocket launches), titulartDŽ̹X, X, ɔX J@ nonchalant2indifferent, coolly unconcerned, blas?, insouciant4\, ɰ\, \ nostalgia#home-sickness, longing for the past p| h,  notoriousCnefarious, famous for sth bad, outstandingly bad, unfavorably knownEŅ @novelnew, original, strange0\, l\\, \, 8\noxiousharmful, offensive, nocuous t(ų)\, t\nuance subtle difference or distinctionp, L, , й;X \ (t, XYŤnullify#repeal, revoke, cancel, void, annul4\ X, ͌X, 0Xobduratestubborn and insensitive <, D\, ɰ9\ obeisancebow or curtsy, deep reverence 0, tȽ, obfuscate:darken, confuse, muddle, make confusing, fluster, confoundȹLD aX, iXՌX, XՌX objective/1. unbiased, unprejudiced, uninfluenced 2. real.1. x <-> subjective 2. ´X 3. X / \, obliqueT1. at an angle, deviating from the perpendicular or from a straight line 2. Indirect1. D\ 2. xoblivion1total forgetfulness, the state of being forgotten ݹ, 0 lobscure-unknown, elliptical, hard to understand, darkX J@, 8\,  D JŔ, \, Pװ obsequiousNfawning, subservient, sucking up to, slavishly attentive, servile, sycophanticͅx, Dt\, DŨXՔ obtrusiveO1. pushing forward 2. interfering, meddlesome, intrusive, officious, butting in1. XՔ 2. 8̬XՔobtuse'insensitive, blockheaded, blunt, stupidT\, TX, 8 T\obviate#make unnecessary, get rid of, avert D pX, )Xoccult0mysterious, magic, secret, supernatural, uncanny Dx, XXodiousBhateful, abhorrent, loath, detestable, abominable, repulsive, vile$Ƥ, @, D Ȕ, $ƤodysseyBlong, difficult journey, usually marked by many changes of fortune0X()ʼn, ι@ǴƅT| officiousLannoyingly eager to help or advise, meddlesome, excessively trying to please8̬X0 DXՔ, @ olfactory pertaining to the sense of smellX, İX / 0, T oligarchygovernment by only a few peopleP X,  ų Xominous21.threatening, menacing 2. portentous, of bad omen,1. x, XՔ, E\ 2. 8\, IpX <->auspicious omniscient#all-knowing, having infinite wisdomX"cf. omnipotent : all-powerful, ȥ\onerous&burdensome, oppressive; needing effort1. 1, .@, t , 2. opaque?impossible to see through and understand, dark, not transparent,҅\,  Ŕ, T\ opprobrious:extremely critical, showing scorn or reproach, disgraceful(й 0)x, 췴, Ȭopulentluxurious, rich wealthy \, Ԁ\, T$\ ordinancelaw, regulation, decree9, Xorthodox conventionalȵx, ȵx,  x oscillate2pulsate, vibrate pendulum-like, waver or vacillateٳX, (ȹL, XǬ t) ٳXosmosisgradual or subtle absorption,, ,1 ostensible7apparent(but misleading), professed, pretended, allegedxtX, \tX, X, \ ostentatious7excessively conspicuous, showy, pretentious, flamboyant8 , ̹ tt\, T$\ ostracize4shut out or exclude a person from a group, ban, shun )X, 0Xousteject, expel, banish, <\ |Woverrideoverrule, prevail over!(X XǬ, , lݹ, l 0|) 4X, overtureopening move, preliminary offer, , H, P- oxymoron´ŕpacifycalm someone down, placate 처, ¤ painstakingextremely careful-| D| JŔ, t\(=pains-taking = taking pains) palatableQpleasing to the taste, agreeable to the feelings, gusty, relishing, sapid, savory۹ǔ, ޹, ȹL ޹palliateOrelieve, alleviate, assuage, mitigate, easy pain, make less guilty or offensive(Ѽ,D, ɷ, ) ¤pallorpaleness, whiteness(tX)=1 (a. pallid)palpable%tangible, obvious, easily perceptible̹  ǔ, 1\, ttX0 l´paltryinsignificant, worthless, pettyX.@, 4X\, ȹ H panacea!cure-all, remedy fir all diseases̹Ѽ X}pandemic*prevalent throughout a large area, rampant-m(@ )<\ ljXՔ <-> endemic / epidemic, Ѽ panegyric9elaborate and formal praise, eulogy, compliment, encomium,̬(й,)parable(religious allegory, fable, morality taleD , Tparadigm$model or example, archetype, paragon, 0paradox2statement that looks false but is actually correct$,  $, |ųparagon?model of perfection, pattern of excellence, paradigm, archetype, , 0, Ŝ x<(), |Ljparallelsimilar, comparableӉX, @ )X, Ǭ\, \ @paranoiaɝ(X֐), ݹ paranormalsupernatural, phony(͐@ DȲ)Y<\ $`  Ŕ parochial/narrow or confined in point of view, provincial\, @, \, PlX, )Xparody:satirical imitation, humorous imitation, travesty, lampoonԐ ) 8, ,x )paroxysm+sudden or violent outburst, a severe attack, (x, LX) parsimonious9stingy, excessively frugal, miserly, niggardly, penuriousx\partisan4one who supports a particular person, cause, or idea ij, |, \ ٳDŬ partitiondivision, dividing wall`, l pastoral:rural, rustic, peaceful and calm like the country, bucolicX, X, X0X / , patent.1. obvious, evident 3. open for public to real,1. 1\ 2. X 3. $ ǔ, )1X / / | paternalfatherly, fatherlike DńX, ĬX pathologythe science of diseasesѼYpathostender sorrow, pity-`hD DŴ , D DŴ (1), `, D`, , tnjpatina*green crust on old bronze works, verdigris#($Ƙ ٳ 0)xxy, y, $ƘX =\ [ patriarch%father and ruler of a family or tribe , qȥ, P patrician&a person of noble birth, an aristocrat \ȹ q <-> plebian patrimony(inheritance from father, legacy, bequest 8 ǰ, ǰ patronize(1. treat as an inferior 2. condescend to!1. X 2. Ĕ 3. \ paucityscarcityM, q, ɷ,  peccadilloa minor offense, misdemeanor , p̹ , \ peculiarunusual, bizarre, individual0\, 4\, X, ų\pedanticIboringly scholarly or academic, showing off learning, bookish, scholasticYՐ| , DŔXՔ, Yx pedestrian 2. unimaginative, banal, humdrum%1. ijX, X 2. %Ŕ, Ӕ\, ɀ\ / Ր pejorativeGnegative, disgracing, derogatory, detracting, disparaging, depreciatoryX| (, xXpenchantPpredilection, strong inclination, liking, proclivity, predisposition, propensity \ , 08, penitent&sorry, repentant, contrite, remorsefulXXΔ, 8̌XՔ, XՔpensive6dreamily thoughtful, thoughtful with a hint of sadness  4, `| d peregrination)wandering, traveling, expedition, journeyʼn,  peremptory/uncompromising, final, categorical, dictatorial(9t)8\, (ij)9x perennial7continual, happening again and again or year after yearDX, t ĬXՔperfidy.treachery, apostasy, disloyalty, faithlessness0, 1 perfunctory8superficial, listless, careless, unenthusiastic, cursory \X, x, 4\, XX peripatetic>traveling continually, itinerant, wandering, ambulant, nomadic ŒXՔ, ̳DȲ periphery2outside edge of sth, especially of a round surfaceX, etperjury/lying under oath, false testimony, foreswearing p 8, ǝpermeatepass through, spreadh,X, p,  | perniciousUextremely evil, very harmful, deleterious, injurious, baneful, pestilential, virulent t\, xx, X΅x perpetratorone who committed the act| x , tՐ perpetuate'make sth perpetual, keep from perishingƍ ¤, XՌ X perquisite3a privilege that goes along with a job, perk, bonus…,  pertinent<relevant, germane, suitable, to the point, apposite, apropos \, Ĭǔperturbdisturb greatly!ȹLD , PX, <րXՌ X, iXՌ Xperuseread carefullyųX, ųX n. perusalpervadespread throughout  |, h,XperverseB1. perverted 2. pernicious, refractory, cranky, peevish, irritable1. }\ 2. 0, <, 1ȹxpetulantQrude, cranky, ill-tempered, touchy, peevish, fractious, fretful, irritable, testyT| , L\, 1ȹxphantasmapparition, ghost, phantom 9, X philanthropy.love of mankind especially by doing good deeds`, , \ٳ, philistine!x , Pt Ŕ , 8t Ӕ\ phlegmaticG1. indifferent, not easily roused to excitement, stolid 2.imperturbable1. \, 40%\, 4\ 2. ɰ\,h)\ pilgrimage8religious or spiritual journey, excursion, peregrination1@pious%1. reverent or devout 2. hypocritical 1. Yt J@, t\ 2. Yt J@Ǚ  xpiscine fish-like XX, X@ @pivotalcrucial, cardinal, momentous X, ɔx, ɔ\placateHpacify, appease, soothe, conciliate, assuage, mollify, propitiate, slake처, \X, |Iň, tplacebofake medication}(p}) plaintiveQexpressing sadness or sorrow, mournful, doleful, dolorous, lamentable, lugubrious`Ř\,  platitude@trite remark, commonplace statement, cliche?, banality, prosaismɀ\ й, Tt ` platonic(nonsexual, purely spiritual, theoretical! | YX(!ǕD ), x /  `, plausible;1. seem to be right or reasonable, believable 2. convincing1. XՌ tǔ 2. $ݴ%ǔ йD XՔplebian(plebeian)$common, vulgar, low class, bourgeois2X, Ӕ\, (vulgar), \, (\ȹX)(X) <-> patricianplethora.1. excess, overabundance, superfluity, surplus1. , 2. l 䲝, ֝pliable?1. flexible, easy to band 2. easy to convince, persuade or mold1. 0 l´, \ 2. \plight%predicamen / promise, pledge, betroty䬽 / }X, 8X, } successor predicamentdilemma, plight, quandary䬽, predilection\nature preference, partiality, disposition, penchant, predisposition, propensity, proclivity ҈ Dh, ` predispose,make susceptible, cause to be incline towardȹL ЌXcf. dispose :̬X,XX,0X predominantmost important, dominant8\, Ȕ\, \, \ preeminentIoutstanding, supreme, superior, prominent, salient, conspicuous, renownedpX, Ŝ, \preempt0seize sth by prior right, appropriate beforehand 乌 XX ݴX, Xpregnant"2. highly significant, overflowing1. \ 2. (hՕ) X¥\, Ԁ\ ; J@prelude?introduction, forerunner, overture, preamble, preface, prologue, ɹ, D  / & X ɹt  premeditatedEplanned beforehand, prearranged, plotted, precogitated, predetermined \, Ĭxpremise41. assumption, the basis for a conclusion, postulate1. (|X) 2. l / & D \X preponderance6majority, predominance, superiority of power, quantity(4, , l0, , ij Ǵ)8h,  prepossessBpreoccupy, influence beforehand or prejudice, make good impression D Ɍ X, @xD prerogativeprivilege, unquestionable rightҌpresage6portend, foreshadow, forecast, predict, foretell, bode"X, ƸX, & X p  / !, , p presentiment,premonition, foreboding, prediction, presage (8\), H presumably+probably, the assumption is that, doubtlessDȹ, !p presupposeQ1. assume beforehand 2. take for granted in advance, require as a prior condition1. X 2. DՔpt<\ Xprevail3triumph, overcome rivals, predominate, preponderate8X,  X, %X, UijXprimal01. first, original 2. of the greatest importance1. \X, X 2. Ȕ\pristineZperfectly clean and untouched, unspoiled, pure, characteristic of earlier times, primitive X, X, 0X privationHlack of comforts or necessities, poverty, destitution, indigence, penury(\ Dˆ X)M,,,proclaimannounce, declare, make known...D X, Xprocure;1. obtain or acquire by special means 2. bring about, cause1. (x%X) 2. ͘X, |0¤prodigal<wastefully extravagant, reckless with money, lavish, profuseDŌt Ȕ, Ԁ\, DXՔ prodigious;extraordinary, marvelous, enormous, colossal, huge, titanicp\, ̹\, |prodigy3miracle, extraordinary accomplishment or occurrencet\ |, X\ |, X\ , ̬profane"irreverent, blasphemous, desecrate,ųx, 1D Tה, 8X, PX / defile, (1D)Tprofess#declare, declare falsely or pretendX, 貸X, ȥX, t proficient4thoroughly competent, skillful, dexterous, very good(, \ profligateBwidely immoral, dissipate, wanton, dissolute, wasteful, licentious)\, ԉt \, DXՔ / )АprofounddeepJ@, ̿ J@, \, t\, t\profuse!1. flowing, fluent 2. extravagant1. DŌt Ȕ, Ԁ\ 2. DXՔprogeny)offspring, descendants, posterity, scionsǐ,  proletariatindustrial working class4Ĭ , \X5, dЬD proliferatespread or grow rapidly ¤, X(¤)prolific0productive, fertile, fecund, abundantly fruitfulDt| ιt , 䲰X, D%\, Ԁ\ promulgate2make known by official proclamation or publicationX, |(,  , X, X propagate*reproduce, multiply, spread or disseminate¤, X, ([, |)X, X propensityPnatural inclination or tendency, predilection, disposition, penchant, proclivity , , propitious:marked by favorable signs or conditions, favorable, kindly8pX, \, Ǭ\, D\, 8X| proponentadvocate, supporter, exponent98֐, ɐ, HŐ, Xǐpropound8put forth for analysis, propose, offer for consideration(8, Ĭ 0|) ȜX, XX proprietary=characteristic of an owner of property, constituting propertyųX, ǐX, ǐ䲴 proprietyMproperness, good manners, fitness, correct conduct, decorum, decency, dignity h, X prosaic,unimaginative, like prose, commonplace, dull8x, Ӕ\, \ proscribe6outlaw, prohibit, ostracize, banish, exile, expatriate<\ X, 0X, )X proselytizeconvert to a religion or belief(ȥ, ) ¤, ijX, ȥ¤ protagonist the leading character in a novel($, 0X)x, =̐protege@person under the protection and support of a patron, subordinate(0 x\) <8֐, Xprotocol diplomatic etiquette and customsxPX@, X, ٳܭ}, p}X Hprotractprolong, lengthen the time() $Ƙ L X, ťX provident?preparing for the future, displaying foresight, frugal, thrifty Ʌt ǔ, | DXՔ, \, \ provincial2pertaining to a province, limited, narrow, insular\, )X, X, 9x\ provisional!conditional, temporary, tentative X, |x provocation(1. act of provoking 2. incitement, cause 1. 1, 1h 2. (<), T֘XՔ, ٳprowess<1. superior skill or ability 2. superior strength or bravery1. Ŝ (@ % 2. Ŝ 0 proximitynearness , x, LprudentEcareful, having foresight, provident, chary, circumspect, wary, canny\, օ\, HŔprurientQhaving lustful thoughts, causing lust, licentious, lecherous, lascivious, amorous 8X, Lǀ\, x$X pseudonym"alias, false name, alias, pen nameuDž, , (ȐX)D8, DՅpsychehuman soul, mind, spirit<, pummel+pound or punch with the fists, beat, strike(9<\)...D X punctiliousDmeticulously attentive to detail, scrupulously exact, fussy, heedful\ | 4 ȹLĔ, <<\, 8\punditDlearned Hindu, any learned man, authority on a subject, guru, savant\ , \ YX ǐpungent+acrid, incisive, piquant, stinging, caustic$(۹, İ, йt) XՔ, t\, „\, ȹLD tpunitive$inflicting a punishment, castigatory֌X, ȔpurblindIdim-sighted, practically blind, lacking understand or imagination, obtusepX <, X, T\ puritanical1like puritan, very severe and strict about moralsPijx, 买 ũ\(P,ijU) purportedrumored, claimed%...t| 8t (|ɔ), & t| ȥ, & D XXՔputative2commonly accepted, supposed, hypothetical, reputedX, 8X, Ʌ J@quaint9pleasantly old-fashioned, picturesque, odd, idiosyncraticļ ǔ, ଍tp D ǔ, 0t\qualify'1. entitle 2. limit, modify or restrict'1. & Ō ǩD , \D 2. \X, X(8) qualitative7having to do with the quality or qualities of something x, \quandary7state of perplexity, bewilderment, dilemma, predicament 9, i, 䬽quasialmost, near, resembling pX-, Ǭ-, -quay/a landing on the edge of the water, wharf, pier =, Pquell]put an end to, squelch, suppress, subdue(rebellion, rebels, opposition), (ٳ, <ր)D t, UX querulousQcomplaining, grumbling, fretful, whining, irritable, fractious, peevish, petulantD XՔ, ,\p, 1ȹxqueryquestion, inquiry8, X8 / 8D X, X8D дqueuea line or file ((@| 0䲬) , , , / D, D quiescent?motionless, at rest, still, dormant, latent, abeyant, potential\, 4\ٳX, ଔ\, l ǔquintessential6being the most perfect example, essential, substantialtX, X X X, xquixoticidealistic but impractical-0X tݴD 4XՔp Ǵ D|J, , x, ȳ8LX quizzicalA1. questioning, inquisitive 2. teasing, mocking 3. eccentric, odd1. 80ι@ 2. , pqXՔ 3. 0t\ quotidiandaily, everyday, ordinary|X, | |ǴŘ, Ӕ\ ramification'consequence, branching out, subdivision , l, 0, , 8Trampant-widespread, uncontrollable, prevalent, raging#(<) =\, 41\, (Ѽ, E) ̹\, DŔrancorUbitter and long-lasting ill will or resentment, enmity, animosity, bitterness, hatred(J@)\, , EX, $ rapaciousKexcessively grasping, plundering, greedy, avaricious, voracious, gluttonous(҈ ȳt)ЕƤ,ι@raptureecstasy, bliss, unequaled joyi@(), Xl, 4Dɽ, 0hrarefied5esoteric, interesting to a select group only, exaltedl\, 8(ratifyconfirm, approve sth formally%X, (p} 0|) DX, <\ xX, X ratiocinationPlogical reasoning, act of drawing conclusion from premises, inference, deduction(|X) ͬ, ` rationale#underlying reason, basis, reasoning t , |pcf. rational : t1X, iլx, ͬXraucous:stridently loud, rowdy, harsh and shrill, hoarse, stridentp X, () p¬, p\ reactionary<retrograde, ultraconservative, right-wing, backward-thinkingٳX,X, XX,x/ Xǐrebuffsnub, reject, spurn!(p, 8X t) ɰX, pX / p, rebukecriticize sharplyDX, / D, Erebut4contradict, argue in opposition, provoke to be false |X, X recalcitrantKstubborn, unruly, refractory, fractious, intractable, untoward, disobedientDXՌ mXՔ,<,…X JŔrecantTpublicly take back and deny, recall, retract, repudiate, withdraw previous statement ͌X, ̌X recidivism5act of repeating an offense, habitual return to crime cf. recidivist, ” reciprocal:mutual, shared, interchangeable, exchangeable, interacting\X, 8X, , Xreclaim21. i4| X 2. PX,  ¤, ˆnj X 3. XD lX reclusive"hermitlike, withdrawn from society 8| , @T\ recondite?hard to understand, over one's head, abstruse, profound, secret$\, t\, L0 $, (¨ recrimination(bitter counteraccusation, counterchargesD Dh, , ޹ଌredeem81. buy back 2. fulfill 3. make up for 4. rescue from sin+1. XX 2. (X4)| tljX 3. D T 4. xD lXredolent:1. fragrant, odorous, aromatic, odoriferous 2. reminiscent1. @ İ 2. & D XՔredressI1. remedy 2. compensate for, make amends for / remedy, amend, restitution1. X, 2. X / P,, redundantKunnecessarily repetitive, excessive, superfluous, excessively wordy, prolixńX, \, X, pйX referendumsuffrage m,\, |,\ refractory7resisting control, stubborn, unmanageable, recalcitrant!йD H㴔, 0 ܴ, D\, ѼX, XXrefute.prove to be false, disprove, controvert, rebut |X, Xregimemethod or system of governmentXij, ȴ, , Ȍregimenregulated course, tǔƕ, ܭ , ( reiteratesay again, repeat, harp( )tX(X), X йXrelegate31. delegate 2. banish, consign to inferior position#1. X, DŽX 2. )X, Ȝ¤, XX relentlessJ1. without pity, unyielding 2. continuous, unstoppable, steady, persistent1. 4D\, (Ŕ, \ relinquish4abandon, waive, forgo, release or let go, stop doing(Ĭ. D)̹P, , 0X, ijX remission41. disappearance of a disease 2. pardon, forgiveness1. Ѽ, DX DT, | 2. t, t remonstrate;argue against, raise objections, protest, resist, withstand mXX, tX| йX remunerationpayment, recompose, stipend, renaissancerebirth or revival \, , erendsplit, tear apart, rip, cleave, ", , œ, Xrender-1. submit, present, give 2. cause to be, make(1. ȜX, X, 2. & X 3. X, ŜXrenounceCgive up formally or resign, abandon, discontinue, disown, repudiate 0X, ̹Pcf. denounce:DX reparationHpaying back, amends, compensation, redress, restitution, indemnification, 0,  repartee1quick and witty reply, witty, clever reply, sallyX ǔ Q, X nj ޹  repercussion>consequence, indirect effect, rebound, reverberation, reaction ƥ, ([X), , ,  replenish fill up again, resupply, restore D̰, \ ( )XrepleteCcompletely filled, abounding, plenary, abundantly supplied, fraughtݴ,, ̹\, ̈́  replicate,1. duplicate, copy 2. fold over or bend back1. X 2. ( D)\ repose?1. rest 2. be based on,trust in / rest, tranquility, relaxation'1. l 2. & 0| P, °| P / 4, h),  reprehensibleJworth of blame or censure, deserving blame, blamable, censurable, culpable D` ̹\, 8\repress)hold back, conceal from oneself, suppress(D) X, 8, ...D UX reprimand2reprove or rebuke severely and officially, impeach<\ DX, ĬX, EX / Ĭ, EreprisalBretaliation, revenge, counterattack, avengement, vengeance, retort , YL, reproachscold, blame, disgrace4, DX / 1. D, E, 2. DX й, 3. , 4. XΕ, ݹp reprobate>person hardened in sin, devoid of sense of decency, degenerate}, 4\ / EݹX, DXreprove=criticize mildly, censure, chide, reprimand, reproach, rebuke, 4|, DX, |X repudiate3reject, renounce, recant, disown, disavow, disclaimpX, xX, 0X repugnant repulsive, offensive, disgusting @, $Ƥ, \ requisite.necessary required / prerequisite, requirementDՔ\, DX / Dˆ, ƌ, DՔpt resignation"1. resigning 2. passive submission21. , \ԥ, 2. …, P, [x] x, 5x(acquiescence)resolutedetermined, firm, unwaverings \, 8\, tX, X\respite/a period of rest or relief, delay in punishment| , 4, 4 resplendent&brilliantly shining, radiant, dazzling买 [, Œ(dd) [, ,̀\ resurrectionreturn to life, revival&ijX \, xXX \, e, \, lj, ´X ijtreticentJquiet, restrained, taciturn, reluctant to speak (especially about oneself)5\, t 4p, retort*make a sharp reply / retaliation, reprisalйX, YLX / , й retrospectlooking backward, review, <-> prospectrevamprevise, renovate X, p(..)Xrevel?enjoy thoroughly, take delight in, carouse / revelry, bacchanalɁ ɴ, ȹ / X}, ”Xrevererespect highly, honor(t\ ȹL<\)-0X, xX, tȽXrevileVscold abusively, berate, denounce, slander, vilify, calumniate, libel, malign, traduce D)X, DX revulsionloathing, repugnance, disgustX Ǥ $, ,  rhapsodize&speak extremely enthusiastically, gush <\ (йX)cf. rhapsody: ,  \rhetoricFart of effective communication, insincere language, eloquence, oratory¬Y, , lribald;indecent or vulgar, off-color, wanton, profane, blasphemous 췴(йDXՔ)rifeJ1. occurring frequently, widespread, common 2. abundant, teeming, swarming1. 1XՔ, x 2. ̹\rigorousstrict, harsh, severeũ\, 8, \, 9\rivet1. engross 2. hold firmly%1. [, X]| X, X| L 2. 貈 Xrobust5vigorous, strong and healthy, stout, stalwart, sturdy (.t)t\, t\, Ҽ\, (P.t)\rogue&criminally dishonest person, scoundrel t, a(, ltrout21. put to flight, scatter 2. defeat overwhelmingly(1. (¤ 2. 8(¤ / \ p, i, 8(, ( rudimentary<basic, crude, unformed or undeveloped, elementary, embryonic0X, X, X, 10Xruemourn, regret, repent of"֌X, <\ 0, |X / ֌, , Druminate4contemplate, ponder, mull over, chew the cud, ponder X, ¬Xrustic0rural, bucolic, pastoral, uncouth, crude, gaucheX, \, (0X 謍X, ,\, p\ saccharine(sweet, excessively or disgustingly sweetd\ sacrilege/a violation of sth sacred, blasphemy, profanity1 ųcf. sacrosanct: 1hX sacrosanctmost sacred, inviolable 1 hX, 1\ sagaciousWdiscerning, wise, keen in judgment, shrewd, having insight, discerning, judicious, sage օ\, Ƭ\, 0\salient9sticking out, conspicuous, leaping, prominent, preeminent\, ̳\sally51. attack 2. excursion, jaunt, expedition 3. repartee)1. ̳,ͩ 2. @ʼn, 3. XΈǔQ / 1,2,3 & XsalutaryHhealthful, remedial, curative, tending to improve, beneficial, wholesome() u\, t @ salutation,greeting, welcome, opening words of greetingxǬ, xǬй sanctimonious\affecting religious feeling, displaying ostentatious or hypocritical devoutness, pharisaical Yt J@Ǚ XՔsanction3official permission, approval, endorsement, penalty!() x,,Ȭ,̌ / <\ ٳXXsanguine 1. cheerful, optimistic, hopeful&1. \, lݹ ,, ~D UXՔ, x 2. t @sarcasm@irony, jokingly or bitingly saying the opposite of what is meant , D,й, Ԑsardonic1mocking, scornful, disdainful, sarcastic, cynicalpqXՔ, DƔ, ɰx, Hsavant6scholar, very knowledgeable and learned person, pundit YՐscant"limited, meager, barely sufficient q\, |(ɷ)cf. scanty, |()schism4division, separation, rupture, discord or disharmony(貴X), (PX), scintillateLsparkle (either literally or figuratively), flash, glitter, shimmer, twinkleCD , Mt, X0ݴXscorndisdain, contemptxX, xX / x, x scrupulousScareful, conscientious, extremely thorough, fussy, heedful, meticulous, punctiliouspXՔ, t\, <<\ scrutinize'examine very carefully, canvass, survey8 pȬX, t LDseamlesswithout seam, smoothtL Ŕ(cfseam !1. 0, tLǐǬ 2. | , ` 3. i secedewithdraw from an alliance(p) X, tX seclusionAaloneness, withdrawal from other people, reclusion, sequestration((), 8\, @, @Tsect7a small religious subgroup or religion, faction, clique , P , seculardnot of religious or spiritual concerns, worldly, not pertaining to church matters, temporal, mundane8X, 8X sedentary largely confined to sitting down ID ǔ, ID |XՔ, 1X )1Xsedition?treason, the incitement of public disorder or rebellion, mutiny ٳ(XՔ ٳ) self-made1. %<\ œ8\, 1\ 2. 0 ̹sensoryof senses or sensationX,  0X, D XՔ sententious81. terse, aphoristic 2. preachy, self-righteous, pompous 1. \, x, Px 2. ,X, xǴXՔsentient)able to perceive by the senses, conscious  ǔ, ()%t ǔ sequester@1.set or keep apart, retire from public life, segregate, seclude1. ¤, @X 2. X, UXX serendipityIaccidental good fortune, discovering good things without looking for them;X, ‹Ȍ>DŸ,֬serene$calm, peaceful, tranquil, untroubledǔ\, pȩ\ serpentinesnake-like; winding, sinuous@X, @ @; ,,\cf. serpent ! @servileNsubmissive, subservient, like a servant, slavish, cringing, menial, obsequiousx1X, DŨXՔ, D\shackle/manacle, pinion. chain, fetter, curb, restraint!, q, l / D D̰, X, )tX shibbolethslogan or catchword,(貴X ƄD lļXՔ 0t )й, ٳ, , ( X)l8, \Դshrewd4wily, sagacious, perspicacious, cunning, sly, astuteƬ\, }ŭ`x, P\\singular&unique, superior, exceptional, unusual |\, Ŝ, @Ŕskirmish*fight between small groups, brief conflict@ ̳, ,, | /@ ,, |D Xskittish/nervous, easily startled, jumpy, lively, frisky|0 XՔ, \0 ǔ, \\, Lslake1. quench 2. satisfy 3. assuage"1. (D) D 2. (ݹD) D̰ 3. }T¤slanderQdefame, spread malicious rumor / calumny, depreciation, detraction, disparagementX / , D)sloth!laziness, sluggishness, indolence , <DŽ, 4sobriety,state of being sober, seriousness, soberness, , ( H\)solaceconsolation, comfort$H(<), \(XՔ) / & Ō HD , Ht  solicitousFeager and attentive, anxiously caring or attentive, worried, concernedqXՔ, ij$ `Ĕ solidaritysense of unity|X貰, solvent/2. able to pay all debts, not broke or bankrupt1. tե%t ǔ 2. Ɉ %t ǔ sophomoric5juvenile, childishly goofy, immature, shallow, callow(Y) 2YDX, 4Xt ǔ, \ soporific1sleep inducing, sleepy, somnolent / sleep produce\tX, xȰ, xȬXՔ / t, \tsordidB1. wretched, shabby, filthy, squalid 2. morally vile, contemptible1. D8\, Ȅ\ 2. () DD ȹE\ sovereignsupreme ruler, monarch Ȍ, Xΐ, pspate*1. sudden river flood 2. sudden outpouring-1. (X) p<, M 2. ij, pD, (X) , й8t 08Ș4spawnlay eggs(1. (<0 0)LD / (<0, l 0X) L, ୬speciousSdeceptively plausible or attractable, seemingly reasonable but incorrect, casuistic ոƋ@, ̹ \specterghost, phantom 9, 9@ǃspectrum?broad sequence or range of different but related things or idea™ӸsporadicJstopping and starting, occurring irregularly, scattered, fitful, spasmodicx, XՔ, ܴ8ܴ8\, ̳xspuriousIfalse, fake, counterfeit, apocryphal, bogus, sham, unauthentic, ungenuineX, p\spurn,reject or refuse disdainfully, rebuff, scornɓ, (X, X D) 4X, ɰXsqualor8filth, wretched, degraded or repulsive living conditionsh, T, h, |DhsquanderwasteDX stagnationmotionlessness, inactivityhδ, 0stalwartMstrong, sturdily built, stout, robust, brawny, valiant, unwavering, steadfastҼ\,\,U\/\ɐstarkL1. stiff(in death) 2. complete, utter, unmitigated, downright 3. harsh, grim1. (ȴ) t, 2. D\, \static"stationary, not changing or movingx, ,  Xstaunch.1. firm and steadfast, strong, solid 2. stanch1. D\, U଀ٳ\, 2. ( prone 2. \X \, bilateral unremittingunceasing, unabated, relentless J Ŕ, H4 unwitting$unintentional, not knowing, ignorant t, 4XXurbane.poised, sophisticated, suave, refined, elegantijx, 8(, X x,  ǔursinebear-like, pertaining to a bearX, @usurpseize wrongfully(%tǘ |) <\ |W, htXcf. usury: ବ()usury5lending money at an extremely high rates of interestବ () utilitarianDstressing usefulness or utility above all other qualities, pragmaticx, ©x, XXutopiaFideal society, imaginary land with perfect social and political systemt vacillateto be indecisive, waverX, ݹ$t, ٳXvacuousJ1. empty, blank, vacant 2. lacking in ideas or intelligence, inane, stupid1. H, \ 2. M\, `vagary0caprice, whim, unpredictable action, wild notionU, ű\(0x) ()vanquish,conquer, defeat, subdue, overcome, overpowerX, (0¤, Xvapid5without liveness, dull, uninteresting, insipid, inane\, Ŕ, @()`, eŔ, 0 ŔvehementIincense, forceful, violent, impetuous, with marked vigor, fervid, ferventx, ,\, ,\venal.capable of being bribed, bribable, corruptibleȳ<\ Ȱ, 0 l´, }\veneer41. thin layer 2. coating, facade, outward appearance1. Ȳ 2. \t, X(), veneraterevere, adore, worshiptȽ(-0)Xveracitytruthfulness, verity , 1, verboseMwordy, not succinct, circumlocutory, garrulous, loquacious, prolix, talkative йt ι@, p\verdant81. green, fresh, leafy 2. inexperienced, unsophisticated 1. ]X, xx t 41\ 2. t Ŕ, \verge#border, brink, edge, fringe, marginǐǬ, Ĭ / (& on) & Xverisimilitude.similarity to reality, looking like real thingx \, D \, x tǔverity0truth, reality, veracity, truism, true statement(1), XՔ, \ vernacular/language, tongue, everyday speech, slang, idiomm, ), (X) 8, (YՅt D̲)mvestigetrace, remainsT, p, T 0X TvexO1. fret, annoy, distress, trouble, pester, fester, aggrieve, torment 2. confuse1. pXՌ X, 4m 2. | Xviable%capable of maintaining life, workable(¤\ij)t`  ǔ, DŽ  ǔ vicarious:acting as a substitute, done by a deputy, surrogate, proxyX, X, D X vicissitude+upheaval, natural change, change of fortune T, , eݹ1vie9contend, compete, contest, struggle, cope, emulate, rival X, ,vigilant constantly alert, watchful, wary J ɤД, ĬXՔ, )X JŔvignette.small, decorative design or drawing, depiction$T, D$, 8, 4, tX \ X()vilifyVslander, asperse, calumniate, denigrate, rebel, traduce, say vile things about, defame DX, X vindicate;champion, clear from blame or suspicion, justify, exculpateX,h(,1)D ǝX, 8X vindictive/1. vengeful, revengeful unforgiving 2. spiteful1. D @ 2. X JŔvirtuosohighly skilled artist X p(), ȵ\ , ˆ virulent3extremely poisonous, toxic, malignant, full of hateųX, X΅x, EX ,, (Ѽt)E1xviscousviscid, sticky, glueyHtǔ, )1X, 1X visionary?produced by imagination, fanciful, mystical, delusory, quixoticXX, X, X / vitiateAspoil, impair, mar, pollute; abrogate, abolish, annul ,invalidateX| (, ¤; 4TX vitriolic1caustic, full of bitterness, corrosive, sarcastic„\, iְX, iְ @, iְ<\  vivacious=lively, frolicsome, high-spirited, gay, animated, full of pep\\, \vocation3. occupation, job1. ( \) 2. 1, 3. vociferousclamorous, noisypЌ\ xXΔ, D췴voguepopular fashion, style lj(), x0volatile-evaporating rapidly, light-hearted, mercurial 1X, U췴, H\, \, \\, \\volition51. act of making a conscious choice 2. choice 3. will%1. ͬ 2. ͬ \Ճ 3. X$ X, X, voluminous%large, extensive, having great volume  ι@, 䲑X,  ι@, ι@, p, iXp voluptuousMgratifying the senses, only seeking to pleasure, luxurious, sensual, sensuous }x, x voracious;ravenous, covetous, gluttonous, greedy, rapacious, raveningx9, vȰ, ЕƤ, D xwaftfloat, drift, blow, wave%(<, D)eeȲ / \0 , @ 0 0waive give up, relinquish, forgo, cede( D)0X, ̹P, ̌Xwake1. all-night vigil1. @ |X | 2. 0 ɘ mwane<decrease in strength or intensity, fade away, abate, subside(t)t, }t <-> waxwantonunruly, perverse, wayward; unchaste, dissolute, lewd, licentious, lustful; excessive, malicious, unjustifiable, unprovoked, egregious, bestial, brutal, cruel 0, K\X; Lǀ\, 8X; EX, 4D\warrantjustify, guarantee-...D TX, & \D , X / \ t , ƥ, DŽǥwary9cautious, watchful, careful, chary, circumspect, discreetX J@, \, p1 ǔwillful?1. deliberate 2. obstinate, intractable, pertinacious, perverse1. Ĭx, XX 2. <wistful#yearning, sadly longing, meditative`Řm ٳXՔ, Dl´ |wizenedshriveled, withered, shrunken й| HH\, woe[1. distress or misery from grief, suffering, affliction 2. misfortune, calamity causing woe1. , D` 2. ǜ, 8Twrathdeep anger, fury, resentmentx, xzealous(enthusiastically devoted to sth, fervent x, XՔ zeitgeistthe mood or spirit of the times(p)zenithfpoint directly overhead in sky, highest point, peak, pinnacle, summit, acme, apex, apogee, culmination()Y), , (D ) 0, 10ƴ貴ƴ ; ^\;2 Item3 Item4 Item5